

January 20th 2025

      • holycow23[m] uploaded an image: (121KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/mhcUbyqSUwAQzcammVTIOuYe/image.png >
      • holycow23[m]
        Hi, I was trying to setup the ListenBrainz Repo on WSL, for some reason the ./develop.sh up command doesn't go ahead after 70%, could someone help me with the same
      • wileyfoxyx[m]
        @rdswift: oh darn.. well, thanks for fixing them
      • suvid[m]
        <gaurav993[m]> "what I have done is disable..." <- thanks
      • yea installing all the reqd npm modules worked
      • mayhem[m]
        lucifer: LB is down because kiss is out of diskspace.
      • holycow23[m]
        Hi, so I was looking at [Ticket-1722](https://tickets.metabrainz.org/projects/LB/issues/LB-1722?filter=allopenissues), it had a suggestion to add a filter to unlinked listens, was thinking about it and had some suggestions,
      • 1) Right now since any user can view other user's profile and link his listens so we could make the page at settings/link-listens public at <username>/link-listens since there is no need for it to be restricated
      • 2) We could put a button next to Add Listens on dashboard page itself and link it to the Unlinked Listens page
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1722: Allow to filter unlinked listens
      • holycow23[m]
        * Hi, so I was looking at [Ticket-1722](https://tickets.metabrainz.org/projects/LB/issues/LB-1722?filter=allopenissues), it had a suggestion to add a filter to unlinked listens, was thinking about it and had some suggestions,
      • 1. Right now since any user can view other user's profile and link his listens so we could make the page at `settings/link-listens` public at `username>/link-listens` since there is no need for it to be restricated
      • 2. We could put a button next to the `Add Listens` button on dashboard page itself and link it to the Unlinked Listens page or we could get rid of that page and show the content of that page in the dashboard itself.
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 14rahul31124 closed pull request #525 (03main…rahul3112-ImproveRetryButtonDesign): Refactor 'Retry' button design: Updated to a more visually appealing … https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • zas[m]
        https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirencester -> there's a link to https://musicbrainz.org/area/ed0e38cc-8334-4021... (I usually expect those for bands or labels, but...)
      • reosarevok[m]
        Thanks wileyfoxyx and Bob Swift! I'll look into the whole thing soon TM
      • Hopefully in a few days at most :)
      • I'll add it to my todo
      • monkey[m]
        holycow23: I'm not exactly sure how the suggestions you posted resolve the ticket LB-1722 , but for what it's worth regarding point 1. the page used to be accessible for other users but we changed that to prevent a vector of attack (or maybe just severe annoyance) considering this manual matching system requires multiple matches for a track in order to become automatic. We wanted to make it harder to game that aspect of the website.
      • Regarding point 2. we are certainly not getting rid of the link listens page. Adding another link to it might be helpful, but I fail to see how it addresses the ticket.
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1722: Allow to filter unlinked listens https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1722
      • holycow23[m]
        Regarding the ticket, I did work on it, place a button next to it which just shows the unlinked listens out of all the listens which is kind of what the user can see at settings/link-listens so not really sure if its useful
      • monkey[m]
        LB team: I reclaimed another 31G of space by pruning some old unused docker images. A drop in the ocean, perhaps, but a drop might feel like a lake to a thirsty server.
      • mayhem[m]
        thanks, I was hesitant to run the prune, but great. :)
      • holycow23[m]
        * Regarding the ticket, I did work on it, place a button next to Add listens which just shows the unlinked listens out of all the listens which is kind of what the user can see at settings/link-listens so not really sure if its useful
      • monkey[m]
        holycow23[m]: I don't think that's what the ticket is about. I think it is about filtering listens in the existing link listens page, for example I imagine filtering by track, album or artist name to see a smaller list of listens if you have pages of them.
      • mayhem[m]: I pruned some over the weekend, but looked into it closer and cleansed.
      • holycow23: That being said, I might be misunderstanding the ticket. It might be worth trying to get in touch witht he user who created the ticket on jira
      • (considering the ticket description is a bit ambiguous)
      • holycow23[m]
        Oh, maybe I misunderstood the Ticket then, cause a user isn't aware of the link listens page so maybe he was referring to filtering the unlinked on the dashboard itself. That being said, do you think the feature I just suggested could be any good?
      • monkey[m]
        IMO your suggestion duplicates some of the functionality from the existing link listens page.
      • I think it would be wiser to funnel people towards and improve the link listens page directly.
      • holycow23[m]
        So how about the button just redirecting to that link listens page itself since its tough to find that page as a first time user
      • monkey[m]
        Filtering on the dashboard will be tricky at the very best, because we load listens page by page and there is currently no means to filter unlinked listens from that endpoint. The unlinked listens page on the other hand loads all that data on page load, and does grouping and such on the front-end, so filtering would be much more straightforward.
      • mayhem[m]
        monkey: I'm updating funding.json with new asks and our last year financials. we're allowed up to 10 asks and I am thinking of:
      • monkey[m]
        holycow23[m]: I think a mockup might be helpful for what you propose. If the goal is to make the page more discoverable, it's a separate ticket but it's a valid one nonetheless. However I'd like to see an example to be able to evaluate whether it will help with discoverability
      • mayhem[m]
        what do you think?
      • holycow23[m]
        monkey[m]: I actually did manage to do that, but yes the paging might be complicated and the link-listens page is any day a better option so maybe a button to just redirect to the page might be a better option.
      • mayhem[m]
        where the average dev/month cost for 2024 was $2600. I'll set the one month cost at $2500.
      • holycow23[m]
        monkey[m]: Sure will work on it and get back
      • suvid[m]
        <monkey[m]> "> <@suvid:matrix.org> Hi monkey..." <- Hi monkey... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • monkey[m]
        mayhem: For posterity, funding looks good.
      • For nagcheck, I get -36 (days), ie a bit more than a month since my last donation: https://metabrainz.org/donations/nag-check?edit...
      • suvid: Yes you will indeed need a back-end endpoint you can call from the front-end. You can look in the fil listenbrainz/webserver/views/user_timeline_event_api.py where the feed events are implemented, for example the hide/unhide endpoints which refer to an existing feed event:
      • mayhem[m]
        what was the first value again?
      • monkey[m]
        Nag or no-nag
      • mayhem[m]
        if that is "do not nag" then all is well.
      • monkey[m]
        -1 = unknown person, 0 = no need to nag, 1 = should be nagged
      • mayhem[m]
        ok, an MEB bug then.
      • will you please open a ticket and assign to me?
      • monkey[m]
        Sure thing
      • MEB-166
      • BrainzBot
        MEB-166: Bug in nag-check calculations https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MEB-166
      • fettuccinae[m]
      • mayhem[m]
        @fettuccinae:matrix.org: will try to get to that this afternoon
      • BrainzGit
        [metabrainz.org] 14mayhem opened pull request #499 (03master…update-funding.json): Update funding.json https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/pu...
      • mayhem[m]
        monkey: ^^
      • Shreyas[m]
        Hi jasje ,
      • I was working on the `BrainzPlayerListenCard` to implement touch-to-play functionality for the song, as you suggested. Should I remove the `PlayButton` from the `BrainzPlayerListenCard`, or should I keep it as it is?
      • Also, while highlighting the currently playing song in the BP tab, the songs are displayed only in the SongsOverviewScreen and RecentPlaysOverviewScreen. So, the title should be highlighted there only, right? Because in the ArtistsOverviewScreen and AlbumsOverviewScreen, there isn’t any song title to highlight.
      • monkey[m]
        gaurav993: I'm not sure about how all this should work. You are right in pointing out we have two different mechanisms, but I think we either forget about disabling the username input or rethink the UI entirely for it to combine long-term status (connected to service) and momentary ones (import loved tracks) which could benefit other music services (for example, import loved tracks from Spotify which we don't currently have).
      • gaurav993: Actually, i take back what I said ! Let's make it so the "import loved tracks" button is also disabled until you connect your LFM account. It doesn't make much sense to have one without the other, and if someone really wants that there is the possibility to set "Start import from" to today's date (effectively preventing importing existing tracks), click "import loved tracks", then disconnect LFM.
      • I think that simplifies the system and the UI will be consistent
      • jasje[m]
        <Shreyas[m]> "Hi jasje ,..." <- Remove play button
      • suvid[m]
        <monkey[m]> "> <@suvid:matrix.org> Hi monkey..." <- the UI for the person thanking seems simple
      • what about the person receiving the thank you?
      • monkey[m]
        <suvid[m]> "the UI for the person thanking..." <- I think that should be a new feed event for the thank-you-receiver
      • (we probably don't want to allow thank yous on thank you events :p )
      • suvid[m]
        monkey[m]: yea that would lead to recursive thank you's lol
      • monkey[m]
        Good band name
      • gaurav993[m]
        <monkey[m]> "gaurav993: Actually, i take back..." <- Since I was a bit free, I have created UI according to what I thought would be good, including all current features just with a submit button. It allows you to connect to an account and also import loved tracks manually from same or some other account irrespective of whether you are connected or not. This is the code for MusicServices.tsx in music services folder in settings
      • In case this is not upto mark, i will make changes just like you mentioned disabling "Import Loved Tracks" options until you connect to LFM account.
      • * Since I had some spare time, I have created UI according to what I thought would be good, including all current features just with a submit button. It allows you to connect to an account and also import loved tracks manually from same or some other account irrespective of whether you are connected or not. This is the code for MusicServices.tsx in music services folder in settings https://pastebin.com/V6y2qqMp
      • In case this is not upto mark, i will make changes just like you mentioned disabling "Import Loved Tracks" options until you connect to LFM account.
      • mayhem[m]
      • its all going to be in docker volumes, I am sure.
      • yerp
      • 476.9 GiB [##########] /listenbrainz-dump-temporary-storage... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • lol
      • monkey: here is your stash of bananas for calling this one: 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌
      • monkey[m]
        Yusss ! 🍌 🏦
      • mayhem[m]
        lucifer: something is wrong with the temporary dump storage.
      • ncdu is a freaking GREAT tool.
      • /var/lib/docker/volumes/listenbrainz-dump-temporary-storage/_data/tmp/archives has 350GB in it. how can we clean that up?
      • monkey[m]
        mayhem: when you look into the nag-check issue, could you also please look at the similar query in LB?
      • Might be missing an index somewhere or something like that, the query has been flagged as slow:
      • mayhem[m]
        got a ticket to assign to me?
      • monkey[m]
        There's a MEB ticket, and the sentry ticket above. I can put more info in the MEB ticket, or I can create an LB ticket as well if you prefer
      • mayhem[m]
        MEB ticket should suffice, methinks.
      • JoeBiden957258
        Hey guys... Joe Biden here. I've decided to step down from the White House to focus on other projects. Billionaires are a threat to democracy, so check out https://BidenCash.st to put them in the bullseye. Keep an eye on the CNN inauguration for a promo code!
      • monkey[m]
        Added more info to the MEB ticket
      • mayhem[m]
        monkey: I propose that we leave the no-nag until we move the user accounts to meb.org -- right now the no nag flag data exists only on MB.org not in metabrainz.
      • as for Maxr1998, I could just enter a donation for the time being, so that Max would not be nagged.
      • monkey[m]
        That explains that
      • I suppose that's a decent stopgap on a personal level, but you're opening yourself to having to add a bunch of phantom donations to the DB, and not sure if that will help your next round of accounting...
      • mayhem[m]
        I'll even add a note to remove the phantom donation. ;)
      • Jade[m]1
        <BrainzGit> "[musicbrainz-server] JadedBlueEy..." <- Given I'm not sure how to fix the tests this breaks, should I create a PR for a different email in the meantime, just to keep the ball rolling?
      • julian45[m]
        MB documentation links seem to be broken. e.g., https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Edit_Note should absolutely be a valid piece of documentation but it just leads to a page saying "Sorry, “Edit Note” is not a valid documentation page." right now
      • mayhem[m]
        julian45: FWIW, I see the correct Edit Note page when I click the link above.
      • julian45[m]
        mayhem: huh, must have been a momentary issue.
      • I can see it now
      • For a moment there, even the "looking for something? check out documentation" link on the broken link page was giving the same error
      • Jade[m]1
        <BrainzGit> "[musicbrainz-server] JadedBlueEy..." <- Oops, replied in thread. Try again:
      • Given I'm not sure how to fix the tests this breaks, should I create a PR for a different email in the meantime, just to keep the ball rolling?
      • I'd love to get this fully deployed before next GSoC rolls around haha
      • feel like that may call for enabling multiple at once
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (164KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/pIXmLrmjkRswUcbcLNNFdomN/image.png >
      • suvid[m]
        how can i test feed locally?
      • julian45[m]
        <Jade[m]1> "Oops, replied in thread. Try..." <- > <@jade:ellis.link> Oops, replied in thread. Try again:
      • > Given I'm not sure how to fix the tests this breaks, should I create a PR for a different email in the meantime, just to keep the ball rolling?
      • Spurious failures on PR tests do happen, and looking closely at the failed test here, it seems completely unrelated to the code you're working with. Not my final authority, but my personal vote here would be to potentially ignore it
      • But that being said, if you feel like opening a separate PR for a new mail type would be a productive use of your time, I have no objection to that :)
      • Jade[m]1
        From what I can remember, there was an E2EE test for account registration and verification that this broke
      • It was a while since I looked at it though, could be wrong
      • julian45[m]: Yeah, I'll probably try to do multiple at once
      • suvid[m]
        suvid[m]: do i need to build spark as well for it to work?
      • Jade[m]1
        given what takes the most time is setting up development and testing the emails
      • julian45[m]
        Jade[m]1: This failure is reporting as issues serializing an artist entity: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/metab...
      • * This particular failure is
      • And given that the PR in question is for sending verification emails to users... shrugs
      • Jade[m]1
        Ah OK
      • There is a lot of output to go through lol
      • Jade[m]1 uploaded an image: but this was the one I was thinking about I think (79KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/ellis.link/PuMCnpTOQapgPuEoDehdFbfQzKJDdFP6 >
      • julian45[m]
        good point, i do see that one now
      • monkey[m]
        suvid: The feed does not need spark. Check the errors in your computer console where you are running docker