would any devs mind running a quick sql query for me? i want to see how many different people have used one of my userscripts and i think this will do the trick... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
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<aerozol[m]> "Didn't see the thread on my..." <- Alright! we have fixed the orange titles and toggles. (also there's designs for like four different screens on different pages so if any of them need any changes do let us know)
About the playlist cover arts, should we try to implement them or drop the idea and match the web design?
<raven0us[m]> "Alright! we have fixed the..." <- Ah I didn’t see the other pages! Nice one. It all looks good to me, except that there are also some cases where existing styles shoudl be used (e.g. toggles). I assume you are not planning to make the cards and search bar, things like that, as new styles either?
aerozol[m]: re. cover art, ansh has been working on a playlist cover art generator lately, so the timing might be good to design in an image, and eventually grab the playlist cover art when it’s implemented
I dont think so, so we now use the prod database with the mb_mapper login. but please wait for lucifer to chime ine
ok thx, I ask because that database hasn't been updated since 2023 and I was planning to drop it (so I can move postgres-aretha to another server)
but there is a current postgres-json-dump container on hendrix if you still need it
Yeah, I think that is all fine.
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<jasje[m]> "The website does it because of..." <- If it’s *optional*, I don’t see a problem tbh
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any chance that something's busted with the MB "Edits for your subscriptions" emails? i didn't get the expected one ~23 hours ago. the one prior to that got sent 4-5 hours later then usual