

      • mayhem[m]
        reosarevok: you can now pause/unpause users in the LB admin interface. From the User tab, With selected...
      • MonkeyPython
        I wouldn't mind going early-ish this time
      • reosarevok[m]
        Oh, nice, maybe I should use it for the dupe users whose mails both bounce
      • But for now
      • <BANG>
      • Welcome to another MetaBrainz Monday Meeting!
      • I have two mailed in reviews today
      • derat says:
      • '''
      • My fixes for MBS-13920 went in -- thanks to reosarevok and bitmap for reviewing!
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13920: Make it harder to skip warning about feat. artists in track titles https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13920
      • reosarevok[m]
        I also started messing around with Tidal's complicated and poorly-documented v2 API since most of yambs's requests to their internal API seem to be getting blocked now.
      • It feels like they've done their best to make it hard to use from a statically-typed language (e.g. properties that can be either an object or an array of objects, arrays that mix objects of different types), so we'll see if I have the patience to actually rewrite my code to use it.
      • '''
      • derat: you might want to talk to outsidecontext about it since he was working on it for harmony
      • And aerozol says:
      • '''
      • Hello! I am feeling better now, just having a fun time trying to catch up on sleep and two weeks of neglected work. If I’m up I’ll pop into the meeting, but if I am getting some blessed sleep I will take it, and you will see me at next week’s meeting.
      • Same as last week, I have just been staying on top of the basics, socials and a couple of tickets.
      • '''
      • MonkeyPython
        Sleep well aerozol
      • reosarevok[m]
        MonkeyPython: you wanted to go early?
      • On my list for today: ansh, julian45, monkey, bitmap, lucifer, kellnerd, yvanzo, mayhem, reosarevok, zas, outsidecontext, jasje, Gautam Shorewala
      • MonkeyPython
        Arararara~! hi!
      • (i've got a whole bunch so i'm gonna just paste it and run off. people pm me or whatever)
      • Still having very hectic weeks (and due to house BS going to be EVEN Moar this week)
      • not helped by there being an emergency cut of the water for 2 hours this morning due to some pump-error (was thankfully fixed atleast)
      • Still I am starting to see the end of the Work on the Table of Contence for our BookBrainz Style document (I hope, I keep finding new things we should probably add, lol)
      • updated Vivaldi (shock gasp!) so now translations don't work anymore, lol (translating work on Picard will have to eh, wait.)
      • In that vein: anyone familiar with vivaldi/chrome extensions who want to earn 100 bucks get in contact with me abt writing a gorram extension. (I've had it, lol)
      • There's more of this stuff, but it's offtopic so not important
      • Come March and I'll have time to work on instruments again (hopefully, lmao)
      • that's it, the next fish can be kellnerd
      • kellnerd[m] joined the channel
      • kellnerd[m]
        Hi 👋
      • I've also been in the "annoyed by Tidal's API" team this week
      • I was testing and reviewing outsidecontext's provider implementation for Harmony, trying to make the best out of what we have...
      • https://github.com/orgs/tidal-music/discussions... is probably a good summary why it is annoying to use.
      • At least I also found a bit of time to also do a bit of coding and community support as well.
      • That's it, go zas !
      • zas[m]
      • Last week we received new AX102 servers, I configured them. Those are named cesaria & isaac, they are aimed at replacing our current main db servers ASAP.
      • I continued to work on the DNS migration; wrote a script to ease export/import from Gandi to Porkbun, currently testing, we created accounts, and we'll start very soon, with few non-critical domains
      • Plus usual stuff, supervision, admin tasks, upgrades, Picard PR reviews (about that, we released a new version of Picard 2.13 today). fin.
      • bitmap: you?
      • bitmap[m]
      • petitminion joined the channel
      • last week I worked on some infrastructure related tasks, mainly setting up new PG standby nodes on cesaria/isaac, moving all test.mb services to another node, updating docker-postgres-cluster/syswiki
      • I also worked on some minor MBS tickets and got CI (very nearly) passing in my github-actions branch after fighting with chrome for several hours
      • also did a bunch of code review
      • that's all for me, outsidecontext next!
      • outsidecontext[m joined the channel
      • outsidecontext[m
      • last week I looked into the packaging issue we had with the recent Picard release and for which zas and I did the release today. Also some bugfixes.
      • I also started looking into the macOS ARM builds again, I think we will have some test builds for interested users soon
      • Apart from that finished the Tidal implementation for Harmony. It's currently in kellnerd 's thorough review :) We should have this ready soon
      • ansh, want to go next?
      • kellnerd[m]
        (I think it's ready, just have to hit approve :P)
      • ansh[m]
        Hi Everyone!
      • Last week, I started working on the recordings page.
      • I explored the options to migrate LB from Bootstrap 3 to React Bootstrap 5.
      • Fixed stuck Server CI Tests.
      • And reviewed couple of PRs.
      • That's it for me
      • monkey: next?
      • monkey[m]
        Hello there !
      • Last week I started work on fixing LB-1659, and issue with listens submission
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1659: Brainzplayer partially sends the information of the previous track instead of current https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1659
      • monkey[m]
        (And more generally stale state in BarinzPlayer)
      • Or, you know, spelled correctly
      • Had meetings with the LB team
      • Worked on adding the new playlist cover images to the playlist overview page
      • Reviewed PRs and followed up on user feedback
      • Reviewed BookBrainz PRs and worked on the bootstrap5 migration a bit
      • And finally, implemented LB-1735 as a little gift for aerozol
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1735: Manually add listens: Default to MBID type being pasted https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1735
      • monkey[m]
        yvanzo: What about you?
      • yvanzo[m] joined the channel
      • yvanzo[m]
      • Not much about last week, I just kept working on MusicBrainz Solr 9 backups.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Still on my list for today: julian45, lucifer, mayhem, reosarevok, jasje, Gautam Shorewala
      • yvanzo[m]
        Fin. Go Gautam Shorewala ?
      • GautamShorewala[
      • Last week was not well so not able to do much
      • My mr for orientation issues in LB was merged
      • So hopefully it will improve user experience in tabs
      • And currently looking into some issues I can work on
      • That's all from me
      • Go jasje:
      • reosarevok[m]
        It seems he's not appearing yet :) Someone else for now?
      • mayhem[m] can go
      • Go mayhem
      • mayhem[m]
        last week was the usual background stuff, emails, customers etc.
      • but then I switched to doing technical work -- first try to convince Solr to do typesense style spelling correction and the results are.... confounding. i'll have to ask lucifer to take a look at it and see if he can spot something else.
      • but that endpoint is getting over 500k requests per day, so its not trivial.
      • and then I started working on listenbrainz-local and made very good progress. hopefully next week I can have something to show off for people who have a subsonic API installation. fun stuff.
      • and a big thanks for lucifer for helping me with the OAuth client stuff -- saved me lots of time.
      • next lucifer !
      • lucifer[m]
        hi all!
      • reosarevok[m]
        Still on my list for today: julian45, reosarevok, jasje
      • lucifer[m]
        last week, i worked on debugging some disk space issues with the spark cluster, the autocleanup is still not working as expected so had to do some manual cleanup.
      • also, helped mayhem fix some disk space issues on kiss/gaga.
      • switched spark dumps to zstd which halved their size but its bigger than regular listen dumps which still puzzles me.
      • worked on adding a blocking + moderation log feature to meb to progress on the users migration.
      • also fixed artist map stats.
      • that's it for me.
      • reosarevok: next?
      • reosarevok[m]
      • This week I worked on getting a bunch more old PRs ready for merging
      • A lot of small tickets, including a bunch of URL stuff as usual
      • Dealing with a good bunch of reports, a few new style changes, and then I got sick so I've been taking it slow today
      • That's about it for me - what about you julian45 ?
      • julian45[m]
      • This week I tested one of the SSO tools up for consideration within my lab environment and adjusted the doc I wrote accordingly -- re-ranked some things and wrote up a proposed action plan.
      • Hopefully in the slot after reviews, we can do a quick recap and come to a decision about action steps.
      • if you have looked at the doc before, you should be able to see changes since your last view, at least in a web browser)
      • That's all for me for reviews. Go jasje ?
      • jasje[m]
      • Did some PR reviews last week
      • Re-iterated on potential projects
      • Thats it for me
      • I guess thats it
      • reosarevok[m]
        That should be it for reviews :)
      • Thanks everyone!
      • We still have summit dates, but I think that's just because nobody blanked it
      • (dammit, I always forget)
      • mayhem[m]
        nuke it
      • reosarevok[m]
        So, julian45: SSO
      • julian45[m]
      • So first, a refresher on motivation and general aims of this work:
      • The idea is to implement a centralized identity provider for MeB admins/staff and use single sign-on (SSO) integrations with as many services as possible that support it, such as MeB's Google Workspace tenant, Sentry, etc.
      • This both reduces the amount of credentials that need to be remembered for each user down to 1 (or as close to it as possible) and centralizes the ability to audit/log user auth history, as well as use more modern auth like passkeys and time-based keys and the like
      • Some tools are identified and discussed in the doc but reducing my proposal down to its most fundamental parts:
      • Step 1: Try the self-hostable tool that came out in 2nd place first since it deserves a fair shot (didn't quite beat another tool since it misses something the other one does natively, but is lighter-weight than that other one)
      • Step 2: Should that not work out, try the other main self-hostable candidate
      • Step 3: If at any point it becomes too much trouble/time/effort to self host this, consider some of the closed-source/commercial options discussed in the doc. Hopefully it doesn't come to this
      • At all points, we would start with a small test group of users to minimize efforts if moves between tools are necessary...
      • And then for each tool that the group evaluates, we consense on go/no-go for that tool and either continue to the next one to try or expand the user tool as appropriate
      • Decision tree cycles as needed until the best tool for us is found.
      • Alright that's most of what I wanted to put out there.
      • **For today: can we look at the current proposed action plan and decide yes/no about it?**
      • * Alright that's most of what I wanted to put out there.
      • **For today: can decide yes/no about the proposed action plan?**
      • * Alright that's most of what I wanted to put out there.
      • **For today: can we decide yes/no about the proposed action plan?**
      • lucifer[m]
        Sorry I am not upto on the topic but why do we need a separate tool for this? Sentry, and Grafana both support sso with Google iirc which hosts out MetaBrainz email accounts anyway?
      • julian45[m]
        lucifer[m]: Separate tool reduces dependency on Google for one
      • Also Google's IdP implementation is not great & hard to audit in my experience
      • lucifer[m]
        i see, makes sense.