<suvid[m]> "Hi monkey..." <- I just realized that this issue ticket is a part of a GSoC project. I initially considered working on it, but I'll leave it for now. Apologies for the confusion!
reosarevok: bitmap yvanzo We just got an invoice from mapbox: Invoice total: $253.75. last month was $9.
is our traffic going up or just the prices? but I would rather not spend this money...
if its just for embedding static maps, could use open street maps too.
That's a ridiculous amount, worth asking wtf at least maybe?
<mayhem[m]> "reosarevok: bitmap yvanzo We..." <- the analytics show a huge increase in Raster Tiles API requests (which MB doesn't use at all), so it's possible someone else is using our default public token. I'll generate new ones and try setting up URL restrictions
ohhh, the plot thickens. thanks for looking into it.
done, the default public token has been refreshed too. note that the URL restrictions on the new prod token require a referrer header, so it may not work with certain browser extensions...
[listenbrainz-android] 14GautamCoder4019k opened pull request #553 (03main…bug_user_is_coming_null_if_we_click_on_you_in_feed): Fix null profile screen if we click on "You" in feed https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
GautamShorewala[ joined the channel
GautamShorewala[ uploaded a video: (4207KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/yRMItZgkeFbrSkJMJrLWysEO/1000239308.mp4 >
jasje: had a doubt regarding navigation in LB app when we navigate to profile screen from feeds or explore even if we click on feed or explore section in bottom nav the screen stays in profile screen only and it will not go unless we back press .
Is this an intended way to do it ?
* @jasje:matrix.org: had a doubt regarding navigation in LB app when we navigate to profile screen from feeds or explore even if we click on feed or explore section in bottom nav the screen stays in profile screen only and it will not go unless we back press . Is this an intended behaviour?
* @jasje:matrix.org: had a doubt regarding navigation in the LB app .When navigating to the profile screen from the feeds or explore sections, even if we click on the feed or explore tab in the bottom navigation, the screen remains on the profile page until we press the back button . Is this an intended behaviour?
jasje[m] joined the channel
<GautamShorewala[> "jasje: had a doubt regarding..." <- Nope it is not the intended behaviour.