and now for something really silly, motivated by monkey : artist_credit_sortnames.
I remember at the summit in London in 2008 when we debated if we ever needed artist_credit_sortnames we couldn't come up with a reason for having them.
17 years later, lol.
<GautamShorewala[> "jasje: aerozol please review the..." <- Looks good
What's the use case? I'd expect in any case that if you have a use for this as well in LB, we should look into materializing this for the next schema change?
the artist_name is in japanese, but the sort_name is romanized.
(which we should announce in a couple weeks)
Yes, sort names are all supposed to be in Latin script
I would like to find all artists where that is the case. do you know how to do that?
It's always been the guideline
So if any are not, that's an error
(of course some are not, but :) )
neat. so if the artist_name is not in latin script, then bingo, i found a case, right?
In theory, yes. Most non-Latin artist names will have Latin sortnames, except ones added by people who don't know the guideline
Most Russian composers, Japanese/Korean pop bands, etc
(ok, I guess a lot of k-pop and j-pop bands do have Latin names to begin with)
I can't guard against bad data, so I wont. but that is what I needed to know, thanks!
So what's the use case, and how are you planning to calculate the sort names for ACs?
reosarevok[m] needs to go for a bit, back in an hour max
(I'll read / answer then)
This would be used for matching listens, where the ibncoming listen data will bewhatever your player sends (so fairly often romanized names, which currently result in no match)
dvirtz[m] joined the channel
Why can't the UI block entering non-latin sort names?
petitminion joined the channel
(that was responding to reo)
dvirtz[m]: that smacks of effort, really.
dvirtz[m]: Not every user will know how to latinize stuff :)
monkey[m]: Fair, the order won't match of course, but
monkey[m] uploaded an image: (14KiB) < >
yea. I don't see it
Force refrehs the page, maybe?
¯_ (ツ)_/¯
is it still 22?
huh.. the page shows updated in another browser... so..
wtf vivaldi
(but also for some reason it shows an ad in firefox "from ethical ads" and it's about AI so i dunno)
do we have that on there? we shoudl remove ads from our RTD
wait. wtf.ifi look into "inspect" and "sources" there. i actually see my changes in the source.. what the actual fuck
suvid[m] has quit
uh. ok soi tried refreshing again and now it shows. but i spotted an error and. i fixed it and. refreshing doesn't update it. so i guess some kind of severe cache issue :/
huh. odd
well alright
kellnerd[m] has quit
ansh: Am I clear to merge the mobile player PR, or do you want to have another look as I changed a bunch of stuff?
ansh[m] joined the channel
Sure! I'll have a look at that PR once today
Thanks !
I think we'll need a follow-up PR in any case, so if we find more bugs I'm expecting to fix them on the heels of deploying it.
Just want to avoid piling on more work in this giganto-PR