monkey ansh ooooh new graph!! Really cool. Love the colours
P.S. I wonder if we should be careful of not dropping the artist country graph down too far? We’ve had a few people shout that out as particular useful/different to other services
leftmostcat (UTC-8): hiya! Are you the author of the perl module unidecode?
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zas: hi! i think the spark servers upgrade didn't go right? marlon shows only 450G of total space
all servers i checked actually.
that's the storage they have (2 SSDs of ~500gb in RAID1)
i remember it used to 1TB before the server upgrade
on each server
mayhem[m] suspects RAID-0 vs RAID-1 issue
they were striped, not mirrored, right?
i see yeah that's possible. i think we can do RAID-0 for spark servers because HDFS does provide redundancy for the data in the spark cluster.
oh, that would explain this
that said there have been disk issues with the cluster in the past.
but 1 TB of storage is needed on almost all nodes to avoid running into disk issues. so we'd have to add new disks if we want to keep RAID-1.
ok, I'll see if we can convert without reinstalling, perhaps tricky, but I can try
I can perhaps do it from rescue, can I stop marlon in order to test?
lucifer: ?^^
zas: its currently running a job but i don't think it will succeed with the current diskspace anyway. so yup feel free to restart any/all of the spark servers.
[]( another question, we need about 8 VMs for spark processing of MLHD dumps for probably about a week
Whwn do you think we can do that?
If mayhem is ok (money-wise), we can. Which VM specs do you need?
yup []( suggested it during LB earlier this week
but, really, lets keep an eye on these servers. lets really keep it a week and not forget them, please.
[]( how about less servers but bigger ones? I see there are ones with 192G of ram
ram is what we need, so, go for it.
zas: okay let's coordinate this on monday. i want to make some changes to import the mlhd dumps faster.
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<mayhem[m]> "leftmostcat (UTC-8): hiya! Are..." <- That's my Doppelgänger. He's written a bunch of Perl stuff and was rude enough to steal my name and interests before I even got to them.
lolwut. that's pretty cool on the whole. its an amazing module and we rely on the python version. but there is a C++ version which might be important to me soon.
He seems like a pretty cool guy, and I'm not just saying that because our interests really are weirdly aligned.
<leftmostcatUTC-8> "He seems like a pretty cool guy,..." <- have you ever contacted him?
I have! We've been in touch a few times.
My first email to him, I introduced myself by pointing out which of the people on his list I was. 😁
I'm thinking we should publish these every friday on the created for you page.
Yes absolutely
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zas: , bitmap reosarevok MB is freaking out.
very slow with loads of closed connection errors
yes, we're on it (since one hour or so), blocking a lot of IPs
ah, sorry. been deep in code.
np, it should be better now btw
it is! <3
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wolf is about to use all the disk space
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jasje: akshaaatt i was looking into the current ExoPlayer implementation in the LB app as part of my GSoC proposal on integrating 'Listening Now' and fixing bugs in BrainzPlayer. I was considering whether we could migrate to Media3, as I have experience working with it. I was also thinking of including this in my GSoC proposal. Let me know your thoughts
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GautamShorewala[: As of now we have no plans to migrate to Media3. Afaik, its undocumented for the large part. Plus that project does not deal with exoplayer that much
jasje[m]: There is some refactoring that would take place, but it would not be huge
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[musicbrainz-server] 14mwiencek opened pull request #3498 (03master…mbs-12170): MBS-12170: Output containing country code for all artists in web service