hiya! I like that you're thinking in terms of UI, but currently I am much more interested in the technical details behind the semantic recommender -- that sounds like a lot of work, really. hence my question as to what tools you plan to use to make all this happen.
Hey! So most likely I feel that Python or JS with a web scraper and interaction with music brainz RDMS would allow for these connections to be identified. I say a web scraper due to the fact that sentiments can be analyzed with information that is taken off of publicly available information about albums, and then put into bins/categories
This would require a NLP approach combined with content-based recommendation
So an example could be extracting information about an album's themes/moods, analyzing mlp, and then quantifying that in the context of both musical genres, but also moods
what sites would you scrape?
"content-based recommendation" what does that mean? acoustic qualities of the music?
ah yes.
so, we have the AcousticBrainz project that has this info. but the underlying algorithms suck, so the data is... well.. shit.
that is why the project is on life support now. and spotify shut down access to their acoustic API.
so, content based recommendation is outside of our reach for the time being.
mayhem[m]: Well mainly I was looking at wikipedia due to how it contains aggregate info from different review sites. RYM is protected by cloudflare + it's against their TOS so that's not really viable lol
WP is perfect. anything else without clear usage rights would be a much harder sell.
and MB has a ton of WP links so we can download that stuff right quick.
<mayhem[m]> ""content-based recommendation..." <- Acoustic Qualities could definitely be an aspect of it, but there are also things like subgenres that better explain a particular type of music (once again, wikipedia has in depth explanations of various subgenres), as well as general descriptors that describe themes within an album, or tags that describe emotions an album evokes.
JuliaHusar[m] uploaded an image: (87KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/zHftkXbCVLobJfcOUkhLZtHW/Screenshot%202025-03-16%20at%208.15.26%E2%80%AFPM.png >
AOTY for example has detailed descriptions of genres. I know that musicbrainz does too with tags, but I feel that there could be a finer level of granularity
defining a subset of tags that express moods and using those: cake.
not sure if that data is statistically significant, however.
mayhem[m]: Which data?
tags that express moods in MB.
I'd assume the sample size is under 30 😭
however, we could encourage users to tag tracks with moods in order to improve how this works.
yeah, scraping the bottom of the barrel.
what else could be used?
have similarity data, popularity data
we have a neighborhood where users are compared to other users based on their listening history.
so you get a user's musical neighbors
mayhem[m]: I did see that which I thought was interesting
I'm just throwing out what we have, hoping something adds to the pile.
I did not understand how anything was being calculated though 😭😭😭😭😭
I have to go to bed rn because i have a long day tmrw but I'll definitely sleep on it and talk it out with a few friends!
but lets keep chatting, this sounds super interesting
mayhem[m]: will be looking at this!!!!
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Hi, can anyone tell me where I can find the files like mb_metadata.xml and index.json for the project Implement a daemon that corrects out-of-sync cover art and event art metadata on archive.org? Also, do I have to resolve only this ticket [IMG-129](https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/IMG-129) for this project?
IMG-129: CAA state on archive.org out-of-sync with site
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akshaaatt, jasje: Dunno if MOBILE-221 is the same person I forwarded to you (the content seems familiar) but in any case, it was added to AREQ instead of MOBILE at first so letting you know in case you depend on some sort of automatic assignation for these things :)
reosarevok: did you forward my mail to the user that i sent you?
Eh. No :D I never realized you only sent it to me!
Why wouldn't you just send it to the user :D
Ok, will send it now I guess
Unless you want to just reply to them directly, which honestly would be best since you'll want to get the answer as well - just answer them, and cc support@, jasje
And if for some reason you want me to send stuff, please let me know next time! :D
[00:04] JuliaHusar[m] The general ideas in these wireframes are that recommendation should be a user-centred process where users work with algorithms to find new music to listen to based on existing material they are familiar with. Essentially we are taking a user's taste, and allowing them to explore it further and make further connections.
hey that sounds good! it's what *i'd* expect from recommendation thing tbh, this thing where I'm the one in controll and things based on what *I* think are specifically made the centrepiece of it. if that's what I'm getting from this message.
jasje: let me know if I really should forward that email myself, anyway - but I'd still recommend you send it unless there's a reason I'm missing why that's a bad idea :)
reosarevok[m]: maybe it feels intimidating to directly email other users ?
I know I feel intimidated with it, I prefer it done by like "official email people guy" (ie you) or discussed publicly so that both I and the other person's opinions/reactions are vetted through
often a third person's input is vital to prevent misunderstandings 🤷♂️
not knowing any of the context to this btw
<reosarevok[m]> "jasje: let me know if I really..." <- Nvm ill send it
jasje[m]: Can you send me users email again?
<Jigen> "hey that sounds good! it's what..." <- Essentially yeah, it's moreso a response to all of the AI models that seem to be taking autonomy from users
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oh deff that.
I hate when computers try to do things *for* me, I hate that.
but if I *tell* it to do something. that's awesome