Tickets will go offline for security update in half an hour from now.
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holycow23[m] joined the channel
Hey everyone, I’m planning to apply for GSoC and working on my proposal for **new statistics graphs** in ListenBrainz. I’d love any feedback or guidance to improve it. Looking forward to contributing and learning! [Here]( is my draft proposal.
* Hey everyone, I’m planning to apply for GSoC and working on my proposal for **new statistics graphs** in ListenBrainz. I’d love any feedback or guidance to improve it. Looking forward to contributing and learning! [Here]( is my draft proposal.
ansh lucifer
* Hey everyone, I’m planning to apply for GSoC and working on my proposal for **new statistics graphs** in **ListenBrainz**. I’d love any feedback or guidance to improve it. Looking forward to contributing and learning! [Here]( is my draft proposal.
ansh lucifer
Welcome holycow23 and thank you for your proposal. Don’t worry about proposed mentors not being online right now, they will catch it later on.
* Hey everyone! I’m planning to apply for GSoC and working on my proposal for **new statistical graphs** in **ListenBrainz**. I’ve previously contributed by developing a couple of new features and would love any feedback or guidance to refine my proposal. Looking forward to contributing and learning!
You can check out my draft proposal here.
ansh lucifer
* Hey everyone! I’m planning to apply for GSoC and working on my proposal for **new statistical graphs** in **ListenBrainz**. I’ve previously contributed by developing a couple of new features and would love any feedback or guidance to refine my proposal. Looking forward to contributing and learning!
You can check out my draft proposal [here](
ansh lucifer
* Hey everyone! I’m planning to apply for GSoC and working on my proposal for **new statistical graphs** in **ListenBrainz**. I’ve previously contributed by developing a couple of new features in ListenBrainz and would love any feedback or guidance to improve my proposal. Looking forward to contributing and learning!
Check out my draft proposal [here](
ansh lucifer
holycow23[m]: stop that
holycow23[m]: sorry for sounding rude. Your edits are spamming the IRC room. And I think your message is clear.
ansh joined the channel
Sorry for causing the incovenience
No worry, you couldn’t have know, that was rude indeed. Thanks for not over-editing though.
yeah, I should've worded that better
I always forget edits send new messages on IRC 😅 good reminder to try to not use them often
reosarevok: Should the topic be updated to clear the agenda?
Yes, thanks!
TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged and not empty as it is bridged to IRC; see for details | Agenda: Reviews
Tickets are back.
vardhan_ joined the channel
Aww, I was liking the bike
But thanks :)
Remade my pending PR on Melba.
Although is it normal that there's both a Library and binary target? I find it difficult to justify the presence of a library in there, as it's tailor made for MusicBrainz.
We could extract the IA archiving and internal database into it's own library, but the rest doesn't really fit in
Hi rustynova, IIRC there was one to target to be used as a daemon and another as a CLI tool.
Also the longer plan is to make it work for any other project (BB…) not just MB.
(But we’re not there yet.)
Oh. For daemons, you still need a binary to act as an actual runnable code. Or else it's just raw rust
As for expanding, it's useless. The code is already in the binary crate, and not calling the library part.
I see the intent, just that it wasn't properly executed. For now i'd suggest to act as if the crate is a library, and when we want to expend, we can extract the core part (database and IA interface) and make multiple children binaries with the custom code for that project
That question was mostly to see if I could update some dependencies/rust version to remove some now useless code.
Libraries should try to not use the latest stuff, but binaries absolutely should
I’m not sure it is really need to have two separate binaries either, but at least you got the idea.
Absolutely, that is very welcome!
We'll see about it when we need it then!
Also migrate to the 2024 edition. With junior code there might have some things getting broken
bitmap: I just noticed that we sort RGs by secondary type id in `_find_by_artist_fast` but by secondary type name in `_find_by_artist_slow`.
I assume we'd want to change both to use child_order with the schema change - although child order is 0 for all secondary types right now AFAICT
Which is also the only reason the list is in alphabetical order when editing / adding RGs
(since that does sort on child_order before name)
Two questions: 1) I assume not, but is the different sort intended in any way? 2) Should we be setting child orders for the types, and if so should we start with alphabetical and keep the same sort we have the form, or id and keep the sort we have in _find_by_artist_fast?
<rustynova[m]> "We'll see about it when we..." <- > <> We'll see about it when we need it then!
> Also migrate to the 2024 edition. With junior code there might have some things getting broken
maybe shape it as a library alone but with a (hopefully MeB-project-agnostic) API?
> <> We'll see about it when we need it then!
> Also migrate to the 2024 edition. With junior code there might have some things getting broken
* maybe shape it as a daemon alone but with a (hopefully MeB-project-agnostic) API?
d4rkie has quit
d4rkie joined the channel
mayhem: do you have any suggestion on how to implement creator options for notification senders? also, we barely send out mails to users in listenbrainz but we do change their timeline (for example, if someone just got a track recommended) ,so should i add sending mails when we change their timeline in my project?
what do you mean by "creator options for notification senders". User settings wrt to their notifications preferences?
and we dont send a lot of emails because the notification system is missing. :)
mayhem[m]: no, im talking about settings for notifications like marking it important
fettuccinae[m]: I still dont understand
mayhem[m]: lets take yim notifs for example, when we send it out, we do need to set an expiry age and also mark it as important.
lucifer: " * The seed artist Radiohead has no similar artists, nor top recordings. Too niche?"
this is regarding the regression yesterday. has something happened to the similar artist data?
I'll fix the bug for when there are no similar artists, but we need to check the similar artist data.
fettuccinae[m]: this needs to done from maintainers side ,setting the notification as important or not, setting its expiry date and all.
fettuccinae[m]: and I still don't understand what you're asking.
fettuccinae[m] uploaded an image: (36KiB) < >
mayhem: i'll take a look at similarity data and see if something is broken
fettuccinae[m]: ahhh, I finally understand. these options are provided to the notification system when sending a notifcaition.
mayhem: i think is talking about notification priority
lucifer[m]: now I am extra confused, lol. :)
mayhem[m]: yess, how do u suggest i implement it
as parameters to the function call.
mayhem[m]: one of the option we choosein notification system is its priority
* one of the option we choose in notification system is its priority
lucifer[m] yeah i think we'll have a common function that will receive those options in addition to the notification content and then take action appropriately.
and each option in particular can just be hard coded at the place you are calling the notification helper function.
bitmap: also, we don't do `NULLS FIRST` for `_slow`, not sure if there's a reason for that?
bitmap: updated a bit for now, anyway, please see if the changes so far + the listed tasks seem sensible and whether I seem to be forgetting something :)
<lucifer[m]> "and each option in particular..." <- thanks for handling that. :) #soconfused
<reosarevok[m]> "Two questions: 1) I assume not..." <- setting child orders makes sense to me, there's a ticket for that - MBS-13790. I don't think I bothered changing the slow function because it's only used outside of production, but we could make them consistent