lucifer: let us know when you're around since seems everyone else is here :)
I started another reindex on hip last night (using the latest sir 2to3 branch), but only for recordings. cpu_count: 8 / mem_limit: "8gb" were set on the indexer, mq, and search containers
it took under 7 hours to index recordings this time, whereas my previous test with the python2.7 sir took 12 hours. lucifer do you still have the timings from your mbdata run on trille?
reosarevok: Would you like to release a new version of mbdata for the next schema change now that it is under MeB’s umbrella?
grafana shows CPU was maxed out, system RAM usage hovered around 6.5GB
yvanzo: It would make sense, yes :)
Of course, that requires changes to be ready in an MBS branch at first.
Yeah, once we have the changes merged in MBS and they're being tested we can look into making sure mbdata is ready too
I'll happily look into that at the time, remind me I promised if I inevitably forget :p
Let’s create a ticket to remind of it.
Sure. Where does that go, should we have a new mbdata project or?
A SEARCH ticket for updating SIR would do.
I am around now
Don't have timings []( but I think we'll be running it once again with memory constraints once I rearrange the commits.
The performance improvements are expected because I fixed some lazy loaded queries in the branch. However last time we tested at least for recording core the cpu usage was excessive
<bitmap[m]> "I started another reindex on hip..." <- Oh noice
Let me fix the branch by tonight and we can run a full reindex on all cores over the weekend
bitmap: Can we add more constraints to the Compose file for testing resources?
You’ve set 8 CPUs, is it assuming 2 threads per CPU?
Made 2 new PRS on Melba to cleanup/update dependencies.
Before the second is merged, should we add dependabot as well? Or something similar?
bitmap[m]: hip has 8 cores so I'm not sure cpu_count: 8 actually does anything
bitmap: Yes you can use sir-dev instead
(unless it is altering perfs?)
bitmap: Good point, cpu_count should be set to 2 then.
ah, I wasn't quite sure of the difference with using sir-dev instead. it looks like the sir-dev Dockerfile is also using py2.7, so I'd have to make the same modifications to get the 2to3 branch working?