akshaaatt: jasje I have drafted my proposal for Onboarding Revamp. [Link.](https://community.metabrainz.org/t/gsoc-2025-onboarding-revamp-in-listenbrainz-android/749542/1)
Also for Listening Now integrated, I have made a pre-proposal to discuss my current approach related to the integration. [Link](https://community.metabrainz.org/t/pre-proposal-for-brainzplayer-and-listenbrainz-integration/750653)
I am looking forward to your feedback for the same.
akshaaatt: could you check a pr on lb-ios? Lmk if you’re unavailable
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Hey jasje, I've noticed that the Android version of ListenBrainz has integrated external music account linking (e.g., for Spotify). Should we consider replicating this functionality in the iOS app? If so, could you share some details on how it's implemented on Android or guide me on the best approach to follow? Thanks!
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[bookbrainz-site] 14Ankit-Matth opened pull request #1159 (03master…refactor/forms-async-await): BB-840: Refactor Promises syntax to async/await in forms components https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/p...
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<sparksphereinspi> "Hey jasje, I've noticed that the..." <- You can check out the spotify developer website for integrafiond