i mean there's something to be said about docker's dependence on a daemon and need for root but it's still a respectable container tool overall
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[bookbrainz-site] 14Ankit-Matth opened pull request #1160 (03master…refactor/pages-async-await): BB-840: Converted Promises syntax to async/await in component pages https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/p...
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<rustynova[m]> "This may sound stupid but I..." <- if you have `DB_STAGING_TESTING_FEATURES` enabled in DBDefs.pm, you can navigate to /admin/user/edit/<your_user_name> and set an email address from the UI (hit "Skip verification"), along with any other privileges you need
Ah neat. Do I edit the one in musicbrainz-dev or musicbrainz for the testing preset?
*I'd just edit both but It's still good to know*
hmm, I think you're not supposed to edit the configuration under build/ directly as it's tracked by git, but if you followed the [development setup](https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#development-setup), then you should be able to just edit the lib/DBDefs.pm file in your `$MUSICBRAINZ_SERVER_LOCAL_ROOT` checkout
normally mb-docker allows you to change DBDefs settings via environment variables, but there isn't one set up for DB_STAGING_TESTING_FEATURES yet
Well I don't plan to work on MB, that's why I'm using the testing setup. I just need an instance to test against for Melba. Having a dirty tree isn't that much of an issue as I only need to recreate the instance on schema changes.
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it should be the one under build/musicbrainz/ in that case, but looks like it's actually using build/musicbrainz-prebuilt/ for the container, so it may not see your changes at all 😖
you can still manually docker cp the updated DBDefs.pm file into the container and restart it
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huh, kiss just rebooted a second ago.
but thankfully LB servers are resuming normally. good job LB.
* Hi everyone! I'm Krishna, a Computer Science and AI student from India. I'm really enthusiastic about technology, game development, and iOS development. I'm currently working on the ListenBrainz iOS app and would love to contribute to MetaBrainz as part of GSoC. Looking forward to learning and collaborating with all of you!