Sorry if this is a silly question, but is this the correct channel for today's MetaBrainz meeting?
aerozol[m] joined the channel
Yes :)
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That makes me think. Should I participate in the meetings to tell my Melba work? There's not much going on right now but if people are interested I'll try to pop in
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misnad[m] joined the channel
Is anyone into making BookBrainz plugin for Calibre
reosarevok[m] joined the channel
rustynova: we don't charge for joining meetings! If you want to give a review, you can :)
(you can always give it by email if the time doesn't suit you and I'll share it)
misnad: Haven't seen much interest in that project so far.
I'm looking into Calibre plugin API, and the old CaliBBre plugin to get some idea
petitminion joined the channel
<rustynova[m]> "That makes me think. Should I..." <- I think that would be nice, yes. For a low stress approach, just pop in, rather than getting put on the list for each week.
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lucifer[m] joined the channel
bitmap, yvanzo, reosarevok : i see that sir indexing completed fine with resource restrictions on the latest 2to3 branch.
A bit sick again! What the heck. It's crazy. Others here have been sick more than usual this winter as well. Maybe this is the new normal?
MeB work wise, still quiet times, the usual keeping on top of social channels and a few ticket discussions.
I hope aerozol isn't becoming allergic to MeB!
gett better aerozol
Jigen: WaMMM Bam Thank You Sir/Maam
On my list for today: jasje, reosarevok, yvanzo, zas, lucifer, monkey, julian45, ansh, MonkeyPython (Jigen (IRC)), bitmap, outsidecontext, mayhem, Gautam Shorewala, kellnerd
Jigen (IRC): wanna start since I don't see a jasje around yet?
Arararara~! hi!
Ok, then jasje next after :)
jasje[m] joined the channel
Im here
Same as last week, had a good meeting with Monkey, working on TOC, spanish and zine.
easter is cmming up! taking a break and watching LoTR then 😂
go jasje!
Hi everyone
Last week was business as usual
PR reviews
+ Reviewed gsoc proposals
That should be it
@yvanzo go!
yvanzo[m] joined the channel
Last week I deployed a Jira security update for our tickets.
Thanks to the bitmap, lucifer and reosarevok, getting MB search development back on track.
Fin, go zas
Still on my list for today: reosarevok, lucifer, monkey, julian45, ansh, bitmap, outsidecontext, mayhem, Gautam Shorewala, kellnerd
zas[m] joined the channel
Last week, I spent a lot of time mitigating extra traffic generated by scrapers (as the week before...). More on this later during the meeting.
Apart that, usual system supervision, upgrades, Picard PRs and reviews, user support. fin. outsidecontext ?
outsidecontext[m joined the channel
hi everyone
Last week I did a small feature for Picard's disc ID lookup dialog (adding a format column) and simplified our macOS code signing code.
Also PR code review and handling some ticket discussions
next, julian45 ?
Hi! Did some prep for MeB admin SSO stuff (pinged zas about next steps), and am currently wrestling a bit with Atlassian support to try to figure out the best way to get from our current Jira version to a more recent LTS version before our current one goes EoL
That's all, go bitmap ?
Still on my list for today: reosarevok, lucifer, monkey, ansh, mayhem, Gautam Shorewala, kellnerd
early last week I helped prepare the schema change announcement & started working on some of my tickets
we had a quick search meeting and I ran some additional sir python3 tests on hip, which were all promising
in the middle of the week I profiled some MB web pages (due to the increase in traffic/load) and identified a major performance issue in one utility function...after deploying a fix there was a noticeable effect on response times
other than that I did some code review and submitted a couple other minor cleanup PRs related to perf/unused code
fin. go lucifer!
hi all!
last week i helped with porting SIR to python3 and testing it. also did continued work on adding OpenID to MeB OAuth provider. finally did some work on calculating similarities of entire MLHD dataset, still a WIP.
that's it for me. monkey next?
Hi everyone!
Last week I continued reviewing the Bootstrap4 migration in progress
Deployed a new version of LB which broke quite a few pages...deployed a fixed version on the heels of that, then spent a bit of time figuring out the issue in question with a dependency (dompurify)
I investigated some improvements to our cover art loading, adding a better fallback when we have some adequate metadata
Worked with Jigen (IRC) on the BookBrainz user guide
And finally, did a lot of ticket triage, PR reviews, and welcoming and helping out new GSOC arrivals
That's my week. What about you ansh ?
ansh[m] joined the channel
Hi Everyone!
Last week, I mainly spent time upgrading Bootstrap 4 in LB. Things are going pretty well!