Hi @jasje and akshaaatt (@_discord_469028529657610250:chatbrainz.org) , I’ve made some updates to my PR for the ListenBrainz iOS App. Could you please review the changes to see if everything is working as expected? Thanks!
sparksphereinspi: Will take a look
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ok thanks
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Jigen (IRC): Hello! I've been swamped with GSOC work and haven't touched the BB guide since our last chat. Nothing really to report on my side; do you mind if we skip our catch-up this week? Although of course I'm happy to hear any progress you would want to share
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lucifer, ansh, mayhem : About to release a new version of LB in prod. Anything you wan to merge before that?
None from my side
Yeah, actually looking at PRs I don't think anything else is ready-ready
I can create a ticket if necessary, but this looks like one of the bugs which is fixed faster than creating a ticket for it.
Thanks kellnerd !
I even know which library this is
No need for ticket, indeed
I've been meaning to replace this color library anyway, so here we go
monkey[m]: hey! afaik the catch-up meeting is *next* week (and anyway I've been swamped with other things myself so I haven't had a chance to do much work myself 🤣 )
Hey everyone! I'm Granth. Just wanted to let you know I've made some significant changes to my proposal for new statistical graphs in ListenBrainz. I'd love it if you could take a look and let me know what you think whenever you get the chance. Thanks so much!
lucifer ansh
* to my [proposal, * proposal](https://community.metabrainz.org/t/gsoc-2025-development-of-advanced-user-statistics-visualizations/750040) for
[listenbrainz-server] 14MonkeyDo opened pull request #3238 (03master…add-cache-tables-script): Replace color utilities in AlbumPage and ListeningNow page https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
Welcome aanshojha !
holycow23: I just deployed a new LB version today, look at what's in the spotlight :)
There's plenty of comments about what we are doing but not enough for *why* we are doing it, so it can get confusing.
Oh and is there a central ticketing place for melba? Been adding comments for now where I find potential bugs, but it ain't the easiest.
RustyNova: Not yet because it is at an early stage. Do you want MELBA tickets?
Well I can use my GH fork's issues instead. It's mostly to write things to touch on to not forget them. Mostly asking just to be sure I didn't miss a place
But if it's better to centralise them now then go for it
RustyNova: I just invited you as a Maintain role to metabrainz repository. I can create a project in Jira whenever you feel it would be helpful.
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Hey @jasje, I made the fix for the duplicate events issue by filtering them before appending. Can you check if everything looks good now? Let me know if you spot anything else that needs improvement. Thanks!
Bob Swift: hi! i have written and submitted a new version of the ListenBrainz plugin to the DeadBeef upstream after latest nudges. IIRC, you helped out in testing the initial buggy version a few years ago. in case, you are interested: https://github.com/DeaDBeeF-Player/deadbeef/pul...
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Thanks. I've actually switched to a different player, but when I get a few minutes I'll install DeaDBeef again and try it out.
<monkey[m]> "I quite like the "genre clock..." <- Thanks a lot! I’m really glad you like it. I thought a clock layout would be a cool way to visualize listening habits by time of day.
Is this the better place to ask about musicbrainz docker issues then #musicbrainz?
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mrnelgin (IRC): regarding the "No row found in event_art_archive.event_art" error, that just means you don't have the event-art-archive dump imported, which is harmless if you don't need that data. (but it appears to be an oversight that it's not imported by default)