bitmap[m] - how do I add that missing table and get the missing replicated data?
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you might have to perform a full re-import with my patch applied, otherwise the imported EAA tables will be out of sync with your current replication sequence
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the only other way is very arcane... you'd have to stop replication for now, wait for the next full export to be released, only import the EAA dump, and then start replication again with --ignore-conflicts until it catches up with the EAA dump sequence...
which isn't going to easier than importing from scratch
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meh, ok. I can do that.
nelgin goes find the instructions for that
groups: cannot find name for group ID 153
Any idea how I fix this?
Should I wait for the change to be merged or is it safe to use the eaa-dump branch?
it's safe to use the branch
don't think I've seen that groups error before, what is the context for it?
Whenever I use docker compose commands
# admin/setup-amqp-triggers install
groups: cannot find name for group ID 153
groups: cannot find name for group ID 153
for example
Might be something to do with going from docker-compose to docker compose (v1 to v2)
sounds like it thinks you're a member of a group which no longer exists, possibly the docker group? suggests simply logging back out and back in will work
I'll give that a try once this process of loading has finished.
sudo docker-compose run --rm search --force
sudo docker-compose run --rm musicbrainz
This doesn't make sense. Why would I load the search indexes and then recreate the database? Since it has a drop database for musicbrainz_db - loading the search indexes first seems pointless?