

September 1st 2021

      • akshaaatt[m]
        I have to say the idea for maintaining a design system is really clever
      • Morning everyone!
      • I've been planning how the mb server will be revamped. I was initially planning to slowly make the changes to the mb server we have and make progress. However, I have realised that would take a while since we have to make the web interface mobile first this time.
      • I decided to make it on the go since my major focus right now is towards getting the new design live.
      • lucifer
        s/mobile first/mobile friendly :)
      • akshaaatt[m]
        In short, I started a new react project to make it convenient for me to firstly get my thoughts straight and even connect with the community
      • Hi lucifer !
      • lucifer
      • akshaaatt[m]
        So yeah, I have hosted the app at musicbrainz-web.web.app
      • Right now, only the header and the footer have been added
      • I am still exploring stuff and looking to make the changes here firstly, get everyone's feedback, and then quickly push these designs to our main project
      • Plus we need to restart the docker everytime we need to see the changes on the mb server. Overall I would say that from development point of view, mb server is way better but from a design perspective, where we need to checkout every detail precisely, directly jumping to the mb server for that makes less sense
      • Hopefully, in some time we can have the app live on the link complete (the home page) I shared and over the course of time, we can finalize that first.
      • If anyone has any suggestions regarding this thinking, I would be happy to communicate. Have a great day ahead!
      • yyoung[m]
        That looks quite modern, but maybe too much :)
      • akshaaatt[m]
        Hi yyoung ! Lol😂😂
      • yyoung[m]
        btw, bitmap said you can enable watch mode of webpack, though I haven't tried it yet
      • Aren't we going to match the theme of other *Brainz projects?
      • akshaaatt[m]
        Even with that, how do you test an app that you have hosted on your laptop, to your mobile device?
      • lucifer
        you can resize the browser screen size with dev tools.
      • yyoung[m]
        Yes, and you can access it from your mobile under local network
      • akshaaatt[m]
        yyoung I am here to work on all the projects. MB is just the beginning. So if we all love one design, we can adapt that to others
      • yyoung[m]
        Sure, why not ;)
      • akshaaatt[m]
        lucifer as they say, that feel doesn't come on resizing that way :)
      • yyoung hmm I could try that
      • But how would I share the project to you on the go yyoung for example?
      • Like I make some changes and want some design related feedback for which, getting on beta would take a while
      • This way, I could just host it and share the link to everyone
      • yyoung[m]
        I think the devtools works nice, it let you try different sizes of devices, unless you want to test compatibility
      • lucifer
        sure, whatever works is fine.
      • yyoung[m]
        Right, in that case a static web host or SaaS would be better
      • e.g. Vercel, Cloudflare pages, Firebase (I saw you've already used it)
      • akshaaatt[m]
      • lucifer
        for mockup work, i think this is fine. when you start integrating these changes to MB codebase, you can setup a MB server on bono and then everyone can view it.
      • akshaaatt[m]
        Makes sense
      • yyoung[m]
        To me the biggest problem of the demo is that the header is too big
      • akshaaatt[m]
      • yyoung[m]
        s/biggest/most obvious
      • reosarevok
        I mean, it is :) Header and footer are huge here
      • akshaaatt[m]
        Cool I'll look into it
      • reosarevok
        I would expect our header and footer to remain similar to what they are or at most to what other MeB projects currently have - and just change if needed once the screen becomes smaller
      • yyoung[m]
        y'know, us laptop users have a limited space, that header takes up 1/4 of viewport XD
      • akshaaatt[m]
      • lucifer
        reosarevok: hi! i think the issue we faced with annotation come from removing these checks. https://github.com/metabrainz/sir/pull/111/file...
      • the old code too passes __tablename__ to this method but one of the checks removes and prevents deferred being called on it
      • reosarevok
        Which of the checks?
      • Also, our current code doesn't actually actively load the primary keys, but my understanding is that those get loaded whatever happens? (got reminded seeing this)
      • lucifer
        i'll need to separate each of the conditions into different statement to find that out :)
      • yes, right.
      • reosarevok
        Ok. I am confused because none of these seems to match "tablename"
      • I mean, maybe key is in columns
      • lucifer
        i'll verify which one it is soon
      • reosarevok
      • lucifer
        but we'll also need to figure out if other checks are needed.
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #2245 (03master…MBS-11932): MBS-11932: Also exclude work licenses from LinksWithMultipleEntities https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • reosarevok
        lucifer: sure. I guess if the whole thing runs then other checks aren't *needed*, but might make things faster? :) Like the position column mentioned there
      • lucifer
      • mapper.iterate_properties does not contain __tablename__
      • reosarevok
        Hmm. So it's not getting deferred, but doesn't that mean it's going to try to load it?
      • lucifer
        tablename shouldn't be there in the first place. its not a column actually.
      • reosarevok
        Sure, I know
      • Oh, I guess it only tries to load columns, not stuff listed, so it doesn't matter
      • Sure
      • Then I guess the bit removing it from *columns is as good as what we did before :)
      • lucifer
        yeah sounds good to me too.
      • i'll push that change and let's do a full run on bono then?
      • reosarevok
        Feel free to push it then :) (I pushed my comment - although maybe it should be a fancy doc string thing instead)
      • Sure
      • (better a comment than TODO for now anyway, we can and possibly should improve all docs later)
      • Can you set the bono run?
      • Also, we should consider doing what MB does, and replacing at least the indexing mocks with indexing a small amount of sample SQL, I guess
      • That'd catch stuff like this next time, at least
      • lucifer
        yeah indeed there's lot of scope of improvements.
      • sure will do the bono setup
      • getting this error on bono
      • riksucks
        hello lucifer, when it comes to music recommendation, the user recommends the music to his/her followers. And this is stored in the DB and is retrieved again while rendering the feed of his/her followers. So when trying to implement deletion of recommendation event from the feed, we cannot straight up delete the entry, since other users might have not deleted the same event.
      • so for this what should be done?
      • Do you have anything in mind? Or do you want me to come up with a solution for this and then discuss with you
      • lucifer
        riksucks: letting the user that made a recommendation to delete it should be sufficient for now methinks.
      • allowing other users to hide those events from feed is a different feature imo.
      • riksucks
        ohh okay, so the followers won't delete it, but the one who made the recommendation will, I see
      • >allowing other users to hide is different
      • I see, I kind of misunderstood the purpose, the ticket makes more sense now. Thank you
      • lucifer
        >so the followers won't delete it, but the one who made the recommendation will
      • yup
      • riksucks
        Also, idk if its an issue only I am having, but the LB frontend locally won't talk with the backend APIs properly. It would always say how the auth token is invalid. So I am resorting to curl and postman to test things out. Is this some common issue or does it seem to only affect me here?
      • lucifer
        there's a setting in config.py file to set whether the app should connect to LB prod or your local version.
      • riksucks
        ahh I see, I should have checked there, sorry for the trouble
      • lucifer
        no worries. in general, you can look at https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/producti...
      • this should hopefully cover everything needed to set up the dev env. if you find something missing, we should add it there
      • due to some reason, the wrong version of mbdata was installed in indexer on bono. strange, running reindex now.
      • reosarevok: ^
      • instrument worked.
      • reosarevok
        lucifer: oh yeah, I got that locally at first too
      • Dunno why
      • Are you running a full one now?
      • lucifer
        reosarevok: yes. full reindex.
      • reosarevok
      • Guess that'll take a while :D
      • lucifer
        place/event/intrument completed so far. yup indeed.
      • reosarevok
        Do we have a good way to check it worked fine?
      • I guess "no errors" is a good start, but I mean, that they actually look like they should as well
      • lucifer
        yvanzo might?
      • i think we could run it in test.mb and see make some chagnes there observe if they show up in search
      • ruaok waves
      • ruaok
        if you get your invoice in in the next 5 minutes, I'll pay it.
      • otherwise #vacation for the rest of the day
      • akshaaatt[m]
        ruaok I started work on 30th September, right😃
      • August**
      • Hah!
      • I'll let you enjoy your #vacations 💯
      • ruaok
      • ruaok runs off for the day
      • reosarevok
        lucifer: how is that going? :)
      • lucifer
        reosarevok: i had gone away for a bit. didn't get the chance to trigger reindex for all entities. started reindexing all now.
      • reosarevok
        Ok :)
      • monkey
        akshaaatt[m]: I for one think it's a good idea to work on a mockup like this and being able to host it and get feedback!
      • In my experience it's easier to seek feedback fewer times but on designs that are well advanced, rather than more regular feedback every time something changes in the mockup. (it's easier to integrate a few waves of feedback than continuous feedback)
      • akshaaatt[m]
        Ikrr monkey :)
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #2246 (03master…MBS-11852): MBS-11852: Only call TO_JSON on editor if it exists https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • CatQuest
        [06:44] <lucifer> s/mobile first/mobile friendly :) 100+
      • yes indeed. also, as much as it pains me to say this. it's much easier to see how the mockup if it's made like it will look on the screen, preliminary paper scetches are god for ideas, but bad for getting "how does this mockup look2 type feedback
      • for exmple, I need full colour to be able to ake judgement
      • akshaaatt[m]
      • But I found the paper sketches really helpful for myself
      • CatQuest
        absolutely. it's a very good idea
      • i do those myelf
      • akshaaatt[m]
        I really think that coming up with a design is really hard. I never used to think about this until 2-3 years back because it comes naturally to me. But when I explored recently, people have a designated job for this!
      • CatQuest
        trying to think about how f.ex. instrument families evolved to
      • akshaaatt[m]
      • CatQuest
        to me the most important thing is that edit screns don't change *too* much
      • and that good ideas/scripts get implemented as well
      • like batch adding aliases, expand/collaps releases script of bitmap's
      • having front cover art iamges more palces
      • more data aobut releases more places
      • having "edit" links more palces
      • it'd be really cool if I could go directly to the "edit" screen in a search result for example
      • and making this more mobile friendly. essentially changing the screen-soze wil make things still logical
      • size*
      • while at the same time utilising desktop's wide screen space better