monkey: to be fair, it's not like it was registered in the public ports database as "for LB use only" either ;)
For what it's worth, I'm in favor of the change to 8100 (or whatever port is free and generally available)
PrathameshG13 has quit
PrathameshG joined the channel
Got it, thanks for the help!
But for some reason its not taking the input.
Also, I should mention that I havent setup my local development environment yet π
Oh nvm, it worked somehow
reosarevok: The rebased PR has conflicts on PaginatedResults.js
gcrkrause3 joined the channel
Hmm. Wonder why it didn't complain
Will check
PrathameshG has quit
Oh, or maybe it's just new ones
Yeah. Rebased again, yvanzo :)
PrathameshG joined the channel
treeshateorcs[m] joined the channel
hello, everyone. i can't set up a development environment for listenbrainz. it raises an exception
i did everything according to the readthedocs page
treeshateorcs[m]: uhh, sorry that looks like one of my recent patches gone wrong. i'll try to fix it soon.
outsidecontext: will look into it.
oh, sure! can't wait. thank you
lucifer: thanks. it just rather randomly imported a single listen again. Interestingly I had paused playback for a while, started again. The very first listen got imported, but the rest fails again
No other player provides such field mappings for afaik
If you know any, please let me know I'd be happy to moveπ
you may try your luck with cmus and cmusfm (both are open source, so you can edit the cmusfm's source code to match your requirements, it's a smol program)
but let's not offtop too much
oh right. Forgot this is not discord lol
asubedy: hi, a SQL query is the only way to get recently-added releases at the moment. to get an MBID you need some kind of metadata to search for; we have a search API at or if you have direct database access you can of course just do a SQL query for that too
EyePulp joined the channel
Howdy; Querying the musicbrainz API for recordings with a certain word in `recording` key, and when using offsets to loop thourhg pages of results we get back a whole lot more than the `count` value sent by the result. We seem to get a lot of dupes, too, judging by the recording id value. Any suggestions on how to improve? I'll post the query in a sec
bitmap: hi! looking at again - when you suggest doing all with SQL, would that still involve doing the cursor stuff, but just running SQL deletes instead of $c->model('Editor')->delete?
v6lur joined the channel
reosarevok: that's correct, the cursor stuff is still needed to keep each delete in its own transaction
Ok :)
cursors?! oh no.
So when I get this back in a query: {"created":"2022-01-17T17:26:09.742Z","count":272,"offset":0,"recordings":[...]...} What does the "count" key represent? number of total items (recordings) in this case matching the result, or total number of pages of results at whatever the "limit" is?
IIRC it's total items, but IIRC also someone complained recently that the search server didn't keep the order with offset...
yvanzo, do you remember?
Also hello, and thanks for your help and any work you do related to the MB db & API. =)
The second question -- why do I get a lot of repeated "id" values for recordings in the results? I think even within a single page's worth, there are dupes. Is there a way to force DISTINCT on id or something along those lines?
EyePulp: can you link to the query you're seeing this behavior on?
@bitmap I'm fine posting an example here if that's acceptable, or a gist if preferred
<bitmap> "asubedy: hi, a SQL query is..." <- Oh ok then there would be no way to get the recently added releases on the MB revamp without actually connecting it with the database // akshaaatt
So can we do this, instead of recently added releases we can show cover arts of the most listened musics, for which I guess there is an API or something like it through ListenBrainz. (I saw in the chat earlier). Any suggestions on this?
I think any inconsistencies you'd see otherwise are in theory due to index updates
bitmap: I think if the collections are empty, it should be fine to delete any collaborators as well, or would you rather I checked there are none in the query and left those unremoved?
hmm. if they are empty I think it's fine to delete...especially since it'd have to match all these other criteria for the editor being empty, which should be rare
Hmm, although I think our idea earlier was "the collections are untouched"
So maybe we should discard collaborator ones. I expect the number difference will be 0 or 1 at most...
yea, I think it will hardly matter either way, so whatever you prefer
@bitmap - beautiful! results are matching expectations now! Thanks so much for the clarification.
I have received no mailed in reviews or notices of people outside the usual crowd who want to give review, soβ¦ people up for reviews: lucifer, monkey, reosarevok, bitmap, akshaaatt, zas, alastairp, mayhem, yvanzo, CatQuest, Freso β anyone else who wish to give review, let me know ASAP. :)
lucifer: Go!
hi all!
EyePulp has his world rocked by IRC with embedded media stills
i worked on seeking and implementing feedback on various already open PRs last week. we deployed the long due listen user id PR. and started work on the next steps.
another long due PR to fix listen counts in LB also progressed along nicely. other than that, worked on a few improvement of the artist origins map. when hovering over the country, it now shows the artists name as well.
finally some misc bug fixes and discussions. fin.
monkey: next?
Hi everyone !
Happy new year !
I just started working again today, so don't have a lot to say about the past three weeks. I was vacationing in the US, got married, caught covid again, managed to get back after more delays.
Before the holidays, I mostly worked on the Year in Music project.
This week, docs for BB!
That's it for me, bitmap go !
last week I was mainly working on speeding up area-related queries for the website, since we've been getting alerts about those pages causing excess load
my plan is to bring back area_containment, which was previously a view, but will be brought back as a materialized table. (those have worked amazingly for the artist pages)
I have most of the triggers done and am writing pgtap tests now
Ooh, neat
other than that that, I opened a couple other PRs to fix spammy warnings in our website container logs, and to remove support for Amazon cover art as decided last year (which lets us delete a ton of code, woohoo)
that's about it I think...fin, go reosarevok
Hi! I was on holiday and traveling for most of the week
(People still up: akshaaatt, zas, alastairp, mayhem, yvanzo, CatQuest, Freso β anyone else who wish to give review, let me know ASAP. :))
Then I worked on a few easy tickets created while I was away
And now looking into some changes to the MBS-9356 script so we can run it