

April 25th 2022

      • mayhem
        Finally, it feels like progress!
      • lucifer
        oh i already request with the new confidence function :(. should i cancel it and request these ranks first?
      • akshaaatt
        bitmap, reosarevok do we know of any hack to have the recent additions cover arts fetched locally?
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-docker] 14yvanzo merged pull request #222 (03master…secure-dev-ports): Secure published ports in development setup https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-docke...
      • q3lont
        Anyone played with Postgres' full-text search capabilities? I'm looking to add search based on a release group's title + artist. Would you go with one of the default configurations? If so, which one? If not, is there anyone you recommend?
      • lucifer
        mayhem can tell you about the config we used in our experiments.
      • q3lont
        that'd be awesome. I'm pretty new to this stuff, just reading about it yesterday, and I figured I might go with the 'simple' one, since release groups might not be just english-specific. But if I searched for "stimul" it wouldn't match "stimulator" (which makes sense for 'simple', but...)
      • mayhem
        q3lont: yes, that is a good insight.
      • there are other facets that influenced our decisions -- spelling mistakes and scalability.
      • if you need to correct for spelling mistakes or other minor textual errors, then you need a fuzzy version of search -- postgres trigram work great for that.
      • but they have the downside that they get very very slow the more fuzziness a query has.
      • which for us is a dealbreaker. we need our solutions to be more scalable.
      • which is why we use typesense instead of postgres.
      • q3lont
        might I ask for which project is that? for musicbrainz.org?
      • mayhem
      • it is for our MBID mapping.
      • You can give it an artist name and recording name and it will find the best match for it.
      • one of the hardest projects I've ever worked on, honestly.
      • lucifer: top artist playlist is good now!
      • lucifer
        ah nice
      • q3lont
        awesome, will this (mbid-mapping) be a public API? I may use it for my fun project that I'm building
      • lucifer
        it already is. at the link above.
      • there are 2 other endpoints available as well which give more detailed info. but i think i forgot to document those.
      • yeah just checked not there yet, i'll add the docs.
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #2501 (03master…MBS-12333): MBS-12333: Block smart links: share.amuse.io https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • alastairp
        Ansh: hi, I moved CB a few days ago to a new server, and I might have messed up the version that I released, let me check. thanks for reporting it
      • CatQuest
      • monkey
        alastairp: I think lucifer jumped to the rescue and updated CB accordingly
      • alastairp
        so I see, thanks lucifer
      • did I upgrade CB last time by manually editing the file without committing it?
      • lucifer
        yup CB is running latest version now.
      • alastairp
        must have
      • lucifer
        probably docker-server-configs wasn;t updated.
      • Freso
      • It’s World Malaria Monday!
      • No mailed in reviews, so the regulars are up: lucifer, mayhem, akshaaatt, reosarevok, atj, bitmap, zas, alastairp, yvanzo, monkey, CatQuest, Freso – anyone else who want to give review, let me know ASAP. :)
      • lucifer: Go!
      • lucifer
        hi all!
      • aerozol
        I am here too Freso :)
      • CatQuest
        aerozol! morena!
      • mayhem
        happy 5am aerozol!
      • aerozol
        :D buenos días!
      • monkey
        Eek, 5AM.
      • lucifer
        previous 2 weeks was lots of work on recommendations and related stuff. other than that some LB bug fixes, helping GSoC applicants with applications. and also participated in the secrity meeting. fin.
      • mayhem: next?
      • mayhem
      • Freso
        (Still up: akshaaatt, reosarevok, atj, bitmap, zas, alastairp, yvanzo, monkey, CatQuest, aerozol, Freso – anyone else who want to give review, let me know ASAP. :))
      • mayhem
        last week I personally had a rough week so, I didn't really get as much done as I had wanted.
      • most the usual BS for metabrainz as well as gsoc application triaging.
      • we had a slow start to GSoC but in the end we recveived a lot of good applications.
      • and the WTF applications were *extra* WTF this time around.
      • fun to read certainly.
      • CatQuest
      • monkey
        !m GSoC participants !
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, GSoC participants !!
      • aerozol
      • CatQuest looking forward to many of them
      • mayhem
        lucifer: and I have been working on recommendations and trying to get them to improve with loads of tuning. we now have better tools, better understanding and our recommended tracks are improving quite a lot.
      • I hope to write troi-bot part this week that will give all users who follow troi-bot daily playlists so we can all start complaning about them.
      • its been a really long road to get here, but now we're days away.
      • stellar job MeB team!
      • aerozol: go!
      • aerozol
        Kia ora! It's been a slow few weeks/months for me, buried in other work
      • but also partly because I've been trying to tease things apart in a design sense
      • so it's been slow going, but hopefully important stuff
      • mainly standardising all the logos, so that we now have a library of logos in the logo repo
      • that all match and are ready to go
      • CatQuest
        !m aerozol
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, aerozol!
      • aerozol
        if I catch anyone using an old one.... ;P
      • akshaaatt
        !m aerozol
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, aerozol!
      • aerozol
        Also putting together some guidelines for MetaBrainz design and MusicBrainz design
      • mayhem
        I'm soo happy the logos got sorted.
      • aerozol
        Initially I was hoping to have one doc that covers all projects but I should have realised they were too different already
      • It would be great to get feedback on the design docs after, because the timings good with GSOC applicants lately
      • They all ask very similar questions and some docs might help!
      • CatQuest
      • aerozol
        That's my novel done, go akshaaatt!
      • akshaaatt
        Hi Everyone!
      • CatQuest
      • akshaaatt
        For the past few days, I have been learning loads of new stuff.
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #2502 (03master…MBS-12328): MBS-12328: Add #content to entity/Edits for artwork display https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • akshaaatt
        I have finally made the integration of ListenBrainz in the MB Android App at https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-andro... and it is superb! The app is gonna get 5 times the users if things go as planned :)
      • CatQuest
        reocodespam <3
      • akshaaatt
        also spent a lot of time debugging issues and resolving them.
      • The best news I have so far is that https://test.musicbrainz.org has been made responsive and things look wonderful and I'm enjoying it like crazy.
      • Do check it out!
      • That's about it for me. Coordinating on some GSoC stuff and yeah the usual! fin!
      • Go alastairp!
      • alastairp
        wow, great work on test, akshaaatt!
      • hi
      • Freso
        (Still up: reosarevok, atj, bitmap, zas, yvanzo, monkey, CatQuest, Freso – anyone else who want to give review, let me know ASAP. :))
      • alastairp
        very quiet week for me last week - we had family at home plus the short week I didn't get much done at all
      • I did some back-and-forward with people to finish gsoc proposals, wd to everyone who submitted those, I reviewed some CB PRs, and responded to a security bug in CB
      • I attended the MeB security meeting
      • I did some planning after discussion with monkey on what was going to be our next dev sprint - to introduce react server side rendering to LB, let's see if I have time before the end of the month to make progress on that
      • that's me, reosarevok next?
      • reosarevok
      • I worked on implementing a bunch of stuff for genres that is allowed by the schema changes (annotations, URL relationships, boring aliases that do nothing useful yet but at least exist)
      • alastairp
      • CatQuest
        boring aliases!
      • reosarevok
        that do nothing yet!
      • But yeah
      • CatQuest
      • reosarevok
        And I tried to debug the wikidatabot, Mineo helped a bit, we might have found the issues (didn't have time to check yet because I spent today fixing new small tickets)
      • CatQuest
      • aerozol
        excited about any genre updates woo
      • reosarevok
        Hopefully I can have it working properly by the end of the week? No promises yet
      • Anyway, go CatQuest!
      • CatQuest
        Meow! `😺`
      • so, this week I was a lot more productive than I was expecting.
      • did work and
      • swept outside and planted flower-leeks and other spring things
      • sadly those things aren't really brainz related,
      • But I did infact manage to add a few tickets and test beta Bookbrainz and
      • !m monkey for the new beta-release routine!
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, monkey for the new beta-release routine!!
      • CatQuest
        as well as adding some books and releases and retagging and suches.
      • had some discussion on the community.. thanks kellnerd, indy, monkey and aerozol for lots of interesting input.
      • This week I will also be doing much of the same, but I hope to also be able to squeeze an instrument or two in as well ♓
      • fin, go monkey!
      • monkey
        Hi !
      • Freso
        (Still up: atj, bitmap, zas, yvanzo, Freso – anyone else who want to give review, let me know ASAP. :))
      • monkey
        For the past two weeks I did a lot of reviewing GSoC applications and PR Reviews.
Again congrats to everyone who submitted a proposal !
      • I continued work on the LB metadata viewer, and investigated some potential BrainzPlayer bugs
      • mayhem
        any chance we can deploy that soon? even if it isn't perfect, so we can keep testing.
      • monkey
        Lots of dicsussions in Bookbrainz forums, deploying a new release and continuing fixing issues
      • Finally, did some admin and database maintenance, ticket triage and such
      • Oh, and I fixed Korea.
      • Yes, you read that right
      • mayhem
      • can you fix russia next?
      • zas
        yes please...
      • CatQuest
        oh no.
      • monkey
        In real life, I'm currently in the process of moving apartments, which means lots of packing, which means less time for work.
      • That's it for me ! atj go !
      • alastairp
        but your new house looks great!
      • aerozol
        If you want Russia to be fixed, make a ticket at least, geez
      • mayhem
        and I hope you voted for the lesser of two evils too!
      • lol
      • akshaaatt
        Congrats on the new house monkey!
      • atj
      • CatQuest
        aerozol: lmao
      • monkey
        mayhem: I see, hear or speak no evil, remember?