

April 25th 2022

      • reosarevok
        My only question so far is "why is this a pdf, that's not very user-friendly"
      • yvanzo
        That is user-friendly, not dev-friendly.
      • monkey
        Easily shareable and downloadable
      • reosarevok
        I took a quick look at the MB one in the morning, but I'm not even sure how many of these we do not follow at the moment
      • aerozol
        Akshaaatt was going to convert it into readme's for me but I think it's probably a bigger job than expected?
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: Any chance you can use a text-based format that can be diffed using git?
      • akshaaatt
        Agreed reosarevok. At first I thought we'll have a markdown file but given how beautifully aerozol has made the document, I would prefer the pdf
      • reosarevok
        Would need to look at them more calmly side by side with the site :)
      • aerozol
        I'll talk to akshaaatt about how we can go about it
      • akshaaatt
        But yes we need to make it editable hence the idea of putting it in a google doc/slides
      • reosarevok
        I think it's fine to have a pdf too, just yeah, not super easy to comment, update etc, especially while we're still working on it
      • aerozol
        I think both is a good idea, but design guidelines should be reasonably static, I will do a PDF to go alongside once we've finalised
      • akshaaatt
      • aerozol
        Google doc or readme?
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: If it cannot be a source format, you can try using a pdftotext and have a text-format copy along with the pdf.
      • aerozol
        While we're on this topic - merging the logo repo into the design repo? Thoughts? It makes sense to me
      • disclaimer: I don't know how complicated that is to do
      • akshaaatt
        https://github.com/metabrainz/design-system/pulls There are 2 Pas currently available here. Both can/should be reviewed by team members who want to provide some insight into design stuff :)
      • monkey
        IMO these guidelines won't change often (if at all) and PDF is the most reasonable format, allowing to present things nicely (which is important for graphical guidelines)
      • mayhem
        sounds good.
      • akshaaatt
      • mayhem
        (its not hard)
      • akshaaatt
        Yes monkey
      • monkey
        +1 for mergin, no point in having them separate
      • Freso
        (I don’t think we’ll have time for "Securing MeB infrastructure - part 2" this meeting.)
      • aerozol
        Is that us akshaaatt?
      • akshaaatt
        Yes aerozol, the logos should be merged to the design repo I feel
      • Yes aerozol, that's about it from my side.
      • aerozol
        I'll make a ticket
      • akshaaatt
        Thank you!
      • Freso
        I don’t think we’ll have time for "Securing MeB infrastructure - part 2" this meeting… Unless anyone have any very quick thoughts on that, let’s push that to next Monday.
      • yvanzo
        Freso: a minute.
      • CatQuest
        could i get a direct lin kto the actual pdf (cant get github)
      • yvanzo
        Maybe we should have a separate security meeting again?
      • monkey
      • mayhem
        probably better
      • CatQuest
        thnaks monkey
      • Freso
        yvanzo: Normally there would have been ~30 minutes for the topic. Just so happened this week that there were two "longish" topics as well.
      • monkey
      • yvanzo
        At least to skim through the rest of the document written by lucifer.
      • Freso
        (Which I did warn about during the last meeting. :p)
      • monkey
        +1 for another security meeting, I think that makes sense and gives us more time to discuss
      • alastairp
        I'm happy to do it as a separate meeting again
      • mayhem
        lucifer: all the way through the top artists page 1. not a single bad track!
      • Freso
        Tomorrow normal meeting time?
      • mayhem
        can do
      • zas
        ok for me
      • monkey
        OK for me
      • akshaaatt
        Works for me
      • lucifer
      • alastairp
      • reosarevok
      • yvanzo
      • Freso
        Seems like that’s most people on board with that, and we just hit 20:00 in CEST land.
      • CatQuest
      • so it's 6AM for aerozol now
      • Freso
        So let’s go with that. Sec meeting tomorrow at regular meeting time, 19:00 CEST :)
      • monkey
        Pinging atj just in case ^
      • Freso
        Thank you everyone for your time! Stay safe and remember to wear your mask! 😷
      • </BANG>
      • aerozol
        to go to bed or to stay up... that is the question (nobody feel too bad though, I'm an ok morning person!)
      • Thanks Freso! Stay safe!!
      • monkey
        Franks Theso !
      • CatQuest
        <3 aerozol
      • alastairp
        thanks all
      • yvanzo
      • lucifer
        mayhem: btw next playlist also in, with all ranks 10-21. it chose 10 this time.
      • mayhem
        long meeting for a change. thanks all!
      • CatQuest
        if you feel better I too woke up t 5 ish today (but i went ot bed agai nand slept until 10)
      • mayhem
        lucifer: odd. so very odd.
      • atj
        tomorrow should be fine, best set a reminder
      • monkey
      • alastairp
        monkey: btw, this is the doc that I started about SSR: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ioXNMfj6Fwb...
      • lucifer
        mayhem: maybe because of the training data split.
      • alastairp
        monkey: currnetly planning on coming to the office tomorrow
      • monkey
        I've been digging into SSR + Flask too alastairp
      • lucifer
        the rmse's aren't very far away so randomness can do that i think.
      • monkey
        Same, office tomorrow afternoon
      • alastairp
        not sure how movingtime is going for you
      • oh, great!
      • aerozol
      • BrainzBot
        MEB-136: Merge Logo repo into Design repo
      • lucifer
        we can probably do K-folds training for better result.
      • mayhem
        lucifer: good insight.
      • monkey
        This week I'm wary of taking on more aerozol, but mabe a kind soul here would like to crack their git knuckles?
      • alastairp
        updated link to @meb
      • aerozol
        All good, it's not really a priority
      • monkey
        Or if it can wait a bit that's OK too
      • alastairp
        monkey: ^
      • akshaaatt
        Assign it to me aerozol
      • lucifer
        alastairp: monkey: mayhem: i might not be around for next month's LB meeting (friend from abroad is visiting). do you want to hold it later this week instead? also, lmk if there's something that i need to do to avoid blocking you on any tasks.
      • aerozol
        akshaaatt: Before I forget, if you have to recode the 'recent additions' image sliders anyway, can we change it to 'upcoming releases'? Mayhem was in favour of this a while back too
      • Legend, Akshat, done!
      • alastairp
        lucifer: no problem for me to push it back or bring it forward
      • monkey
        We can do next week perhaps, LB team? Tuesday?
      • Ansh
        alastairp: I've raised PR for places page also. The only pending work is BU version upgrade.
      • lucifer
        next week is next month :)
      • mayhem
        delay one week would be good.
      • monkey
      • akshaaatt
        Actually I am reusing the previous code as of now for the cover arts aerozol
      • monkey
        +1 to delay
      • lucifer
        delay 1 week works for me.
      • akshaaatt
        But I would be keen on updating it to upcoming releases
      • aerozol
        Ah okay all good, worth a try! See how you go?
      • lucifer
      • akshaaatt
        Yuss aerozol!
      • mayhem
        lets delay then!
      • monkey
        Noted. Mon. 9th at 4PM UTC
      • alastairp
        it's in my calendar now
      • monkey
        Maybe we should have a shared MEB calendar?
      • akshaaatt
        That would be a good idea monkey
      • CatQuest
        aerozol: I kinda like he split colour text of the projectname that you have a line over in the "colour usage" section tho :o
      • lucifer
        i see google calendar has that option. https://support.google.com/a/answer/1626902?hl=en
      • CatQuest
        also the second colour for bookbrainz in 2.2g Colours: BookBrainz is wrong
      • aerozol
        CatQuest: hah! did Akshat see that? Because it's a screenshot of his design > <
      • so mean
      • CatQuest
        oh no :O
      • sorry!
      • aerozol
        Honestly, if there's a really good reason, then sure, use colourful text. But I want to discourage it. Brand colours can be used elsewhere
      • CatQuest
        the one the gradient is based on i mean
      • alastairp
        monkey: have you never used the term 'chrome' to mean the user interface of something not counting the actual content?
      • CatQuest
        eh, I don't care too much on it, just kidna liek the look of a little bit of colour
      • aerozol
        Oh, BB gradient I changed because it looked like poo
      • monkey
      • CatQuest
      • aerozol
        I tweaked some of the other gradients as well
      • CatQuest
        chrome is a metal finish and a really crappy browser
      • i think the gradient shoudl be used sparingly. (if at all)
      • yes
      • :D
      • aerozol
        On a more serious note, orange for text on a white background will be very hard for people with visual disabilities to read
      • alastairp
        so where did I learn it from?
      • CatQuest
        yes indeed
      • aerozol
        and the contrast ratio doesn't meet our *new* accessibility guidelines
      • CatQuest
        remember i also have an acessability thing though: ADHD
      • alastairp
        https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5071905/wha... maybe something something mozilla
      • aerozol
        ...but I'm not coming in making everyone change everything ASAP, hopefully they just help things
      • CatQuest
        aerozol: in general the documents seem sane (but their format was a bit hard to read, wich is ironic :D)
      • aerozol
        Your ADHD will be very good with the guidelines!! Is the BB gradient change too obvious/distracting?
      • CatQuest
        to be frank, all the gradients are super distracting
      • aerozol
        Honestly: these guideline docs is where people assess whether a designer is crappy or not. And you always try flex some design on them
      • CatQuest
        used a little they are fine
      • already on test.mb it is too much now
      • aerozol
        Agreed - there's a note in there somewhere about using them very rarely
      • CatQuest
      • also I must say: I want something about using text *and* icons. icons are not always the best way to convey something
      • links that are only icons for example.. not the best
      • aerozol
        No comment on test.mb from myself until Akshat has it looking how he wants
      • Then we can adjust if needed!