

July 1st 2022

      • Pratha-Fish
      • aerozol
        alastairp: I'm looking at dates for the summit (wooo!) and I remember you mentioning a show or festival that was happening before/after? What was it again :0
      • yvanzo: are you the ticket wizard? Any idea why some of my tickets don't appear in my 'assigned to me' part of the homepage? Possibly some projects don't show up there?
      • Freso: How's this?
      • alastairp
        aerozol: good question, I can't remember mentioning something. Maybe it was the spanish national holiday on Oct 12?
      • yvanzo
      • alastairp
        mayhem: thanks for confirming the ab ftp mirror details
      • mayhem
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: Because these tickets are marked as “Fixed” they don’t appear in your “Assigned Open Issues”; See all of your assigned tickets: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/issues/?jql=assi...
      • alastairp
        1st of the month already?!
      • aerozol
        Yvanzo: hah, I didn't even realize it was closed, I guess I'm still working on it anyway! Thanks
      • alastairp: I wonder if it was someone else... It was a concert in sure. Ah well
      • mayhem
        moin aerozol!
      • yes, MeB is paying for the flights and accomodation.
      • aerozol
        Moin moin!
      • 😍
      • mayhem
        and yes, get started on some training.
      • aerozol
        Tumeke (too much)
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: The resolution is set to “Fixed” when a pull request has been identified to address it. But the status is not Closed yet.
      • aerozol
        Ahhhh makes sense. Kind of. But I'll bookmark that all assigned link instead
      • Anyone know any good sites or courses to learn git?
      • alastairp
        aerozol: in the guidelines, avide -> abide
      • aerozol: sorry, I didn't follow too much of your discussion with others over the last week, but were there originally more details in the guidelines section and you simplified it in order to make it easier to understand?
      • aerozol
        They was much more in there and then I stripped it right back. CatQuest had feedback around not wanting to police reviews too much, Freso helped make it more succinct and we removed any overlap with the MetaBratnz CoC
      • However there might be some stuff we want put back in - the most common thing seem to be SEO manipulation (removed because it's in the CoC) and purely promotional reviews (still in there)
      • Happy for more feedback
      • V1:
      • alastairp
        yeah right. this is the first time that I've read it in detail (!), and for me "No primarily promotional content" is a bit difficult to undestand
      • aerozol
      • alastairp
        mmmm. here's an idea
      • aerozol
        Keen for it to be massaged. The main thing is to identify what to do with stuff like this: https://critiquebrainz.org/review/939607e5-49c2...
      • alastairp
        what if we had a "I'm the artist or representing the artist" flag?
      • aerozol
        Which is kind of a review, but mainly promotional (and pasted from the label website)
      • alastairp
        or even more explicit "this is promotional content by the artist"
      • aerozol
        Yeah would do the same thing. As long as it can be assigned by admin/mods
      • I'm going to have dinner, I'll let you mull it over :D
      • alastairp
        yeah, the idea would be that the reviewer set it, but we could set it ourselves if it's clear that this is the case
      • my feedback would be 1) add another sentence to point 3 to clarify what "primarily promotional" means, 2) consider adding "no seo" explicitly? (I know it's also in the CoC, does it make sense to explicitly drawing attention to it?)
      • aerozol
        Okay, so clarify the promotional material part and leave it in, until we (maybe) get a flag system or something? Most of the troublemakers on that front have been single review/use burner accounts so I can't say we're losing much but we can always proceed more cautiously if an artist or label comes along and uses it on good faith
      • I'm a fan of being explicit on no SEO but also hear the feedback re. duplication. Make a call chef!
      • I don't mind the MetaBrainz wording of 'don't game our projects' which covers SEO gaming imo
      • "3. Promotional content that doesn't meet guideline 1. will be removed"? Ahh I dunno
      • alastairp
        a few ideas about promotional material: maybe if we make it easier for a user to say "I'm affiliated with these artists", and then we put in the guidelines that you have to do this if it's promotional? then if it's a burner account we can clear it
      • yeah, good question about the difference between "a review by the artist" and "clearly just promo text like you would find in a press kit or on the label's website"
      • maybe 3. could be as simple as "No primarily promotional content, if [you are affiliated with the item being reviewed] please make sure that there is some review-like content in there too"
      • not exactly like that, but do you get the idea?
      • aerozol
        Yeah, I was trying to do something like that in 1. and then be more explicit re promo stuff in 3.
      • alastairp
        that's true, 1 encompasses what I was trying to say anyway
      • aerozol
        I guess I also have no idea what the aim of CritiqueBrainz is - is it just for "reviews"?
      • alastairp
        perhaps a good wider discussion to have :) I think the answer is yes, but also to be a counter to wikipedia's "Neutral point of view only", to have a place where you can be non-neurtral. in that case I see promo material fitting in there (if it's flagged as such)
      • ansh
        alastairp: do we use folder for test reports anywhere? Can we add it in the .gitignore ?
      • alastairp
        ansh: the one that generates the junit xml?
      • ansh
      • alastairp
        I don't think that we use it. In our old test setup (using a service called jenkins) we were able to generate graphs using this file.
      • yes, we can add it to gitignore, but also we could configure it to not generate this file when running tests locally
      • I'll have a look
      • Pratha-Fish: sorry - I saw all of your messages and sat down twice to respond to them, but got distracted both times! looking at them again now
      • ansh
        I think its the best if we add them in gitignore, because the reports are useful sometimes for debugging : https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/cq1x14kA/
      • alastairp
        ansh: 👍
      • Pratha-Fish: yeah, logging performance stats for this kind of thing is very useful. let me find some code which I use for this kind of thing
      • another very important thing is to save your work as soon as you complete it. so if you look up 15 items, go ahead and save them (as an example, you could map the track name/artsit name back to the recording mbid and save it in mapping_lookup/[mbid].json (just the item for that single mbid))
      • in the case of no match, consider saving an empty file
      • and then, at the other end - when you do the lookup you can first see if this MBID has a saved json file. if it does, skip it. this means that you can cancel/restart as many times as you want
      • when I do stuff like this in a loop, I will often run a counter, and every 1000 items or so (it definitely changes depending on the amount of work each item requires) I will print how many items it has done, how many remaining, how much total time has elapsed, and I'll calculate an estimated remaining time for completion
      • here is the helper method that I wrote: https://github.com/MTG/pymtg/blob/master/pymtg/...
      • you might also like https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm, it's got some cool interactive widgets for notebooks
      • that second link also has some code for my example of saving intermediate results, take a look at the `filter_mbids_from_destination` method, and then how I call write_lowlevel in the get_lowlevel_for_all_and_save method
      • ansh: btw, monkey found that these views are used in many places in BB, and therefore he cannot add 'and master=true' to the query. so we'll have to add it to the CB version of the code
      • ansh
        okay, I'll make the changes
      • The script gave me exactly what I wanted. Are there any other changes required?
      • alastairp
        I don't think so! let me have a look again at the work
      • do you want to add the entity page to the existing PR that include the DB lookups, or do you want to make a separate one?
      • ansh
        I created another one for it
      • CB#440
      • BrainzBot
      • alastairp
      • ansh
        alastairp: I have updated the script to fetch the data. The only thing left is to make some changes in the `mbstore` to include bb_entities.
      • CatQuest
        I *still* think "no defamation" should be replaced with "no hatespeach/slurs"
      • Pratha-Fish
        alastairp: thanks, the counter thing is pretty useful!
      • P.S. I've ran the mapper through 10k rows of data, and the results for it are stored on wolf 🐺
      • I"ll share the analytics ASAP too
      • alastairp
        Pratha-Fish: great, thanks
      • reosarevok
        We have too many genres D:
      • reosarevok keeps adding links to them, onwards to g
      • alastairp
        "genres don't actually exist", etc
      • Pratha-Fish: where are the results? can I look at the mapping data?
      • ansh
        alastairp: For showing BB/MB on the entity pages, is the design https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/2wLky...  final or are there any changes?
      • monkey
        Oh, that's not final at all, that was a 2 minute mockup for an unrelated ticket
      • alastairp
        ansh: at the moment this is just a proposal. for now you can copy the existing layout, we will send this example to aerozol and see if he has any other feedback
      • ansh
        oh! I made some design changes in the reviews page to show BB/MB
      • alastairp
        that's not finalised either, but don't worry. we can make any necessary tweaks in the coming week
      • don't worry too much about it
      • ansh
        Okay :)
      • Pratha-Fish
      • 1108412731,f4a31f0a-51dd-4fa7-986d-3095c40c5ed9,1deb956c-5439-4fbb-b026-5adb4330a934,1deb956c-5439-4fbb-b026-5adb4330a934,Anywhere,Evanescence,f4a31f0a-51dd-4fa7-986d-3095c40c5ed9,1deb956c-5439-4fbb-b026-5adb4330a934
      • 1108422818,db999c3f-f243-4a5f-88d6-0c25243b6661,14e9eb4e-155d-46ff-9a83-a8d5e1936c81,b0e80c50-6bca-415c-9515-1b4983329b80,Lady Lady,Mark Joseph,db999c3f-f243-4a5f-88d6-0c25243b6661,b0e80c50-6bca-415c-9515-1b4983329b80
      • 1108423325,ce58d854-7430-4231-aa44-97f0144b3372,eced9a9b-cd59-40f8-a580-f27094bd8a89,6ae8e64a-d208-4f4e-8d88-155ed0568344,Building a Mystery,Sarah McLachlan,ce58d854-7430-4231-aa44-97f0144b3372,6ae8e64a-d208-4f4e-8d88-155ed0568344
      • 1108594566,e6e879c0-3d56-4f12-b3c5-3ce459661a8e,0a8e9fce-b54c-45dd-8081-4aaa654ef4ec,da1308d1-6037-4ba1-b6fc-a643a4201140,Hallelujah,Jeff Buckley,e6e879c0-3d56-4f12-b3c5-3ce459661a8e,da1308d1-6037-4ba1-b6fc-a643a4201140
      • 1108679759,3c0a0074-4f26-4d3b-b723-a66bf6cc3753,06a5b648-0950-4892-a975-715291a5de6f,a2a800b4-4969-4bc6-88e9-6928b973890c,Penny & Me,Hanson,3c0a0074-4f26-4d3b-b723-a66bf6cc3753,a2a800b4-4969-4bc6-88e9-6928b973890c
      • Ooops
      • Wait why does it only have 5 rows
      • alastairp: here's the data ^
      • last time I only exported the head of the data, that's why it uploaded only 5 rows 🤦‍♂️
      • This one's complete tho.
      • P.S. this time I used the requests_cache libary, so all looksups will be stored for 24hrs
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14yvanzo opened pull request #2581 (03beta…mbs-12484): MBS-12484: Fix genre alias edit links display https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • alastairp
        Pratha-Fish: awesome, glad that you managed to get the mapping lookups done
      • Pratha-Fish
        alastairp: haha yes, I can't believe how many issues I got through for this one lol
      • Here's some stats too
      • Let me know if you need any specific "broken" rows filtered out
      • alastairp
        well, the whole purpose of this is for you to learn how do do this
      • so from my perspective, everything over the last few weeks has been absolutely perfect
      • Pratha-Fish
        alastairp: Thanks! That means a lot to me :)
      • I gotta stop slacking off though.
      • My daily schedule has been shifted to whole another timezone due to insomnia, so I've been barely able to work for a few hours a day
      • alastairp
        Pratha-Fish: no problem. don't worry about trying to stay up to cross with my timezone if that's causing you issues, I think we're managing well regardless. if you need to take a few days to decompress then that's fine as well
      • mayhem
        alastairp: OT: Know a good shop that duplicates keys? I need one to handle the keys with the dimples in particular
      • alastairp
        Pratha-Fish: I think this next step is pretty exiting. Can we do a check of "how many canonical mbids are the same as mapping mbids?"
      • I used...
      • Pratha-Fish
        nah, it's not due to work TBH
      • It's my own messed up schedule due to lifestyle changes
      • Also, the work is not stressfull at all :)
      • alastairp
        galaxy claus or mon de claus or something
      • around sagrada familia barrio
      • mayhem
        oh that is convenient. lol