

September 1st 2022

      • tandy1000
        > <@tandy1000:matrix.org> why are you only allowed to pass min_ts or max_ts and not both?
      • oh its a lie, it works :)
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo, bitmap: opinion on MBS-12561 ?
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-12561: Limit who can approve area/instrument/genre edits https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-12561
      • yvanzo
      • hi reosarevok: Approval is already limited to auto-editors who have some obligations, it doesn’t seem that anyone abused it on the linked edit at least.
      • reosarevok
        Yeah, I'm not sure whether it matters - my only reasoning to limit it would be to ensure someone doesn't approve overzealously when the editor wanted feedback
      • But I haven't seen it happen either
      • So it might not matter tbh
      • zas
        monkey, alastairp, mayhem : I added few directions from El Prat/Sants to city center for attendees at the end of https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/MusicBrainz_Summit/22 , can you double check it is correct?
      • good news, T-casual cost decreases today (right?)
      • mayhem
        yes, half price.
      • oh sorry. no T-casual is the same, but T-usual is discounted (more benefit for commuters, not visitors)
      • zas: I updated it a little since the trains can be taken directly to Arc de Triomf, which is right near the office and the airbnbs. but thanks for adding that section.
      • zas
        according to https://www.tmb.cat/en/barcelona-fares-metro-bu... T-casual has a 30% discount (7.95€)
      • mayhem
        oh, cool. that's news us. cool!
      • mayhem should go buy some extras
      • I do use the metro more often now.
      • zas
        beware about the ticket validity -> https://www.tmb.cat/en/barcelona-fares-metro-bu...
      • tickets bought in 2022 will expire early 2023 (I guess they'll raise prices again then)
      • mayhem
        alastairp: monkey Freso lucifer : please submit your invoices. I'll pay one batch this afternoon. next one on monday.
      • zas: of course all of these limitations can be overcome if you are super polite and speak soft catalan. then everything is possible.
      • mayhem has seen Ada works much magic.
      • -s
      • reosarevok
        "Brazilian Celtic metal band" I've seen it all now
      • Although I guess given I've heard of Japanese flamenco performers I should not be surprised anymore
      • Also, hah, a price *decrease* on something!
      • [cries in 25% year on year inflation]
      • alastairp
        reosarevok: yeah, it's so that we all take public transport instead of wasting our money on petrol
      • petrol? in what car?
      • also, the "unlimited commuter train trips for 10€ refundable deposit" starts today!
      • reosarevok
        Heh. Here they're raising the prices of both public transport *and* city bikes
      • But well, petrol is so expensive that you don't need to discourage people from buying it I guess :p
      • They probably barely can to begin with
      • alastairp
        we'll see. the instructions have all been very confusing, I need to go to a train station this week and sort everything out
      • it'd be good to have some tickets to be able to get further afield and then do something on the bike
      • reosarevok
        Do they charge extra for the bike?
      • alastairp
        not on the trains for which I can get free tickets
      • reosarevok
        Here they didn't use to, but now they do, because there were so many people taking bikes that people couldn't even move anymore
      • alastairp
        of course, the solution to that is actually to have more bike wagons
      • reosarevok
        (... but they just charge, they still don't limit the number of bikes, so it's as bad as before, but more expensive)
      • alastairp
        but dn't tell them that
      • reosarevok
        hahaha, bike wagons :p
      • Our trains literally have like 2 wagons anyway
      • Apparently "they're working on it", anyway, but that requires waiting like 5 years for them to get the new trains / wagons. We'll see
      • On the other hand, at least we can legally camp pretty much anywhere, so I guess I'd still take that over no camping but decent bike train transport
      • But why is it so hard to learn the smart things from each other rather than having conflicting smart things :D
      • alastairp
        it's interesting, there's new EU rules coming in in 2024 or so for new minimum bike spaces for new trains and refurbishments
      • what's the bet that renfe refurbishes their entire stock before the end of 2023? :-P
      • reosarevok
        Or just doesn't refurbish it at all ever because people will pay anyway?
      • Too cynical?
      • alastairp
        yeah, that sounds about right
      • ansh
        alastairp: Hi!
      • alastairp
        hi ansh
      • ansh
        Regarding the discussion we were having for CB-427, what should be the appropriate approach for the feature?
      • BrainzBot
        CB-427: Support entity endpoint in the API including average rating https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/CB-427
      • alastairp
        I spoke to monkey about this yesterday. we decided that it would be a good idea to implement this feature as described, and to switch BB to use it to get review information
      • ansh
      • alastairp
        we also found one additional feature that we could add to BB. If you as a user write a review from BB, when you refresh the page it may disappear (for example, if it's not a recent or a top rated review). We should do a query to the /ws/1/review endpoint with the username and entity id parameters set, so that we can see if the user has written a review
      • this way we can mark it specifically ("this is your reveiew"), and also indicate if the rating is just the average rating of the entity, or if it's actually the rating of the user
      • ansh
        This would be a really nice thing
      • reosarevok
      • Yes please
      • I was just thinking in MB we say "write a review" even if you already have
      • Since we just don't know
      • But please still return the average rating and the most recent review etc
      • Just if a username is passed then return also user-rating and user-review or whatnot
      • Then we can get all the data we need with one call
      • ansh
        Absolutely! This change can also be integrated to LB as well
      • reosarevok
        You can always make it optional to return review contents, I guess? In case you want to avoid always returning a larger response
      • (dunno if most popular, latest and user starts seeming too much)
      • For example, MB only needs to know the reviews *exist* in most cases, and counts and whatnot, but when on the Reviews tab we will want to specifically ask for the reviews
      • But that's up to you to decide according to CB's needs :)
      • alastairp
        reosarevok: mmm
      • the existing review endpoint already lets you filter by username and entity id, monkey and I were thinking of using that (this would require 2 queries, one for "review & ratings overview" and one for "has this user written something?"
      • are you suggesting to add a query parameter to the /artist/[mbid]?user=x endpoint to highlight this info there?
      • return keys top_reviews, recent_reviews, user's_review
      • reosarevok
      • I was thinking I can call artist/x and it will give me average rating, review count, latest review, recent review (filterable as review/ is by text only or all)
      • And if I have a logged in user, I can call artist/x?user=foo to get that, plus user-rating and user-review
      • Can the same user review the same thing twice?
      • monkey
      • reosarevok
        Then that's easy
      • alastairp
        yes, adding a user param actually makes sense, and allows you to do it all in 1 query
      • what'd be even cooler is if it could return this automatically if you do an authenticated api call... LB and BB do this
      • lucifer
        alastairp: hi! if you have time later, please review any 1 type of LB PRs. want to avoid more merge conflicts as most of the codebase is being affected.
      • alastairp
        lucifer: sure, I think I can book in some time this afternoon
      • lucifer
      • bitmap
        reosarevok: approving should be limited to people who can enter the edit IMO, but this probably won't cause many issues in practice. voting for all seems OK since the author has to enable that
      • Pratha-Fish
        Hi alastairp lucifer
      • Sorry for disappearing for 1.5 days straight, some stuff popped up
      • lucifer: I noticed I didn't use ```mapping.canonical_recording_redirect``` in the cleanup process at all. Where do you suggest I fit in the ```mapping.canonical_recording_redirect_new_tmp```
      • lucifer
        Pratha-Fish: can you remind me how you got the canonical mbid in that report?
      • nvm found it.
      • Pratha-Fish
        lucifer: Got em
      • lucifer
        Pratha-Fish: this image mentions mapping.canonical_recording_redirect
      • Pratha-Fish
        Oh crap
      • It's the diagram that I submitted with my proposal, so it has got a little old
      • lucifer
        i see, can you share the updated one?