

February 1st 2023

      • aerozol
        Super simple/easily replacable demo tutorials uploaded for feedback: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLgsw7xW...
      • Does my cold make my voice too annoying? Do I have to invest in a decent mic? Or do these ‘do the job’? You be the judge!
      • pbryan
        You sound fine, aerozol.
      • The mic or placement could be slightly better.
      • A little harsh on the "sh" sounds. If you're speaking directly into it, try putting the mic to the side?
      • aerozol
        Thanks pbryan!
      • reosarevok: do you have access to the MeB YouTube? Shall I upload the above videos (and the rest, will be a lot) there? Otherwise can will it to mine
      • reosarevok
        aerozol: I'm not actually sure who has the access deets to that - maybe mayhem does?
      • I'll check the video stuff soon
      • alastairp
      • hi reosarevok, sure. that's a good description (forum tag)
      • reosarevok
        alastairp: changed :)
      • lucifer
        mayhem: that patch is working now. settled on using artist_mbid as param name for now. another issue was that the artist-credit-similarity branch is not yet merged in master so various-mapping-fixes branch was trying to fetch data from wrong tables.
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14amCap1712 merged pull request #2345 (03master…yim-art-fix): LB-1201: YIM 2022 - wrong artist in top tracks image https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • lucifer
        Maxr1998: thanks for the report. i was testing the dedup stuff but forgot to switch it back for prod before logging off. the links bug is fixed, dedup is still in testing so will have to wait some more time.
      • mayhem
        lucifer: ahh, thanks for fixing that 🙏
      • reosarevok: aerozol I do not have access to YouTube
      • reosarevok
        mayhem, aerozol: then I can get the deets from Freso once he's back from his few-days break. I don't think this is urgent enough to ask via phone, anyway :)
      • And put them up on syswiki
      • mayhem
      • well, well, well. here is some bad news, something affecting me emotionally this morning.
      • our guardian angels at Google have been laid off.
      • Chris DiBona and Cat Allman.
      • Literally the people who are throwing a couple of events in Bruxelles this weekend. gone.
      • alastairp
        ah, I read that a few days ago in another article. that's really sad
      • I hope it doesn't have bad news for SoC
      • mayhem
        Chris is hugely responsible for MetaBrainz being where it is today.
      • alastairp: The protectors of GSoC have been laid off. The writing is on the wall.
      • > Yes, Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is scraping by on a mere $46.34 billion in profit last quarter
      • if gsoc exists in 2024, it will be a shadow of it former self. lip service to the past.
      • alastairp
        "it's not just that you need to make money, you need to make _more_ money"
      • "the rate at which you make more money needs to increase"
      • mayhem
        "you're not greedy enough, pick up the pace"
      • aerozol
      • reosarevok: mayhem: potentially MeB YouTube is just the MeB Gmail/Google account? Worth checking
      • mayhem
        which one? we dont have an alias for it. at least I didn't add it.
      • reosarevok
        mayhem: around to talk community stuff (and AI I guess...) whenever
      • Dealing with some easier reports now to clear the queue as much as possible for the harder ones :D
      • aerozol: your voice seems fine in the video. I mean, other than your weird southern hemisphere accent I guess :p
      • We have a few tutorials already in the MeB channel, have you checked those first? (I know we have a release one for example, but it might be very outdated)
      • Made back in the GCI days
      • lucifer
        Freso might have access.
      • i remember him uploading a video for me in GCI days.
      • mayhem
        reosarevok: I first need to go for a walk to get over the shock of this gsoc news. I knew this recession was going to sting, but it doesn't make any of this easier.
      • reosarevok
        Sure, no rush :)
      • lucifer: I am sure he has, I mailed him about it but he's on a brief break (from editing and whatnot as well) so he might not answer until a few days from now
      • We were just wondering if someone else did too :)
      • lucifer
        ah makes sense
      • mayhem
        alastairp: Cat is going to Brussels. I feel slightly better now.
      • CatQuest
        tch. i remember when google had "don't be evil" in it's fukke nmnaifesto... sigh
      • mayhem
        they threw that overboard yeaaars ago.
      • when Eric Schmidt left the CEO position, that was clearly over.
      • CatQuest
      • very sad, really
      • dissappointed in the whole thing
      • i remember i switched to use duckduckgo as search.. at first it was kinda corky. i remember
      • but eventually i got used ot it and now it's like.. i feel weird using google to search
      • i like how it shows the same result no matter what
      • I wonder honestly.. what are the big open source things left?
      • at this point we are actually one ofthe bautas left
      • maybe we can have BrainzSummerofcode sometime in the future.. like in 2033 :D
      • mayhem
        we'll need one for 2024, I suspect.
      • CatQuest
        I mean if we're up for that thne i'm for it!
      • mayhem
        only a matter of $$$
      • atj
        this tech layoff thing is bizarre, one company did it and then all the others thought "shit, we better sack some people too"
      • mayhem
        atj: its more sinister than that. hang on
      • alastairp
        business decisions are weird
      • 2020: "oh, everyone is working from home and this 'internet' thing is going to be big. hire all the people"
      • mayhem
        this was a hedge fun pushing them.
      • alastairp
        2023: "oh, we hired too many people, fire them all!"
      • mayhem
        the only business decision was, "ops, lets not have the hedge fund fuck with us, so lay people off"
      • alastairp
        "hedge fun"
      • mayhem
        being a public company means being evil.
      • lucifer
        intel is doing paycuts but will pay a quarterly dividend
      • mayhem
        shit like that.
      • reosarevok
        We can live without GSoC, are we worried about the Google support contract? That seems more problematic if lost :p
      • mayhem
        yes, claro.
      • reosarevok
        (MBS has had almost no GSoCs for a while since we're not cool and we've managed fine)
      • CatQuest
        I mean...
      • I will miss theoppertunity of getting so many new devs and contributors onboard
      • it was a good inlet for fresh blood!
      • atj
        "activist hedge fund", why is this a thing
      • reosarevok
        That's true :)
      • CatQuest
        (eh that soudned weird. and possibly dracularian)
      • reosarevok
        I didn't say it's nice, it's still shit news
      • And yeah, we need to drink young developers' blood to remain young and active
      • How do you think lucifer does all that work
      • mayhem
      • atj
        see - “Nearly all technology companies are reducing costs” aka "everyone else is doing, so we must too"
      • *doing it
      • mayhem
        its just that GSoC has transformed us -- into a better org. at least we learned how to do it.
      • reosarevok
        "If all your friends jump off a bridge, would you do it too?" hedge fund: YUP
      • atj
        anyone good with GitHub actions?
      • alastairp
        lucifer: ^ :)
      • lucifer
        atj: can try to help.
      • atj
      • CatQuest
        mayhem: that. exactly.
      • atj
        do you know if the the actions in ci.yml won't run if the action in dependabot-auto-merge.yml applies?
      • ci.yml runs on pull_request whereas dependabot auto merge runs on pull_request_target
      • i've tried to find an answer to this in the docs but no bueno
      • lucifer
        last time i checked, it was not possible to have conditional runs across workflows.
      • atj
        so first match wins?
      • lucifer
        no both would run i think
      • atj
        it seems like when the dependabot action runs, the ci actions don't
      • lucifer
        hmm i see
      • atj
        no big deal, just can't find a definitive answer
      • lucifer
      • the official docs use pull_request and say to enable require status checks to ensure checks are run before merging
      • atj
        yes so that uses branch protection rules to trigger CI
      • yvanzo
        bitmap: Thank you.
      • atj
        but I think that might be the only option
      • lucifer
      • i do see the CI actions running for dependabot PRs fwiw
      • indeed, i think the protection rule is needed to wait for CI to complete before merging.
      • atj
        thanks, that's weird as the commits don't show the status indicator
      • lucifer
        that may be due to the pull_request_target thing
      • atj
        thanks lucifer <3
      • lucifer
        np! :)