

April 1st 2023

      • aerozol
      • lucifer
        Vscode: for apple musickit, there isn't a direct way to obtain the music user token like other music services (deezer, spotify).
      • to work around that you can do something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45162986/ho...
      • get the token from musickit once its authorized and send it back to the server on the callback url (/music-services/apple/callback)
      • aerozol
        lucifer: Great job on AIBrainz btw!! DIdn’t know you’d been so busy behind the scenes
      • Must have taken ages
      • lucifer
        thank you aerozol! been keeping it lowkey sofar.
      • real credit goes to mayhem and monkey though
      • aerozol
        True! I figured you would have been involved in the playlist code a bit at least
      • !m on LB mayhem and monkey
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, on LB mayhem and monkey!
      • aerozol
        lucifer: forum post might be of interest - https://community.metabrainz.org/t/certain-albu...
      • lucifer
        Vscode: usually the callback receives the auth codes from music services directly but in this case that doesn't exist so the workaround.
      • aerozol: yup, was investigating it just now. so far nothing seems wrong LB side.
      • aerozol
        Cool, sounds like a non-LB problem, but I wasn’t sure if they were saying the problem is on two different submitters, which would have rung some alarm bells
      • I can submit feat. artist tracks fine
      • rishav_a2z
        akshaaatt hello bhaiya
      • akshaaatt
        Hi rishav_a2z !
      • Thanks for connecting here
      • Just fyi that I am out rn, so can you please be available on the channel today. I might message you again soon
      • rishav_a2z
        okk sure
      • akshaaatt
        I want to discuss things with you regarding your gsoc proposal
      • We like the work you are doing and would like you to continue working with us.
      • rishav_a2z
        yeah sure  bhaiya, i also want to ask you for review!
      • akshaaatt
        However, you have picked up the feed section. jasje has also proposed the same
      • Given that we like both of you, and the fact that jasje has been contributing for the project longer and he proposed the proposal for feed before, it makes sense that he fits as the better candidate for that section
      • I suggest you to pick up another feature and work on that with us rishav_a2z
      • I will discuss this in detail with you around afternoon
      • But the gist is that you can work on some other feature and we would be happy to proceed further. I like your work and want us to continue working together without any confusions
      • rishav_a2z
        ok bhaiya, so can i work with Listen Submitter and Feed back as i mention its details in that
      • akshaaatt
        I think you were planning to work on the profile page right?
      • rishav_a2z
        yeah i am also want to work on that
      • because it help user to be found
      • akshaaatt
        Let’s discuss in the afternoon about this. I would want you to work on the feed section and work on adding listens hostory, recommendations page, etc
      • Bye for now! Will connect again.
      • rishav_a2z
        ok sure!!
      • akshaaatt
        Please be available on irc. Look on using hexchat or matrix for a persistent irc client rishav_a2z
      • rishav_a2z
        okk bhaiya
      • akshaaatt
        Correction, work on the profile page section* ^ rishav_a2z
      • rishav is now known as rishav_a2z
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        love the new listenbrainz feature guys :chefkiss:
      • reosarevok
        mayhem: "Customize your playlist accroding to your tastes" accroding? :D
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        hi hi reo
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox throws fish at everyone's backs
      • mayhem
        reosarevok: thats what we get for you not proofing this shit!
      • (slipped past monkey too)
      • typo fix pushed. ;)
      • Pratha-Fish someone just picked up and threw me on someone's back
      • Pratha-Fish
        Hang on why tf is libera moving to discord from IRC? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/1I11T... 
      • I am genuinely confused lol
      • P.S. bitmap thanks a ton for the proposal review :)
      • I've left a reply on the forum, and would be updating the proposal ASAP on 2nd April (after ANOTHER FUCKIGN EXAM)
      • Also, I've updated the PR too, you might wanna check it out if possible https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-bot/p...
      • kellnerd
        > July 29 - MetaBrainz Perl bot’s 11-year anniversary :moyai::tada:
      • !m Pratha-Fish for celebrating a bot's anniversary
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, Pratha-Fish for celebrating a bot's anniversary!
      • Pratha-Fish lmao
      • atj
      • mayhem
        we're coming up on PIcard's 20th anniversary, but I've not been able to work out the first release day or announcement of picard.
      • all I know it was 2003 or maybe 2004.
      • Pratha-Fish
        atj: nah, I actually included ```July 29 - MetaBrainz Perl bot’s 11-year anniversary 🗿🎉``` in my GSoC proposal timeline 🤣
      • Looks like kellnerd is the first one to discover it
      • atj
        Sorry that was re: your comment about Libera and Discord
      • Pratha-Fish
        atj: OoOh makes sense XD
      • That got me good fr
      • atj: can we also create a page explaining April fools day in detail on MusicBrainz docs just for shits and giggles?
      • kellnerd
        > July 14 - 18:00 UTC:  Midterm evaluation deadline (standard coding period)
      • Does that mean the extended GSoC coding period has no "midterm" evaluations then?
      • lucifer
        kellnerd: the midterm deadline gets adjusted according to project length.
      • if you extend the project 2 weeks, the midterm eval shifts forward by 1.
      • kellnerd
        Thanks lucifer, then I first have to decide across how many weeks I spread my project goals, 12 weeks will definitely not be enough.
      • lucifer
        kellnerd: be sure to discuss with the project's mentor (monkey?) first if you are planning extra weeks.
      • kellnerd
        Yeah, we have already discussed that we need the extended coding period to cover this project, but not how many weeks exactly.
      • lucifer
        ah cool then
      • kellnerd
        So far I had thought it would always be either 12 or 21 weeks...
      • lucifer
        10-22 is the range i think.
      • kellnerd
        Yeah, some people count the evaluation weeks and/or the week from August 28 - September 4, some do not.
      • lucifer
        if you count the community bonding period, that's another 4 weeks
      • May 4 to Nov 6, ~6 months.
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 14rishuriya opened pull request #120 (03main…backup): Feat: Added api to show Listenbrainz playlist in app https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • [bookbrainz-site] 14M-Aadil opened pull request #981 (03master…frontend): BB-734: Improvement in frontend of multiple pages https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/p...
      • akshaaatt
        Hi rishav_a2z
      • rishav_a2z
        @akshaaatt: hello bhaiya
      • akshaaatt
        Good time to discuss things rishav_a2z ?
      • rishav_a2z
        Yeah sure,
      • akshaaatt
        Did you have a thought about the project you would want to work on?
      • My pick would be to work on the profile section. But I am unsure if that would be a long project or medium project
      • It sounds like a medium project to me. Would that be fine with you rishav_a2z ?
      • rishav_a2z
        Profile section is medium project bhaiya. That i think because i once worked on it so
      • akshaaatt
        Or do you think we could play with some charts and make the stats section natively on the app?
      • So that would account for a 175 hours project rishav_a2z . Are you comfortable with that?
      • Feed section was a 350 hours project whereas
      • rishav_a2z
        I think we can also include one stats section which make it long. Stats will show all that stats which available on web version and also include listening of android app
      • Bhaiya its nothing about hours. Actually i want to make some useful contributions to the project
      • akshaaatt
        I understand that. But charts are usually complicated and making them natively could be an overkill
      • Awesome! That sounds great rishav_a2z
      • rishav_a2z
        Yes bhaiya. Natively i also have less experience with stats. In flutter i have. But its not going to use here
      • akshaaatt
        Agreed. So let’s leave stats for now. We could just show a webview for those rn
      • We already have the listens history page rishav_a2z . We just need to move it to the profile section
      • rishav_a2z
        But bhaiya. One think i want to say, in feed section we can also create feed if the user favorite artists song or album releases. Like we can add that feature. It make the app more inclusive. And feed section more useful
      • Yes bhaiya. I say that.
      • *saw
      • akshaaatt
        We don’t have that facility yet on the server rishav_a2z
      • rishav_a2z
        So what is my project exactly?
      • akshaaatt
        We meed an explore bottom nav item currency rishav_a2z
      • Need*
      • Currently*
      • rishav_a2z
        Ok bhaiya
      • akshaaatt
        We can put YIM, Recent listens, Top similar users from the website there
      • rishav_a2z
      • akshaaatt
        And move Listens history to profile, add taste, recommendations and playlists section there
      • These 2 points combined could be a good project according to me
      • rishav_a2z
        Hmm yes bhaiya
      • akshaaatt
        Recent listens and listens history is pretty much the same. So that would be an easy task for you