

June 1st 2023

      • mayhem
        why not take a "look we made hypebot" angle on it?
      • but certainly tweet. Rassami and I just had a scheming session and she suggested the LI post
      • and we came up with an idea for a second byta article series:
      • and basically write to the goverment/working group that MusicBrainz can basically solve most of their problems. get music into the DB, tag with picard, ship to your downstream
      • today. not a few million quid down the road.
      • anyways. tired. bed
      • aerozol
        mayhem: I went to share hypebot’s LinkedIn post (they made one, yay!) but I think for LI we should aim for high-quality pieces with some thoughts attached
      • e.g. let’s share their linked in post, but with a few paragraphs of ‘thought-leadership’ (I know, I know, such a managerial bullshit term) from you. Do you think you could write a paragraph of guff about why metadata is more important than ever, or why it was cool to work with Byta on this?
      • I already retweeted it on Twitter 🎉 (who cares about long paragraphs on twitter!)
      • I started drafting an intro for LI myself, I’ll write something if you’re busy - but I feel like you could do with an opportunity to let loose!
      • Definitely see lots of benefits of MeB being involved with the music industry commitment! MB is long established and neutral.
      • In general I think we’re well placed for getting involved in more discussions like that - one of the things I would be interested in doing is offering a ‘grounded and realistic’ view/statement/press release about stuff like AI and the state of the music industry. It would be cool if people thought “we have a music industry story, let’s talk to that Rob guy for an expert non corpo opinion. Let’s see how this first
      • press release goes
      • Huh, we’re listed on this, quite nice: https://covers.musichoarders.xyz/
      • Pratha-Fish
        reosarevok: Guess today today's the time to start working! :D
      • Pratha-Fish just realized picard is 20 years old 😳
      • zas
        Pratha-Fish: (soon), actually it all started with MusicBrainz Tagger, Picard is born from this experience (different codebase) soon after. But yeah, that's a long story ;)
      • lucifer, mayhem: switching listenbrainz to new gateways (dns change)
      • lucifer
      • Pratha-Fish
        zas: epic!
      • I live Picard, probably the first thing that brought me here lool (apart from last.fm)
      • *love
      • zas
        atj: around?
      • switching staticbrainz.org to new gateways
      • atj
        zas: in 15-20mina
      • *mins
      • zas
        ok, just wanted to be sure you're around before I switch high traffic domains to new gateways, in case we need to tweak things
      • metabrainz.org switched to new gateways
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-android] 14akshaaatt merged pull request #167 (03main…refactor-jc): Refactor app to Jetpack Compose https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • [listenbrainz-android] 14akshaaatt merged pull request #161 (03main…dont-fetch-url-twice): Fix: don't fetch cover art urls twice https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
      • zas
        now switching the big one, musicbrainz.org
      • mayhem always that zas liked to work the big ones
      • :D
      • atj
        zas: dreq is ACLs?
      • monkey
        Hi aerozol ! Sneak peek for you, mayhem and I have been busy the past two days: https://test.listenbrainz.org/user/mr_monkey/re...
      • reosarevok
        Spam about the promotion of gender equality in Pakistan
      • Truly I've now seen everything
      • zas
        atj: yes
      • those were previously blocked at IP level
      • and they are targeted mainly at musicbrainz.org
      • so far, no issue
      • we still have residual queries on kiki
      • load under 2 on rex & rudi, good :)
      • jasje
        lucifer: so i was trying to get error body from response when an incorrect API call has been made
      • retrofit returns null in any case
      • i did some digging online
      • and the message should not be empty
      • in 4th warning
      • the 4th warning shows the raw response from the server
      • zas
        atj: we still get queries on kiki, but I guess those are coming from clients that still have old IPs in cache
      • atj
        yes,I imagine that will happen for some time
      • lucifer
        jasje: are you accessing `errorBody` on the response?
      • jasje
        lucifer: errorbody returns null as well
      • lucifer
      • i see the response here so its an issue with retrofit or the app's code
      • jasje
        im aware of this response and that is exactly what im trying to get
      • zas
        only 11 req/s on kiki now, it is slowly decreasing
      • jasje
        but errorbody is just empty
      • ill go through retrofit issues
      • mayhem stands to attention for kiki' and herb's services
      • reosarevok
        aerozol: opinion? MBS-13115
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13115: Edit annotation, action buttons. https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13115
      • mayhem
        7 years? of service??
      • monkey:
      • should the first one have a background as well?
      • lucifer
        jasje: if you can share the code on github, i can help debug
      • jasje
        lucifer: ill just share the snippet here
      • ive got too many experimental changes rn
      • lucifer^^
      • its a bit messy because shortcuts just weren't helping debug
      • lucifer
        jasje: i can't help much without deploying this to a device and testing it but I'll suggest to remove the gson line once and just keep the logs for debugging.
      • you can consume the ResponseBody only once afair.
      • jasje
        fuck i didn't see that
      • thankyou!!!
      • its showing now
      • zas
        atj: everything looks fine on rex & rudi :) I'll go through DNS zones again to ensure I didn't forget anything
      • aerozol
        Mayhem: monkey: just checked it out on my phone, looking great!!
      • reosarevok: making preview go first names sense to me, what about you?
      • reosarevok
        I think it seems sensible, was just making sure you agreed :)
      • mayhem
        aerozol: you around for a bit?
      • aerozol
        Holy moly, I just realized you can already click the playlists. Can't wait to get home to check it out properly
      • mayhem: on the bus atm, but will be about for a bit in an hour. What you got for me?
      • I've drafted like 20 press release emails but haven't sent yet
      • mayhem
        the blurb for the LI post. tell me what to write an how long to make it and I'll make it happen right now
      • tandy1000
        Does the listenbrainz app listen service work?
      • it doesn't seem to scrobble listens from Ultrasonic for me
      • zas
        mayhem, lucifer ^^ check please, lb was switched to new gateways, it may be related
      • mayhem
        zas: unlikely, the android app still has many bugs.
      • lucifer
        zas: not an issue on LB server.
      • new listens appearing fine here.
      • akshaaatt
        Hi lucifer! Does this endpoint have a PUT api as well? https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/u...
      • mayhem
        tandy1000: I've started working with the android team to make sure that listens submission is going to be tight, but we're not there yet.
      • lucifer
        akshaaatt: the normal listen submission api. set listen_type to playing_now
      • example payload.
      • zas
        lucifer, mayhem, there is an increase of 101 responses from lb backends after the switch, see https://stats.metabrainz.org/goto/fhxQ3jQVg?org...
      • lucifer
        zas: those are websockets upgrade requests, is there anything in the switch that could cause that?
      • mayhem
        maybe old sockets that needed to reconnect?
      • lucifer
        yeah, that's what i thought but i wonder how many active connections were there.
      • zas
        yes ^^, there's an increase of hits to upstreams tagged sk
      • lucifer
        oh yeah, the number is quite low in absolute terms ~100.
      • 100/pm, well but yeah back to normal now.
      • zas
        atj: kiki's req/s down to 2-3 per second, I guess we'll have almost 0 in few hours. We can do the consul switch later today.
      • lucifer
        zas, mayhem: something is up with Websockets. the connection disconnects freqeuently.
      • zas
      • lucifer
      • mayhem
      • lucifer
      • it works fine but disconnects/reconnects every few seconds/minutes.
      • zas
        we have haproxy in front of openresty now, working at tcp level and a load balancer in front of haproxy
      • lucifer
        i misinterpreted the drop at the end as back to normal but that's actually data yet to arrive.
      • CatQuest
        oh wow 20th year picard anniversary! holy fuck. amn i remember the whole thing! i remember the orignal tagger and thne "the next generation tagger" thing.. ah man, and that horribly flimsy original thing befroe we switched ot the other (current?) gui type.. I really hated that first flimsy type it was so idk, it felt flimsy. i really like how picard is now
      • mayhem
        flimsy as fuck. but it proved a lot of stuff. :)
      • lucifer
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: is.. is that spam? though spam is "stupid pointless annoying messages" and that messge seems smart, important, interesting...?
      • (lol I know)
      • zas
        lucifer: they are using http proxying, our proxy is at tcp level
      • lucifer
        what's the haproxy timeout for WS connections currently?
      • oh okay
      • zas
        but still, there might be an issue with websockets & haproxy
      • https://documentation.softwareag.com/universal_... shows examples for both modes, and I see nothing special about tcp
      • aerozol
        mayhem: not quite back on the compy, but it shouldn't be too complicated... Let me think
      • mayhem
      • mayhem is already pounding prose
      • CatQuest
        hey if you want someone to bounce ideas about early piacrd on i'm game
      • aerozol
        I would say for linkedin people like 'big ideas', but that they can still relate to
      • lucifer
        zas: what's the timeout set to currently?
      • aerozol
        For instance, if you want to do a paragraph about how powerful metadata is, maybe about what it means in these streaming/artist saturated times. Throw in some buzzwords like AI. Then have a personal note about working with Byte, mention some first names, ya know :D
      • lucifer
        or throw the article text at ChatGPT and ask it to write a LI post for you.
      • aerozol
        Or that ;P
      • Rob's language is very far from what chatGPT writes, now that I think about it. Pretty straight to the point
      • mayhem
        genuis. replace me altogether. maybe I can achieve reosarevok level's of slacking.
      • aerozol
        CatQuest: If you have ideas for stories then yes please! How long have you been using Picard for anyway?
      • atj
        lucifer: looks like 15s
      • lucifer
        tbf beating around the bush and virtue signalling is the fundamental characteristic of LI posts.
      • atj
        is there an LB WS heartbeat?
      • lucifer
        atj: would it be possible to change it back to what we had with old gateways. if not maybe to 60s?
      • CatQuest
        aerozol: I mean since the beginning