

June 5th 2023

      • aerozol
        Oops, away for the long weekend, and then there was some activity on Hacker News after all. Does anyone have examples of LB/MB being used for fun things/personal projects? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36170269
      • outsidecontext: no action required, but I know you like to stay on top of Picard chatter: https://community.mp3tag.de/t/musicbrainz-picar...
      • outsidecontext
        aerozol: thanks
      • akshaaatt
        Hi mayhem, aerozol, monkey! Can you please update the beta app to latest and checkout if the listen submitter has improved for you? It should work fine now even when the app is close. Also, playing now is submitted to LB as soon as you start listening to a somg
      • Song*
      • outsidecontext
        akshaaatt: I find the new token configuration on top of the listen screens a bit odd. it takes up a lot of space for something you usually only setup once
      • akshaaatt
        Right outsidecontext ! We have discussed that we need to fox the UI/UX for it.
      • Fix*
      • outsidecontext
        great :)
      • is the "now playing" still showing spotify info instead of LB?
      • akshaaatt
        Yes, the now playing on app is still the one on spotify
      • It’s hard to decide
      • Which one to use
      • The LB now playing or spotify now playing
      • Maybe a setting for this as well?
      • outsidecontext
        As it is the ListenBrainz app showing LB now playing seemed natural to me :)
      • akshaaatt
      • outsidecontext
        That part confused me so hard. When using the app for the first time I assumed the feature was just totally broken, it never occurred to me that it would show the Spotify recent listen
      • akshaaatt
      • Hi lucifer! How can I keep the app updated about the playing nows from LB?
      • We only have a REST API currently
      • lucifer
        akshaaatt: i'll have to figure out some details but you can subscribe to a websockets connection i guess.
      • akshaaatt
        Yeah. But wouldn’t that require some setup on the server as well?
      • mayhem
      • akshaaatt: will try the app later today!
      • first the Reddit API pricing stupidity, now stack exchange: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/389811...
      • jasje
        akshaaatt: i think making an api call should do right?
      • like playing now’s information contains delay
      • we could have a flow dedicated just to that
      • while (true) : fetchPlayingNow(); delay(duration-of-song); if (duration == 0) : delay(fixedDelay);
      • zas
        atj: ok for doing the consul switch today?
      • atj
        zas: yes, i just realised we need to add another 2 servers to the consul cluster
      • yvanzo
      • atj
        zas: what 2 servers did you suggest to add to the cluster?
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: It looks nice but the connection is very remote. Would a MeB colorized version of the language icon logo do?
      • zas
        atj: aphex & ludwig
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: Apparently MediaWiki allows for deriving from their logo with different colors: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:MediaWiki...
      • akshaaatt
        jasje that’s a noob solution to make an open connection
      • Just keep making api calls forever on a delay
      • We rather want event based updates from the backend
      • The best way to do that is through sockets
      • jasje
        i wanna know how to do that
      • link me to something?
      • akshaaatt
      • reosarevok
        aerozol, atj, or any other native speakers around: https://musicbrainz.org/relationship/c8283596-6... - should that be "quoted on" or "quoted in"?
      • atj
        reosarevok: "quoted in"
      • reosarevok
        atj: thanks! :)
      • (CatQuest thought it seemed off and I kinda agreed but wanted to confirm)
      • yvanzo: should I release or have you seen any reasons not to yet? :)
      • And how should we do with translations then? :)
      • CatQuest: changed to quoted in then :)
      • CatQuest
      • aerozol
        yvanzo: with our other MeB projects/external sites we haven't tried to have an obvious connection (e.g. the forum logo just uses the MeB logo, instead of some kind of forum icon, or a colored version of the Discourse logo). I thought we would do the same here and brand it MeB first
      • Is there a reason why we should treat this different? If so we can of course just use the language icon
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: Mainly, they just differ from each other by a few pixels.
      • aerozol
        yvanzo: right, you want the icons to differentiate more?
      • yvanzo
        Your first logo based for colored Weblate was convincing.
      • That's just a suggestion, thus mentioning MediaWiki as well.
      • aerozol
        I don't see a way to do a new MeB sub-logo without doing the hexagon, it's the main MeB brand. I'll sleep on it
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: looking into it :)
      • aerozol
        Mayhem: monkey: ahhh I didn't see the updated recs page! Looks lovely on my phone!! I have some nitpicks like moving things a few px, so on, but I'm heading to sleep v soon
      • reosarevok
        I liked the one with the Asian char FWIW, not sure how obvious it is, but then, neither is the Wiki one necessarily
      • reosarevok shrugs
      • yvanzo: thanks :) Writing some more tests in the meantime
      • CatQuest
        wait we're not using that one? but I like it a lot too
      • aerozol
        I agree that they're not very distinguishable, but that's kind of the precedent (almost indistinguishable favicons - sorry everybody!)
      • reosarevok
        CatQuest: I think we don't yet know what we're or we're not using :)
      • aerozol
        I could revisit them all again tbh, but I don't think it's worth it :)
      • CatQuest
        right nex to eachother on the tabline they are plenty distinguishable. so it's fine
      • i think?
      • aerozol
        Oh you reckon? That's good to hear! I don't find them that obvious, but they are very obviously MeB tabs which is useful for me
      • CatQuest
      • i als oahve this ting where different (sub)domains colour the tab differently. i presume that many power users or the like have similar plugins
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: I agree it's probably not worth revisiting them all :)
      • CatQuest
        that's a browser thing and not something we shoudl assume
      • but
      • aerozol
        What we could do, and this is something we could easily do for the other sub-sites, is do new colors for their hexagons. Rather than just use MeB green. We'd start having some pretty slight color differences but that's okay
      • But that wouldn't make it a more obviously weblate/translation which I think you want yvanzo
      • ?
      • reosarevok
        lucifer / mayhem: see support email about listens export when you have some time :)
      • aerozol
        If we're making new logos I don't see a way around using a hexagon shape, it's so closely tied to MeB. We can of course just leave the weblate w as well
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: I mean if you don't feel it's worth it, don't do it.
      • Cause I'm just giving feedback, not taking decisions or doing any work about these.
      • aerozol
        yvanzo: colors would be doable. If most people are ok with the favicons only being slightly differentiated then we can use the one I posted earlier 👍
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: Color codes are definitely what make other logos slightly more distinguishable.
      • CatQuest
        the one you posted earlier with the wonky japanese "e" was great hoestly
      • honestly*
      • mayhem
        hoestly is a great typo. fits with the "hoe summer" theme of my life.
      • aerozol
        I like it too CatQuest, but I agree that it will look very similar to the forum/tickets/wiki (by design but I'm still open to feedback)
      • CatQuest: loool
      • CatQuest
      • :)
      • aerozol
        Maybe you want to post the icon in the meeting yvanzo, just mention that people can give me feedback? I'd do it but I already mailed in my review
      • CatQuest
        I'm sure reo accept addendums to mailed in reviews
      • yvanzo
        aerozol: no problem, will do, good night!
      • aerozol
        Thanks yvanzo! Good night all
      • zas
        yvanzo, reosarevok: please do not run docker-server-configs node scripts for now, we are making changes to consul
      • yvanzo
      • reosarevok
      • lucifer
        zas, yvanzo: rmq is unavailable
      • causing LB to go down
      • zas
        where is it?
      • yvanzo
      • zas
        atj: ^^
      • atj
        rmq container looks to be working
      • is it a consul health check?
      • lucifer
        zas: rmq is fine, consul issues maybe?
      • zas
      • atj
      • lucifer
        yvanzo: is sir working fine?
      • able to access rmq i mean.
      • yvanzo
        lucifer: at least some parts of LB seem to still access RMQ according to logs: `collect_logs.sh --since 2023-06-05 rabbitmq`
      • lucifer
        yvanzo: yes, that is spark cluster where the config is hardcoded.
      • yvanzo
        lucifer: no SIR doesn't, restarting it.
      • atj
        consul health check for rabbitmq-clash is passing
      • lucifer
        i am deploying a temp fix to hard code the config for LB main as well
      • atj
        where is lb running?
      • yvanzo
        sir-prod is running on floyd
      • monkey
        atj: kiss
      • reosarevok
        get a roo... oh, the server
      • atj
      • monkey
        reosarevok: 💋
      • CatQuest
      • zas
        all health checks are passing on clash
      • atj: where is that?
      • so that's a consul-template issue
      • atj
        zas: on kiss `docker logs listenbrainz-web-prod -n 500 |grep RABBIT`
      • zas
        but kiss still uses old cluster...
      • lucifer
        atj, zas: you can use listenbrainz-web-beta to track the beahvioud
      • i hardcoded the config on listenbrainz-web-prod to bring up LB
      • cc: mayhem
      • atj
        zas: consul service for rabbitmq-clash doesn't exist on the old consul cluster on kiss
      • yvanzo
        I hardcoded the service info for rabbitmq in sir-prod container, working fine atm.
      • atj
      • my guess would be that stopping consulagent container on clash caused that
      • kiss containers are still using old consul cluster
      • so service went undefined
      • transitive dependency
      • zas
        and rather a bad news if that's the case, we need to verify
      • atj
        great behaviour
      • can we organise some downtime and just get the migration done? I don't see how we can feasibly work out all the dependencies and mitigate them...
      • mayhem returns from lunch
      • mayhem
        anything I can do to help?