

October 1st 2023

      • aerozol
        Pratha-Fish: is it 'fun fact'?
      • reosarevok
        The ticket is not so expensive I bet
      • Try naming your kid "Sagrada Familia", that's probably a better deal :D
      • aerozol
        Hola Airbnb team! I'm at the arc
      • Hopefully you're late rather than me being at the wrong place
      • Narrator: he was at the (slightly) wrong place
      • reosarevok
        How's the mountain? Did you actually hike up?
      • mayhem
        hiking up is quite the hike.
      • 10km 490m elevation gain. a mild hike for seasoned hikers, a rough one for those who are not.
      • reosarevok
        Yeah, I did tell them yesterday that it's kind of hardcore
      • But let's see :)
      • mayhem
        he, not hard-core, but yeah, hard.
      • also, reosarevok, I hate to tell you this, but you were not the first person to send in your invoice.
      • must be #birdbrain
      • reosarevok
        I know :(
      • It'll be in today
      • aerozol
        Ye of little faith! We hiked to the summit. In not even triple the expected time πŸ₯³
      • Pratha-Fish
        aerozol: nah, but I wonder why did you think of that one πŸ˜‚
      • aerozol
        'fun fact' is just a great name I reckon πŸ˜›
      • Pratha-Fish
        an interesting choice indeed lol
      • Did the hike have stairs and railings all the way to the top?
      • reosarevok
        That's not a hike, that's a staircase, Pratha-Fish
      • (although I understand there are some stairs in there somewhere iirc?)
      • Pratha-Fish
        That's exactly what I was trying to figure out lol. The photos show some stairs, so I thought it couldn't be that hard
      • reosarevok
        To be fair, I bet 5 km of stairs would be exhausting!
      • Pratha-Fish
        I really wonder, if 5km of stairs would be more exhausting than trekking without stairs
      • I would bet on the stairs to be more exhausting for some reason... It's just something about the way they're built that makes it deadly to climb even a few floors
      • BTW reosarevok I don't wanna bring up work on a holiday, but I figured out the issue with fetching subdivision on wikidata. It was dead simple πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ. Super happy with the data we're getting rn :D
      • mayhem
        unless you have a pressing bird issue, you might be out of luck Pratha-Fish
      • Pratha-Fish
        mayhem: Aaand what does a "pressing bird issue" even mean? :D
      • mayhem
      • Pratha-Fish
        BTW did I tell you guys I saw some of you in my dreams today xD. I remember bring alastairp over to my room and showing him my workplace πŸ˜‚
      • mayhem goes back to his ABDSM
      • aerozol
        Pratha-Fish: we went an interesting way! It was a scramble/climb, then a walk, then stairs and some railings
      • I was going to upload pictures but my connection is spotty
      • Pratha-Fish
        aerozol: hope you had fun! ^_^.
      • Upload the pics when you get the time. No hurries :D
      • aerozol
        Pratha-Fish: will do!
      • A really hard walk tbh, but beautiful
      • Ooh one went through! Yeah worth the hike I think 😁
      • Pratha-Fish
        Absolutely worth it 😳
      • mayhem
        I've walked that entire river valley and lots of hiking around that mesa. one of my favorite hiking areas.
      • reosarevok
        Pratha-Fish: sweeet about that wikidata thing
      • Do put together a quick report of how you're doing and what are the next steps maybe?
      • Like a couple paragraphs, nothing big
      • bitmap and I can look into it in the morning from the office
      • Pratha-Fish
        reosarevok: definitely, I'll prep it up ASAP :)
      • reosarevok
        Also (especially) any question you have about what you have so far and about where to go next
      • Pratha-Fish
        I definitely am confused as hell, to say the least... I haven't been keeping up with the deadlines, and my productivity has gone to hell for quite a few reasons. That being said, the project definitely seems completable in time.
      • I think I've found a few mental blockages too. I'll address them in the report
      • reosarevok
      • ApeKattQuest
        oh ho? next year I'm bringing mountain-y shoes I guess?
      • but wasn't it horribly warm to go climbing and walking a lot in the mounains?
      • mountains*
      • fletchto99_ is now known as fletchto99
      • zas
        It was a very sunny day, but too hot by Spanish standards. By Norwegian standards I guess it was too hot by 20Β°C πŸ˜€The hike was very pleasant, amazing sights.
      • But not*
      • lucifer
        mayhem: hey! sorry i missed your earlier text. sure, more testing would be helpful.
      • opal
        aaaaaaa 12-hour time submission for the manual "add listens" dialog on listenbrainz, and no timezone in sight, im assuming utc but hell if i know
      • ok yeah it pre-fills with my current system time so that answers the timezone part
      • cool
      • mayhem
        lucifer: ok, tomorrow is going to be a zoo for me. tuesday morning could work ok.
      • yvanzo: reosarevok bitmap zas monkey ansh lucifer atj : If there is anything else other than financial and long term goals/strategy stuff you'd like to hear in my state of metabrainz presentation, let me know!
      • finances are done. presentation planned. gotta make a graph.