

      • BrainzGit
        [bookbrainz-data-js] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #322 (03master…dependabot/npm_and_yarn/micromatch-4.0.8): chore(deps): bump micromatch from 4.0.5 to 4.0.8 https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-data-j...
      • minimal has quit
      • pite has quit
      • peifwjpiq1 has quit
      • Pokey has quit
      • [listenbrainz-server] 14busttech opened pull request #2974 (03master…master): Merge pull request #1 from metabrainz/master https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • [listenbrainz-server] 14busttech closed pull request #2974 (03master…master): Merge pull request #1 from metabrainz/master https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • Kladky joined the channel
      • [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok merged pull request #3360 (03master…flow-244): Update Flow to v0.244.0 https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • reosarevok[m] joined the channel
      • reosarevok[m]
        derat: that sounds like we should release prod and then update beta :)
      • Can do that today
      • yvanzo: there's only four tickets in beta but it's been a while, anything against releasing prod anyway for those few + translation updates, then putting a new beta out etc?
      • yvanzo[m] joined the channel
      • yvanzo[m]
        Go for it, thanks.
      • Too bad that beta hasn’t been updated last week with the few more changes in master.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Yeah, but oh well, we can do that today :)
      • yvanzo: drafted a blog post, maybe you can check
      • yvanzo[m]
        reosarevok: please close your window so that I can edit it
      • reosarevok[m]
        Sorry, done
      • yvanzo[m]
        reosarevok: Mainly amended to limit repetitions.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Ok, I'll check
      • BrainzGit
        [troi-recommendation-playground] 14rimma-kubanova opened pull request #150 (03main…playlist_import): SoundCloud import tracks fix https://github.com/metabrainz/troi-recommendati...
      • mayhem[m] joined the channel
      • mayhem[m]
        reosarevok[m]: get a non-snarky boss?
      • just whatever you do, do not get an intel mobo -- AMD all the way. the intel mobo, you can watch the battery evaporate and you can cook your lunch on the lappy too!
      • the amazing things about the laptop is that it comes with a screwdriver. and when you open it up, everything has a QR code on it. scan the code to get to the video on how to remove/install that component.
      • wanna upgrade the mobo? sure. took me half an hour.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Updating prod
      • rimskii[m] joined the channel
      • rimskii[m]
        lucifer: I discovered a bug with the SoundCloud import (thanks to ansh for catching it). I've opened a new [PR](https://github.com/metabrainz/troi-recommendation-playground/pull/150) to address this issue. Could you please take a look when you get a chance? 👀
      • apart from that, everything seems fine
      • also I started my final submission form
      • reosarevok[m]
        Update done
      • derat[m]
        reosarevok: thanks!
      • reosarevok[m]
        yvanzo: new laptop, getting `sudo: docker-compose: command not found` when doing `prebuild-musicbrainz`
      • IIRC that's the style for compose v1
      • What was the trick until we move it to officially use v2? :)
      • yvanzo[m]
        DOCKER_COMPOSE_CMD='docker compose'
      • reosarevok[m]
        So DOCKER_COMPOSE_CMD='docker compose' bash -c './admin/repository/prebuild-musicbrainz'
      • Ok, seems to work, thanks
      • yvanzo[m]
        It is unneeded to call bash one more time though.
      • You can also set it (along with DOCKER_CMD) once for all in your ~./bashrc as it is used by all projects.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Well it didn't seem to work otherwise 🤷‍♂️
      • Will try that for next time, thanks
      • yvanzo[m]
        reosarevok[m]: ??? `DOCKER_COMPOSE_CMD='docker compose' ./admin/repository/prebuild-musicbrainz` should have worked
      • reosarevok[m]
        Oh. I tried with `&&` which I guess was dumb
      • Yeah, works fine without, of course. Thanks.
      • snobdiggy29 joined the channel
      • mayhem[m]
        thanks to all students/mentors who have evaluations due today -- we're all caught up. 😄
      • reosarevok[m]
        yvanzo: ok, docker image pushed, it seems
      • Any chance you can do the "Manually test running a mirror with this image" bit? This SSD in the new laptop is also small and it has no hard disk 😅
      • (well, "new" - second hand)
      • mayhem[m]
        lucifer: ericd's PR is now ready to be merged: Everything is done and the endpoint/UI that is waiting on OAuth is commented out. Please take a look and see if you have any objections to this being merged: https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • monkey: ansh : May I use beta for at least 24 hours to have the atom feeds branch on it so that aerozol can review the UI components before we merge?
      • ansh[m] joined the channel
      • ansh[m]
      • reosarevok[m]
        Oh no. The atom feeds now? Soon it will start growing 🫣
      • mayhem: btw, we decided in the end not to have a schema change as such since we will concentrate on search + the docker compose v2 move
      • (but we should still notify supporters of the move at least - is blog enough?)
      • mayhem[m]
        reosarevok: I think that is wise, given our summit and such.
      • and yes, blog post should be fine for this.
      • lucifer[m]
        rimskii: i'll take a look.
      • mayhem: lgtm
      • mayhem[m]
        lucifer[m]: on the atom front?
      • lucifer[m]
      • mayhem[m]
      • lucifer[m]
        reosarevok: is a PG upgrade possible?
      • reosarevok[m]
        Didn't we just upgrade PG?
      • Yeah, we just upgraded 12 to 16
      • lucifer[m]
        oh i must have forgotten about it lol
      • reosarevok[m]
        In May
      • lucifer[m]
        great, thanks!
      • mayhem[m]
        reosarevok the miracle worker.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Retroactive upgrades!
      • yvanzo: any idea if anything might have changed recently re MBS-13753 ?
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13753: Weblate: Redirection to authentication provider not working https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13753
      • minimal joined the channel
      • pite joined the channel
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      • d4rkie has quit
      • lusciouslover has quit
      • rimskii[m] joined the channel
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      • d4rkie joined the channel
      • yvanzo[m]
        reosarevok: The latest version of Weblate has some changes with authentication, it could be related. I will open a ticket to Weblate.
      • Jade[m] joined the channel
      • Jade[m]
        bitmap: The deadline for the Mentor Final Evaluation for GSoC is today, could you have a look at that please?
      • bitmap[m] joined the channel
      • bitmap[m]
        Jade[m]: Hi Jade, I completed your final evaluation last week. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
      • Jade[m]
        Thank you 😄
      • theflash__ joined the channel
      • LupinIII
        [12:30] mayhem[m] the amazing things about the laptop is that it comes with a screwdriver. and when you open it up, everything has a QR code on it. scan the code to get to the video on how to remove/install that component.
      • wow that sounds cool
      • lucifer[m]
        aerozol: hi! we would first need to create a #listenbrainz IRC channel and add it to brainzbot logging and then we can bridge it.
      • reosarevok[m]
      • LupinIII
        +++to creatinga listenbrainz chan
      • reosarevok[m]
        Welcome to another MetaBrainz Monday Meeting!
      • Because nothing hits just like a monday
      • mayhem[m]
        trucks hit like mondays.
      • reosarevok[m]
        I haven't had the opportunity to test that so I will believe you
      • I have two mailed in reviews
      • bitmap says:
      • '''
      • Hello, it's Labor Day in the US so I'll only be semi-around today.
      • Last week I continued testing some performance improvements to /release/ pages, although they're less urgent now that zas and atj blocked a significant number of bad actors.
      • I also finally continued working on a prototype for WS3 based on previous discussions and tickets: only /area/ requests to start with, to show how it might work and get feedback from the rest of the team.
      • Other than that I did code review, mainly on derat's PRs. I made a small improvement to one of them to support advanced query syntax in /ws/js searches (so perhaps we can allow those in our autocompletes at some point).
      • '''
      • aerozol says:
      • '''
      • Synergies in the US markets! SELL SELL SELL!
      • SELL 50% of the Skronk shares, then BUY 60%!
      • Oops, wrong meeting sorry everyone...
      • Not much to report, I’ve been extremely busy with other things. The usual stuff plus a couple of easy GSoC reviews, made and tidied tickets, looked into some userscript code for the first time.
      • '''
      • On my list today: akshaaatt, monkey, mayhem, JadedBlueEyes, ansh, atj, theflash_, yellowhatpro, kellnerd, reosarevok, twodoorcoupe, pranav, rimskii, zas, MonkeyPython, lucifer, ericd, outsidecontext, yvanzo
      • akshaaatt: wanna start?
      • (if akshaaatt is not around monkey can go)
      • mayhem[m]
        slackers. monkey has not been seen all day.
      • akshaaatt[m] joined the channel
      • akshaaatt[m]
      • Hi everyone! Back again after having a neck breaking Monday
      • Last week I completed the gsoc evaluations for our app superstars
      • Other than that we already have the android app in beta. Go check it out!
      • The ios app for LB is also up to date with the latest updates on Beta
      • Will prepare a proper blog post to invite user feedback to push to have atleast the android app in production soon. Aiming for this month end
      • mayhem[m]
        akshaaatt: sorry, I haven't had a chance to play with it yet.
      • akshaaatt[m]
        Not much other than that. Been reading some articles and fixing life in general
      • That’s it for me. Go mayhem !
      • mayhem[m]
        hi hi hi!
      • last week was getting caught up on all post-vacation things.
      • mostly boring stuff.
      • but I managed to fix a bug in troi and do a lot of supporter/biz dev related stuff.
      • today was more summit/travel planning with lucifer -- I do feel that we're pretty ready and have a good plan in place for welcoming the team as it trickles in.
      • then I paid people today and did some other faff with banking stuff.
      • oh and I finally finished reviewing ericd's excellent work -- just needs a final UI check from aerozol and then we can merge.
      • and I hope for more technical work this week!
      • reosarevok: go!
      • reosarevok[m]
      • Last week I spent quite a bit of time working on a decent fix for MBS-9063 (which causes ISEs when editing relationships)
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9063: ISE when changing from reltype with dates to reltype without them https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-9063
      • reosarevok[m]
        I also refactored some crappy code to make it easier to maintain, updated some deps, reviewed more of derat's summer patches
      • And worked on the Spanish translation
      • Plus the usual banning of evildoers and whatnot
      • That's about it for me - go Jade!
      • Still on my list today: monkey, ansh, atj, theflash_, yellowhatpro, kellnerd, twodoorcoupe, pranav, rimskii, zas, MonkeyPython, lucifer, ericd, outsidecontext, yvanzo