

December 1st 2024

      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] 14Maxr1998 opened pull request #3054 (03master…patch-1): Add back `inserted_at` field to export https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • MaxMaxr1998[m]
        The user_name field is also missing in the new export schema but that was probably redundant anyway.
      • aerozol[m]
        Hey monkey ansh - just reviewing the new homepage. In doing so I noticed that the stats are missing in the second panel? But I don’t think it has to do with the recent changes, since it’s missing in prod too
      • This empty space here:
      • Any ideas where it’s gotten to?
      • Aerozol[m]1 uploaded an image: (241KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/BBGVDjkrRiXjvnapXQyVkhqT/image.png >
      • I just spotted the “why are some names animated” text in the dash and feed in test monkey - I think that’s getting dangerously close to being annoying. I would probably install a script to hide it. We should tread carefully, with our tendency to proudly talk about never enshittifying. I think it should go somewhere but maybe not right in the middle of the boxes?
      • Maybe show it on editor pages, where a flair is set? Because a user is likely to click through out of curiosity. We could have it in a prime position then, maybe with some rules set. e.g. only show if I’m logged in + the user has flair + it’s not my own profile page
      • Don’t worry if it’s too late to make changes, I’m being very cautious with this update!
      • oh, add ‘+ I haven’t enabled flair, myself’ to the list of rules
      • akshaaatt[m]
        jasje: we should make a prod release of the android app soon given the android 15 update