

      • suvid[m]
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (389KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ATNHyPbodweFZeqElzhsydON/image.png >
      • it gives these http codes on feed requests
      • julian45[m]
        <julian45[m]> "This failure is reporting as..." <- Update: this was my poor interpretation of the test output formatting. The 3 failures at issue are at least somewhat relevant to the code your PR affects. I added a note to the PR with the output of the specific tests that fail
      • suvid[m]
        no error as such ig
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (208KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/tjAysViHZTYEygvrWHtyUvCH/image.png >
      • this is the error i get in console
      • monkey[m]
        suvid: code 200 should mean it's working fine. I do see that static_builder is still building front-end components, so maybe wait for that to finish?
      • suvid[m]
        suvid[m]: 401 code
      • in the console requests
      • monkey[m]
        Right, try to find mentions of that endpoint in the docker logs
      • suvid[m]
        oh ok lemme search it
      • i couldnt find any mentions of /feed/events
      • but /feed/ gives 200 in docker logs
      • monkey[m]
        Ah, never mind suvid I just got it: in config.py, API_URL tells the server and front-end which API to use. You currently have it set to the LB production API, as we can see from the browser console, and sending the wrong auth data.
      • Set your API_URL = 'http://localhost:8100'
      • There should be a commented out line in config.py with that value
      • suvid[m]
      • lemme fix that
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14reosarevok opened pull request #3452 (03master…MBS-13907): MBS-13907: Support Discogs label URLs for events https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • suvid[m]
        now it shows this
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (222KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/btYhAxiiXxgLZwNcsuEJwsEi/image.png >
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (297KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/KwlALXMIKcPUNcOXyHvjAlVP/image.png >
      • i get these errors now monkey
      • monkey[m]
        Those errors should not prevent the page from loading I think. Still no feed page?
      • suvid[m]
        i think its due to not following anyone on listenbrainz on local server
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (155KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/LgkzgzBgZikkUYWrJxuZpKMF/image.png >
      • cant find people to follow as well
      • monkey[m]
        Well, that's normal, you don't have a copy of the database locally. But it's an unrelated issue. Can confirm I don't follow anyone on my local setup (also only 1 user) but can load the page.
      • suvid[m]
        i cant see anything on feed
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (156KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/IhrpZaQcKgfWMAAFRqeBZUbf/image.png >
      • it just shows this
      • even though i have listened to like 900+ songs according to it lol
      • also, global page shows this:
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (144KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/xbEMOAutGlvIOxtHjZwuqnXJ/image.png >
      • monkey[m]
        The feed shows events such as follows, song recommendations, etc. You are looking for the Dashboard that will show your listening history
      • Global recent page is indeed broken, I'll create a ticket
      • suvid[m]
        monkey[m]: but i need feed section only to see suggestions, pins etc.
      • As I will be working on that only page for the thank you page right?
      • BrainzGit
        [troi-recommendation-playground] 14fettuccinae closed pull request #162 (03main…similar-recordings): LB-1705: Implemented similar recordings in lb_radio classes https://github.com/metabrainz/troi-recommendati...
      • monkey[m]
        Well, the feed section seems to be working fine, it's just empty :)
      • suvid[m]
        monkey[m]: yea seems like it, but how can i get partial db dump to test and build?
      • monkey[m]
        You don't need a local DB to test these features. What you'll need is to create a new user for testing (for that you will need a separate musicbrainz test account to be able to log in) and have your two local users follow each other. Then you can test events and the rest between those two users.
      • suvid[m]
      • should i create the new test account on local server only right?
      • then i will be able to follow it from my main account?
      • monkey[m]
        That would be ideal but I don't think that's possible, as you need to be able to log into an actual musicbrainz account.
      • suvid[m]
        ok i made the test account
      • how can i follow it now? 🤔
      • * it now from local server? 🤔
      • monkey[m]
        suvid: I thinkk you can figure that one out by yourself :) If you get stuck do come get me, but please try to resolve your issues first
      • suvid[m]
        ok nvm
      • figured it out
      • sorry
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (169KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/YjcBoZkxsZsroiDoyRMxEahf/image.png >
      • yayy :)
      • BrainzGit
        [metabrainz.org] 14mayhem merged pull request #499 (03master…update-funding.json): Update funding.json https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/pu...
      • [metabrainz.org] release 03v-2025-01-20.0 has been published by 14mayhem: https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/re...
      • suvid[m]
        I pinned a song from my test account
      • but it does not show up on the feed of my main account
      • both the accounts follow each other
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (164KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/umFZEbljUmeiPKLinMsBWkcP/image.png >
      • suvid[m] uploaded an image: (171KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/oIelMonveXEOhDmqmoDeDJAM/image.png >
      • i pinned it from the generated playlist in explore section
      • prompt based playlist generator
      • idk why it isnt pinned properly if i try to pin it from there
      • it works fine and shows up on the feed if i pin a song from my dashboard
      • zas[m]
        lucifer: mayhem : tito is lacking of diskspace too, please have a look
      • yvanzo[m] joined the channel
      • yvanzo[m]
        Hi bitmap, lucifer, reosarevok: I updated the Solr 9.7.0 PR for mb-solr. I only tested creating the collections and starting the Solr server.
      • minimal joined the channel
      • suvid[m]
        I think I'll need to create a new thank_user_timeline_event
      • how can I do so monkey ?
      • just like the hide_user_timeline_event right?
      • but with different columns
      • also, should I include a custom thank you message as well?
      • or just a thanks would suffice?
      • * a thanks event in timeline would suffice?
      • * I think I'll need to create a new thank\_user\_timeline\_event table
      • how can I do so monkey ?
      • BobSwift[m]
        <julian45[m]> "I can see it now" <- Yeah, I usually have to try the wiki doc links a couple of times before the page is displayed. Been like that for at least a couple of years.
      • mayhem[m]
        BobSwift[m]: well, lets hope we can finally get rid of wiki docs and the wiki soon.
      • BobSwift[m]
        I'm not holding my breath.
      • mayhem[m]
        yeah, I hear you, but we lost our wiki maitainer and people are starting to complain about how old the wiki is. setting up a wiki in the first place has been one of my biggest regrets.
      • now that we know that wikis only really work for... wikipedia.
      • reosarevok[m]
        I could take docs as the next big thing once solr is ready
      • But it needs to wait for that at least (I can of course look at stuff, just not focus on it too much)
      • nawcom has quit
      • BobSwift[m]
        In order to help focus the efforts, I still think we need to get a general idea of how you want the docs split up. aerozol is advocating for separate RTD sites for User Guide and Developers Guide. I really have no opinion. If we do that, it would need to be two separate GitHub repos (not a huge deal). Then we would need to develop some sort of structure for each RTD document. A small team such as aerozol , wileyfoxyx , and
      • possibly me could develop a proposed structure for your review. Once we have the structures set, work could begin on taking the pages that wileyfoxyx and I have already converted and move them to the appropriate place in the approved structure. Finally, there will need to be a decision as to the user-contributed stuff that is not curated. I assume it would continue to be managed in a wiki of some sort, perhaps with an index page
      • (landing page) that could be linked from the RTD documentation. I *might* be willing to help out again (possibly even lead the effort with wileyfoxyx's help) if we can get some agreed direction on the whole thing.
      • mayhem[m]
        Bob Swift: great stuff to hear all around -- music to my ears!
      • I think your plan so far is good -- happy to review the structure, no problem.
      • but, I think the docs should live in the repos where the code already lives (e.g. musicbrainz-server). we can make two separte RTD trees from one repo, zero problems.
      • and yes, there are a lot of small details that need discussing. shall we plan to have a call to discuss this stuff and make a plan?
      • reosarevok[m]
        Sorry, but you'll have to continue later, I waited a bit but :)
      • <BANG>
      • Welcome to another MetaBrainz Monday Meeting!
      • BobSwift[m]
        I have no problem having the docs live in the musicbrainz-server repo. That actually makes good sense. (Wish I had thought about that.) A meeting of some kind to help sort out the initial direction sounds like a good plan. Unfortunately, my schedule is packed all this week (but pretty clear next week).
      • mayhem[m]
        BobSwift[m]: lets go for next week
      • reosarevok[m]
        Can we please schedule post-meeting?
      • We have one mailed-in review, by MonkeyPython:
      • '''
      • Arararara~! hi!
      • Been a while! I travelled to Indonesia for the holidays! I came back on the 11th, but by last monday I had come down with a cold, lmao, isn't it typical?
      • So this week I recuperated, set up stuff for the new year, (in that effect, Monkey, get back to me re regular meetings pls.) and prepared a plan for the next 2-3 weeks.
      • I'm doing a bit of translations and looking into gopichan, hoping to finish that this week.
      • Tomorrow I have an Important Meeting™ (hopefully it's going to be REALLY good news :DD)
      • Anyway, whoever's eaten mexican food latest can go next!
      • '''
      • On my list for today: ansh, atj, Gautam Shorewala, lucifer, mayhem, outsidecontext, monkey, julian45, zas, yvanzo, reosarevok, jasje, kellnerd, Shreyas, aerozol, bitmap
      • monkey[m]
        I ate mexican 7 days ago
      • reosarevok[m]
        7 days...
      • Any better?
      • yvanzo[m]
        I ate a bit of chorizo yesterday
      • jasje[m]
        monkey[m]: Unexpected start
      • reosarevok[m]
        That's Spanish! :p
      • yvanzo[m] knows nothing about Mexican food
      • 🔨 sold to the monkey
      • monkey: go
      • monkey[m]
      • Last week I finished working on Opengraph meta tags for the artist and album pages in LB
      • nawcom joined the channel
      • Along with some small modifications from the MB team regarding indexing links, I believe that resolves a question we had about SEO and LB being a single-page-apps
      • Also worked on debugging a PR adding back an Inserted_at field in listens exports
      • Continued and finished some improvements to the atom feeds that users reported after initial launch
      • Did a lot of PR reviewing last week, and this week is shaping up similarly
      • Also helped onboard new users
      • That's the broad strokes.
      • Closest to mexico can go!
      • That'll be bitmap
      • bitmap[m]
      • last week I primarily did code review, fixed some test failures in [#3442](https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-server/pull/3442) and [#3443](https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-server/pull/3433), plus worked on MBS-13901, MBS-13903
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13901: Expose collection description via the API https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13901
      • MBS-13903: Lookup CD: Existant DiscID loop https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13903
      • bitmap[m]
        other than that I worked more on resolving issues in my github actions PR, [#3430](https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-server/pull/3430)
      • and added a basic entity count dashboard to reosarevok's grafana PR which he expanded on
      • that's all for me, go zas!
      • zas[m]
      • reosarevok[m]
        Still on my list: ansh, atj, Gautam Shorewala, lucifer, mayhem, outsidecontext, julian45, yvanzo, reosarevok, jasje, kellnerd, Shreyas, aerozol
      • zas[m]
        Last week, I investigated and fixed an issue related to abusing use of MB website by some bots on Alibaba cloud
      • Also looked into new DNS providers in order to move away from Gandi which has ever-increasing prices on .org domains (we have 15 of those)
      • Plus Picard Website improvements and deployment
      • And the usual stuff, Picard PRs reviews, user support, sys upgrades, etc.
      • Also I added ncdu as default package to all servers (we used to install it manually)
      • fin. ansh ?
      • mayhem[m]
        thanks, what a great tool
      • ansh[m] joined the channel
      • ansh[m]
        Hi Everyone!
      • I continued working on creating a cover art for playlists and reviewed couple of PRs.