salaxceitor: you can import a bunch of incremental dumps for listens. for other metadata, we unfortunately don't have smaller dumps yet.
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lucifer: do you have experience using python's authlib for oauth2 stuff? my lb-local use of authlib is probably riddled with bugs and issues...
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<raven0us> "jasje aerozol..." <- aerozol: jasje While implementing we noticed that we missed the design of list view of UserPlaylistScreen. The design has been added. Please review it.
specifically, i don't know how to map private_archive, private_timescale_archive, public_archive, public_timescale_archive args to the corresponding files in
<salaxceitor[m]> "specifically, i don't know how..." <- the private dumps are only for LB internal consumption and are not made public. you can see a dump with timescale in its name, one with just public and one with listens. you can use those.
lucifer: awesome, thanks you,
managed to import listens, and I've working now on setting up the metadata cache
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I succesfully run the mbid-mapping commands to build the metadata cache tables, but for example, when I enter an artist page, i get the following error: 404: artist c8b03190-306c-4120-bb0b-6f2ebfc06ea9 not found in the metadata cache
should this data be imported too? or how can i do to populate it?
mayhem: authlib already has the token in that request so it doesn't need to call your function to get that token. it caches the token received from MB in `flask.g`. if you made another api call to your lb local server that further called MB apis, authlib would call your function to get the token.
what are you trying to do? if you want to create users in that function, you already have access to the token and can just do that. i am assuming you are referring to the /auth method fwiw.
the auth method, in part yes.
I'm loading and creating users there and storing the token in the DB.
i see so you need to do that manually and instead of storing in session use flask-login to use the login_required decorator
and creating/loading users in the auth endpoint is working great and if that is a correct use, then all good.
i can wire it up in an hour or two if you want.
I would love that.
sure will do
because it would take me muuuch longer.
I'll go work on other things, like the UI for adding subsonic serivces.
salaxceitor: you need a copy of MB db, full if you want to access any artist etc, partial if you just want a selected subset (might not match with the artists in your listens) to generate metadata cache locally.
there is unfortunately no way to import that atm afair
lucifer: yes I have musicbrainz containers running and on the same network as lb containers, so how can I populate/generate the metadata cache?
salaxceitor: check the mbid_mapping directory and README file inside it. if that doesn't help, ping me again and i can help with specific commands