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      • Sum
        Hey! I am looking for advice on how to use the downloaded data from (http://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz/data...). So if I untar this, how do I establish a client to it? It doesn't seem to be SQL files...
      • derwin
        if you're looking to run musicbrainz as a service, starting from the full export is probably not what you want to do
      • (to clarify, you want to use the dump at the appropriate step in the above process, instead of outside of that context)
      • Sum
        Hey derwin! Nope just trying to sort and filter some data out. Yeah, there are some API clients which are probably better, but I am still trying to wrap my head around the ER model
      • derwin
        if they're not SQL files, what *are* they? CSVs?
      • if they're CSVs, you would load them into a schema created by : "./admin/InitDb.pl --createdb --clean
      • yeah, looks like (T)CSVs
      • Sum
        Ah, they didn't have an extension. Thank you :) I wanted to make a fan site and create a more accurate discography for a niche artist I like. I started scrapping (following best practices, tos, etc) for YouTube Music, Discogs, Deezer, Spotify, Genius, etc and then realized how unstandardized it is across providers and how much more complicated
      • music related data models (specifically for streaming services) are, especially in comparison to how people just think of it
      • derwin
        yeah. and lots of services are ... badly modeled, or just plain don't model things
      • Sum
        and the things "we" (or at least I) care about (songs, their lyrics and when they were produced) are second fiddle to things like link to the 10x versions of the album  released in different markets (which I care less about, but is still kind of important). Not to mention, extended versions, alt versions, remixes, naming conventions "Track --
      • Extened" vs Track (Extended) vs "Track Ext" vs Extended Track, etc and it is painful
      • and here is MusicBrainz which I can use as a scaffold to map meta data from these streaming services too
      • maybe...
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      • kjoye joined the channel
      • kjoye
      • is it possible for any admin to check whether my userid is taken in https://musicbrainz.org/ database? I mean is there anyway to see it is taken other than the registration part telling me it is already taken?
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      • derwin
        kjoye: I'm not sure I understand the question..
      • kjoye
        Do you happen to know the email address?
      • derwin
        kjoye: no, but theoretically, actual admins might be able to help.
      • kjoye
        I prefer to use this ID (kjoye) than the one I newly created just now
      • I wanted to add some artists record which not properly identified by Plex.
      • derwin
        sure. do you think that account is actually you-from-2006?
      • kjoye
        I can't remember. It could be me.. I just need to know the email address.
      • But 2006 is rather old. Might not me, I just hope was me.
      • derwin
        well, if you stick around, someone might be able to help
      • reosarevok
        kjoye: PM me your old email addresses :)
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      • }8]
        not sure if this is the right place but i have a physical cd that i was going to rip to flac. the album is in musicbrainz but the discid wasnt associated with it so i submitted that. the problem is now that the artists real name is used rather than his performance/artist name. whats the best/correct way to change the artist name for an album?
      • specifically, the album is "The Second Coming" by "Roger Troutman II" (his artist/performer name), but in musicbrainz its listed at "The Second Coming" by "Roger Troutman Jr." (his real name)
      • outsidecontext
        }8]: If that's how he is credited on the cover than the artist credit on the release should be changed to "Roger Troutman II" I think
      • If you edit the release on MB you can click on the edit button next to the artist name. There you can enter a name how the artist should be credited (which can be different from the main display name of that artist)
      • }8]
        yup, thats how hes credited on the cover. you can even see it in the artwork thats already uploaded for the album
      • for an edit note should i just put something like `these edits correct info to match the physical release`?
      • outsidecontext
        }8]: most importantly I would reference the cover, especially if it is available for this release.
      • }8]
        the cover/booklet is already uploaded so i didnt even have to scan it. should i just say `please refer to the albums artwork` or provide the actual url to the artwork tab?
      • ArjunM joined the channel
      • i submitted the edit and refreshed but its not fixed. do edits need to be approved by someone before they're `live` or??
      • Sum joined the channel
      • kepstin
        edits that do that sort of relatively major change are held for a while pending voting, yeah. https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Introduction_to_Vo... has some details about how that works
      • edits can be approved early by so-called "autoeditors", but they'll also automatically apply after a week depending on the result of voting.
      • Sum
        Anyone here familiar with musicbrainzngs client? I call
      • `aid = 'id of the person I am currently searching data for'`
      •  `artist = mbz.get_artist_by_id(aid, includes=['works'])` and `artist['artist']['work-count']` yields 63
      • Then
      • ```
      • paginated_work_search = mbz.search_works(
      •         query='',
      •         limit=100,
      •         offset=0,
      •         strict=True,
      •         arid=aid
      •     )
      • ```
      • `print(paginated_work_search['work-count'])`
      • yields 57.
      • So what do I do... get_artist_by_id doesn't have a limit / offset option.... Adding `aliases` to `get_artist_by_id`, doesn't give me aliases IDs to check against...
      • }8]
        thanks for the info kepstin. i only just created a musicbrainz login to submit the discid and correct the artist name so hopefully whoever votes on it will give it a look and a thumbs up.
      • petitminion joined the channel
      • outsidecontext
        Sum: I'm not quite sure I understand what your question is. Your second query seems to be allright. Instead of a search query you could also do a lookup, e.g. https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/work/?&artist=...
      • Sum: but in general development questions are better asked in #metabrainz, that's the development focused channel
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      • Sum
        outsidecontext, hmmm I can try just using the python `requests` library to make the API calls. It is that there in the link you provided there is the `work-count":677` and calling, from the python module, `get_artist_by_id` (asking for works) vs `search_works` gets two different work-counts. Also the python api makes so that
      • `artist=<artist-name-as-str>` and `arid` is artist id. So a bit of a different mapping.
      • Regardless it is a good idea to try pop open the hood, check out what api call `get_artist_by_id` actually does, then compare to native API requests to see if there may just be an incorrect record somewhere. `work-counts` could be an aggregated variable that gets incremented / decremented upon update and in one place it could be out of sync vs
      • listing all work records with `arid=<id>`
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      • otrocodigo[m]
        hi. the variant (audio comentary, instrumental, symphonic, etc) of a track is placed in the same 'recording'?
      • reosarevok
      • Different recordings for different audio
      • Also for stuff like stereo vs mono
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      • uniq joined the channel
      • uniq
        Hey I am new here, I just recently tried to set up listenbrainz-sever on my local machine using docker while trying to solve LB-1011, I added a save data header to global props as well as to listen card in the front end but when I try to test the it out the localhost redirects me to actual MusicBrainz site whenever I click a song, I may be missing
      • something here
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1011: Don't load album covers if Save-Data HTTP header is on https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1011
      • rdswift
        uniq, you would have better luck with your question if you posted in #metabrainz which is where the programming / development work is discussed.
      • uniq
        ow ok thank you
      • rdswift
        That's where most of the devs hang out, although you might have to wait a while because most are in Europe and India.
      • uniq
        i'll wait
      • i can access the chatlogs right if anyone replies later?
      • Lotheric
      • rdswift
      • Sorry, forget the second link. I copied the wrong one.
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