default was %title% and it worked only once, changed it to %date% instead and now the preview has nothing, even when I change it back to title
knowing me I'm brain damaged and missing the obvious
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sat back down at the pc and now picard isn't picking up any tags, even for stuff that definitely does have tags
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okay I got it working with "%_date%-%albumartist%-%artist%", but it doesn't save the _date, and I assume it doesn't show in the preview because it's using . instead of -'s for the date
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Volkor: yes, that's because of the date format. But you could extract it like you did to a variable `_date` and then add a script (in options > scripting) "$set(date,$replace(%_date%,.,-))". set the script to disabled, so it does not run automatically. you can run this script then on a file via context menu -> run scripts after you used tags from filenames
ahh yeah
I realised I could just s/./- the filenames
or that :)
now I can get into tagging almost 10k mixes of bbc essential mix
have fun
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Hmm, is anyone else on beta having trouble with the tracklist editor artist search? If I seed artists and then press the ‘search’ button, it won’t search, unless I delete a character or type something new into the field. Pressing ‘edit’ and then search works. If it’s not just me I will make a bug report
<04elomatreb> yesterday I had intermittent issues with the recording search also in the release editor
<04elomatreb> where it would fail to find completely exact matches and instead returned seemingly completely unrelated ones
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aerozol[m]: if it's just beta and just in one place it might be connected to the new changes in beta for the alias stuff
The thing you mentioned about some artist pages not loading is already reported, but I don't think this is, please add a ticket if it's not just a random search server error
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reminds me of how i couldn't find a specific "friends" doing a search with "riends" but that the first result is a japanese artist (and noth the one i'm looking for)