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      • aerozol[m]
        Thank you for the feedback re. videos everyone! And mr44er for helping with subtitles 🥰
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      • I ended up redoing them today, and discovered that Premiere Pro has a passable auto captioning system, so they are up with captions and good audio! At least, good by my standards - feedback or better tutorial vids are always welcome.
      • discordbrainz
        <11sound.and.vision> aerozol, although you've figured it out WhisperAI is also a great resource for quickly generating subtitle files for existing video content 😄
      • aerozol[m]
        Thanks, someone else suggested that this was an area where AI was very capable as well, and when I googled it a lot of people suggested Premiere Pro - which was handy, as that is what I was editing in! Can definitely recommend, this is an area where AI can really do some good for once.
      • MonkeyPython
      • hey everyone, I have a some scripting in picard questions. i have very recentpicard now so I want to utilise it's best feaures!
      • so in general i want %artist% - %album% / %two digit tracknumber% %title%.filetype so far so good
      • files I tag will have most tags other than that + year, genre, and mb id files stripped, it varies but i'm fine with messing aroudn with that manually
      • one thing i don't want is discnumbers. *unless* it's got severla discs
      • for that I want total %discnumber%-%tracknumber% instead
      • owever is there a way ot get that in filenames but tostrip form tags?
      • secondly, for VA or other albums where the individual trackartist matters I want
      • %album% / %two digit tracknumber% %title% - %trackartist%.filetype
      • instead
      • in no way do i actually want any tag in the %albumartist% field
      • it's possible it's easier to do this with option profiles
      • oh you cna chose which script right in the dropdown, well hat's hella usefull
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      • mr44er[m]
        <aerozol[m]> "Thanks, someone else suggested..." <- Yeah, I used https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/re... for it. Most of the time this is my first choice for OCRing subs, but I wanted to test ATT. Video->Audio to text (Whisper) (promising for quiet passages?) -> Purfview's Faster-Whisper, English + base.en as model type. Add audio file, let the CPU burn and 5 mins later, tada, subtitles ready.
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      • SE is open source, adobe sound like $$$, but if you already have it...why not 🙂
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      • elkiensad[m]
        uhh i added duplicate medium to a release while trying to edit recording titles (2 TIMES)... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • i just removed them
      • i caused 7 days of suffering for no reason...
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      • yvanzo[m]
        aerozol, mr44er: Thank you both. The final audio and subtitles are awesome.
      • aerozol: Just one point for future tutorials: “google search” isn’t helpful as a poster source. Better link to the actual page(s) it has been taken from. The rest of the edit note is great though! :)
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> All we need now is a better setlist editor :) or at least some autocompletion/lookup for MBIDs!
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      • <10volumetrique> Also, that's kind of a bummer that events get cleared automatically. I also don't see a relationship for "organizer" or similar
      • <10volumetrique> is there one?
      • <10volumetrique> In the meantime, I've created an event series. at least it'll allow them to live
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      • <03nik> Does mbslave have a way to setup just the db schema without the data?
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      • BobSwift[m]
        MonkeyPython (IRC): If I understand you correctly, you might be able to achieve most of what you want automatically. Have a look at https://gist.github.com/rdswift/5f981aa2889c1b6... to see what I mean.
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      • MonkeyPython
        ohh O.o
      • where do i put the $noop bits? in a tagger script?
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      • discordbrainz
        <02UltimateRiff> MonkeyPython: $noop() is how you'd add comments to Picard taggerscripts. but yes, you'd put all that into a tagger script
      • Cheezmo_
        I just use "// Comment" for comments.
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      • ehler
        Don't know if this is the channel to ask about listenbrainz, but I've tried importing my last.fm data on multiple occasions and never succeeded. Just an "Error: something went wrong" any way to diagnose what's up?
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      • BobSwift[m]
        ehler (IRC): Probably better reporting it in #metabrainz.
      • ehler
        BobSwift[m] thanks!
      • BobSwift[m]
        ehler (IRC): Also note that it's the middle of the night for most of the devs, so it may be a few hours before you get a response.
      • ehler
        BobSwift[m] double thanks; I'm only running on a local client on my laptop so this session won't stay active indefinitely…I'll keep it on as long as I'm on my computer, but I'll prepare myself to check in again if need be
      • Unless Matrix lets me pull up message history?
      • BobSwift[m]
        I always have a matrix session running, so it shows the history for me. I think it might also show it if you're registered in a room and log back in. If all else fails, there is still the IRC log at https://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/libera/metabrainz/
      • ehler
        Thanks, I just tried logging in on Matrix and saw my existing question, so I'll just keep active on there when I expect this IRC sessione nds
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      • crism
        Hrm… I am trying to tag a couple of new albums. The lead artist’s Bandcamp page is at https://bobwright-harbortown.bandcamp.com/
      • I have _The Diver_ by Bob Wright and Harbortown Revue; I also have _Harbortown Redocks_ by Harbortown. Note the discography on Bandcamp; _The Oyster Aristocracy_ is credited to Bob Wright and Harbortown.
      • AFAICT, Harbortown is the folks Bob plays with… all of these albums (including _Harbortown_ by Bob Wright) feature the same players. I am really not sure how to describe the artists to MusicBrainz…