

      • reosarevok
        yvanzo, bitmap: throwback with expected_linktype_combinations ? :p
      • bitmap
        now the database is also on aretha
      • yvanzo
        bitmap: I guess we want to keep the build time of json dumps under 24h? Would a dedicated machine help with?
      • bitmap
        either a dedicated machine or moving the DB + json-dump container to other hosts
      • the advantage or being on aretha was that the ftp data is hosted there too
      • of*
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: "link" is the other term for relationship in MB SQL code, right?
      • reosarevok
        Yes, and in old perl stuff
      • yvanzo
        and in some JS too IIRC.
      • bitmap
        musicbrainz_json_dump is 147 GB
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: ok then, with a _ in the middle :)
      • reosarevok
        With _ in the middle we'd already have to indent the whole file one space more :(
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: or restricted_link_type_combinations ?
      • bitmap
        the json-dump process itself also needs several hundred GB of space before compression
      • reosarevok
        I guess I'll space everything further and use restricted_link_type_combinations or something
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: or using a synonym? limited_link_type_combinations
      • reosarevok
        Ok, limited_link_type_combinations is the maximum size without reindenting
      • So whatever, I'll use that :D
      • bitmap
        what do the nested arrays mean?
      • reosarevok
        A combination, so either one, the other, or both are allowed
      • yvanzo
        We clearly need to document this test structure further.
      • reosarevok
        I think the issue is restrict is pretty new and the documentation for it is IMO not that clear itself
      • Here I had " // The options can be just one relationship type, or arrays of 2+ types" but we might need more than that
      • yvanzo
        The only documentation so far was this commit message: https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • reosarevok
        Oh, more generally you mean
      • I guess it wouldn't hurt
      • yvanzo
        The array structure is documented at https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • reosarevok
        To be honest, that section really doesn't suggest to me that in order to be able to combine types, you *need* to use multiple or a nested array, nor that multiple means that it must have both unless you also add them separately :)
      • yvanzo
        It probably requires more complex example.
      • reosarevok
      • Ok, I guess those two should be broken into two lines each :)
      • yvanzo
        Jamendo restrict code can be used as an example of allowing more than one type at once.
      • reosarevok
      • Including a fix for the vimeoondemand bug
      • yvanzo
        Mainly Norfolk restrict code can be used as an example of allowing one type or another.
      • (for "work" entity type)
      • lucifer
        ruaok: monkey: alastairp: for adding recording mbid to feedback, i am thinking of adding recording mbid column to the table. make recording msid column nullable. support both recording msid and recording mbid in api for some months. then remove msid support from api and delete msid column. thoughts?
      • reosarevok
        Oh, so adding more examples to the same original test ticket?
      • *PR
      • Sure, can look into it
      • yvanzo
      • CatQuest
        ack, broken heart is fine for hate/dislike. it's really logial and works with the heart one logically
      • yvanzo
        So we can test the tests with code that we think is working already :)
      • lucifer
        for existing feedback, run a script to fetch mapped mbids and put in the table.
      • CatQuest
        I will veto any vomit :grøss:
      • ruaok
        lucifer: yes I've been thinking thar would be good.
      • reosarevok
        I wouldn't necessarily veto it but it's a bit gross :)
      • yvanzo: on it
      • yvanzo: jamendo already does expected_relationship_type: ['downloadfree', 'streamingfree'], since there's just one allowed option
      • lucifer
        ruaok: although that plan means unmapped listens can't be given feedback on. to keep feedback on unmapped listens we keep supporting msid forever.
      • i guess that is fine but we'd need a way to update that table when new msids get mapped to recording mbids.
      • CatQuest
        alastairp: don't forget to actually vote in the middle of all the tickets ;)
      • yvanzo
        bitmap: Would it be helpful to parallelize json-dump on different servers to lower the load on aretha? Or would it be worse for completion time since it involves more networking?
      • reosarevok: yes
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: mainlynorfolk does expected_relationship_type: 'otherdatabases', to test the autoselect, but I guess that suggests we should actually allow both types of testing *in combination*
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: I mean, we can refer to it in code documentation of 'restrict'
      • reosarevok
      • Still, we have no way to test rn that norfolk allows both but autoselects one
      • yvanzo
      • reosarevok
        So maybe these two shouldn't be either-or, but both be allowed :)
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: It seems that Mainly Norfolk code correctly allows either 'otherdatabases' or the combination of 'otherdatabases' and 'lyrics' for works.
      • reosarevok
        Yes, it does, we just don't test it
      • yvanzo
        Ok, would testing it in that PR help with testing the tests? :)
      • reosarevok
        I think it would help make the tests more stable long-term in any case
      • I'm checking
      • bitmap
        yvanzo: i'm sure it would help but it would take some time to parallelize it properly, I think, making sure everything gets synced to the same FTP dir. it adds more complexity so more places for things to go wrong
      • CatQuest
        wth "mainly norfolk" ????
      • reosarevok
        CatQuest: a folk website
      • CatQuest
        uh folk in like about people? or uh genre
      • reosarevok
        A website about mostly folk music we have in otherdbs
      • CatQuest
      • also can someone help define this "ANNOY" thing ? https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/MusicBrainz_Slang
      • reosarevok
        Sigh, so it seems default array.sort() does not know what to do if the array has both strings and arrays in it
      • bitmap: any suggestions?
      • bitmap
        well, you can pass a sort function to .sort()
      • reosarevok
        Sure, do we have any good ones for something like that? :)
      • Or do I have to come up with one?
      • I guess another option would be to ignore sort and just see if all the stuff in array a is in array b and they have the same length
      • bitmap
        I don't think we have anything for it
      • reosarevok
        rn I had
      • But that just failed because one sorted to 'string', ['string', 'string'] and the other to array then string
      • yvanzo Ok, I didn’t review the details of the tests, so
      • ruaok
        monkey: last week we though of a mechanism by which we can make liking an now_listening track. I don't recall the details of how that was supposed to work. do you?
      • bitmap
        i'm guessing it stringifies the arrays to string,string before comparing
      • yvanzo
        it is likely it requires changes indeed.
      • ruaok
        lucifer: monkey and I thought up an idea that seemed plausible last week.
      • reosarevok
        bitmap: wouldn't then it always sort the same?
      • bitmap
        yeah it should
      • which ones are sorting different?
      • CatQuest
        also plox someone explain what the definition and origin of moin is exactly
      • reosarevok
      • Freso
      • It’s Mitten Tree Monday!
      • I haven’t received any mailed in reviews, so the people I have as up for reviews today are: bitmap, reosarevok, lucifer, akshat, ruaok, monkey, yvanzo, zas, alastairp, CatQuest, Freso – anyone else who may want to give review, let me know ASAP. :)
      • bitmap: Go!
      • bitmap
      • last week I did code review and finished converting most of the release editor .tt templates to JSX
      • I still have to convert the actual events and actions to React though, which will take a while, so that when you click on stuff, stuff happens
      • reosarevok
        Stuff happening is overrated
      • bitmap
        I thin kthat's mostly it
      • go reosarevok!
      • reosarevok
      • CatQuest
        sometimes it's good when stuff *doesnt't* happen
      • reosarevok
        I mostly worked on MBS-11312
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-11312: Allow admins to modify edit notes https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-11312
      • CatQuest
        (just sayin')
      • reosarevok
        Plus I helped alastairp a bit more with genre stuff
      • CatQuest: you?
      • CatQuest
        Meow! `😺`
      • CatQuest has been afk
      • fin, go zas?
      • zas
      • I upgraded discourse & grafana instances + usual system upgrades
      • We also release Picard 2.7beta3, so I handled a bunch of post-releases bug reports & associated fixes
      • We expect to release final version in 10 days or so
      • apart that, I'm preparing a docker server configs patch to handle the deployment of new consul cluster
      • monkey
        !m crew of the Enterprise
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, crew of the Enterprise!
      • zas
        fin. lucifer ?
      • lucifer
        hi all!
      • i worked ahead on the pinned recordings api last week. reviewed troi and LB prs. worked on progressing the PR to replace username with user ids in LB.
      • Freso
        (People still up: akshaaatt, ruaok, monkey, yvanzo, alastairp, Freso – anyone else who may want to give review, let me know ASAP. :))
      • lucifer
        i also looked into the summit document and created the remaining tickets. all topics now have tickets! :D
      • alastairp
        !m lucifer
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, lucifer!
      • ruaok
        thank you!
      • CatQuest
        !m lucifer
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, lucifer!
      • monkey
      • lucifer
        i also speant some time on BPM and AB stuff in the start of the last week.
      • CatQuest highfive with lucifer
      • that's it for me. alastairp: next?
      • alastairp
      • I did more genre import stuff, thanks reosarevok for your detailed notes on what changes we should make to map more closely from these different sources to musicbrainz
      • this is now ready to actually import - I'll speak with zas tomorrow about seeing if we can get some API limits raised in MB to perform the actual import, it'll still take 2-4 days to do anyway
      • I also open a few LB PRs - fixed an issue with pinning recordings that monkey and I had spoken about the week before, and as a result of that opened a few more PRs to fix some small niggles that I found - improvements to test.sh and the listenbrain-mb release submitter
      • I helped lucifer get up to speed with the open PR for LB-866, and tested some of the changes that he made
      • BrainzBot
        LB-866: Use user ids in the listen table instead of usernames https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-866
      • alastairp
        I opened a few tickets based on the summit notes
      • I helped someone with a broken spotify import (there was an error during an import so we had stopped), but that raised a few open questions about how we can improve the import and associated tools, so I opened LB-1026 and LB-1028
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1026: External service connection page doesn't show a spotify error https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1026
      • LB-1028: Sometimes spotify import is marked as failing but actually works https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1028
      • alastairp
        while talking with lucifer about user-ids in listens table, we came up with some thoughts about listens with invalid listen dates: LB-1025
      • BrainzBot
        LB-1025: Delete listens with too-old listened_at, and notify users? https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-1025
      • alastairp
        finally, we had some discussions about AB data and how to improve it
      • monkey: next?