

October 1st 2009

      • warp
        pom pom
      • nikki: ping
      • nikki
      • warp
        hi :)
      • nikki: did you make any changes to toc.txt?
      • nikki only just woke up
      • not neccesarily today.
      • (and someday I will learn how to spell that word).
      • Muz
        That, or get an IRC client with spellchecking and English dictionary. :p
      • warp
        i don't like spellcheckers
      • I always feel I should be able to know the languages I use, and not need computers to help me.
      • (except my native language, I don't know that very well at all, which is a somewhat interesting situation)
      • nikki
        you can always ignore the angry red line though
      • warp
      • nikki
        and you don't even need to use the thing that offers suggestions...
      • ijabz
        luks, cycles I just ran through the releasegroup example http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Next_Generation_Sch... expecting the release group to link to two different artists, (portishead and massive attack) via the artist credit table but it just links to one artist called 'Portishead & Massive Attack' , I don't get what artist credit is providing
      • luks
        where it links to one artist?
      • nikki
      • luks
        oh, you mean in the current (automatically converted) DB?
      • ijabz
      • are you saying the ngs db isn't quite right yet
      • luks
        as nikki said, there are no ARs so the script doesn't know it should convert it
      • you can't expect the DB to be automatically "fixed" :)
      • ijabz
        so should eventually it work as I imaginn
      • luks
      • or some other collaboration
      • fixing the DB will require a huge amount of manual work
      • the script does only the totally obvious fixes
      • ijabz
        thx, got it
      • aCiD2
        luks: the psql text search seems broke :(
      • go through the pages, and watch the "total hits" count
      • i have no idea why it does that though
      • I think it's because the hard search limit varies as you change the offset
      • luks
        yes, it's intentional
      • I did this to keep it fast enough even for queries with too many results
      • aCiD2
        Hrm, then we're going to need something different for the lookup search then I think
      • Also, it makes the pagination completely useless, even on the main search results
      • luks
        I disagree that it's completely useless
      • aCiD2
      • not completely
      • luks
        what you need most of the time is on the first few pages
      • and as you look through them, new search results are appearing
      • if you get 10 pages, you will almost never go straight to the 7th (for example)
      • aCiD2
      • luks
        because you can't possibly guess that your results is there
      • nikki
        it would be better if it said "found over x results" then...
      • aCiD2
        what about the lookup control? As the limit is about 10 results per page the chance of needing to go through pages is more likely
      • Could we use a minimum hard limit of 100?
      • luks
        I don't really see the problem, honestly
      • aCiD2
        I guess the only time I hit a problem was when searching for something like "Smith" and by the time you get to page 10, clicking next page doesn't seem to do anything at all
      • but for smaller searches it doesn't matter, so I could leave it
      • it seems to behave fine for "Warner" as a label search too, which is probably as extreme as it would get
      • luks
        I mean, what is the result that you want to get?
      • nikki
        if the number of results is going to change, can we get rid of the ">>" link and the "n pages" bit?
      • luks
        $hard_search_limit += $limit * 3;
      • this code makes sure that there are always at least three page visible
      • do you want to increase this?
      • nikki: I think it's unclear yet how will we use the psql search yet
      • nikki
      • luks
        but yes, that link and "n pages" doesn't make sense there
      • it was just easier to re-use the existing system
      • nikki nods
      • aCiD2
        I was just thrown when I searched for "records" in the label search and the pagination started to break when I got to "L"
      • nikki
        I don't see a problem with the behaviour though, google works fine for me without saying exactly how many pages of results there are
      • aCiD2
        it's not the count
      • nikki
      • aCiD2
        by the time I got to "L" i couldn't seem to actually get past L
      • nikki
      • aCiD2
        but for small searches it's fine
      • I just imagined someone complaining about just this when we go for testing, but if it's expected behaviour, then we can leave it as is
      • nikki
        is it the same on test? 'cause it works for me there o_O
      • oh, wait
      • luks
        it's not expected if the UI shows the number as the total count of matching result
      • but it should not do that
      • it doesn't matter much for artists or labels
      • nikki
        I got to R and it started adding in results starting with B to M
      • aCiD2
        yea, that sounds similar to what I got
      • luks
        but if you search for recording containing 'the', it helps a lot
      • (don't try it with the current direct search on the main server :))
      • aCiD2
      • nikki
        hmm... it was only that page that I saw though, the rest were fine, but once I got to Z, it started from A again
      • luks
        I'm not sure I understand it, where are you seeing it?
      • if you are seeing inconsistency in the results, it's because of $fuzzy_search_limit option
      • I thought 10000 is high enough for any search
      • nikki
        oh, duuuh... they're in the middle of R because people stupidly used "Records, Whatever" as the sortname for "Whatever Records"
      • and it started repeating itself or something after something silly like 150 pages
      • but of course, nobody would seriously be checking 150 pages...
      • aCiD2 nods
      • aCiD2
        ok, we'll leave that
      • other question -- any one know how to test if a string is written using the latin alphabet?
      • nikki
        in perl?
      • aCiD2
      • luks
        where do you need it?
      • nikki
      • aCiD2
        People mentioned only showing the sort name if the first name is not latin
      • nikki
        brian had some horrible regex for it
      • aCiD2
      • i don't wanna bring that library in
      • nikki
        see, in perl you'd just need something involving \p{Latin} :/
      • aCiD2
      • luks
        you can make the server to return you the info
      • aCiD2
        good point!
      • nikki: so how'd I do it in Perl :)
      • luks
        I'm not sure if it makes sense to decide whether or not to show the sort name based on this
      • aCiD2
        at the moment I just always show the sort name
      • nikki
        I would probably use /^[\p{Latin}\p{ASCII}\p{Common}\p{Inherited}]+$/ which would match anything which only contains ascii, latin or symbols
      • hmm... I don't think \p{ASCII} is needed, all the useful characters would be covered by the other ones...
      • aCiD2
        Cool, works a treat
      • warp
        brian: ping?
      • hm, that didn't really need a question mark.
      • outsidecontext
        luks: do you have a second?
      • ijabz
        luks: Is the name field in artist_credit_name ever different to the name in artist that the artist_credit row links to
      • or is it just there for performance reasons
      • nikki thinks it can be different
      • nikki
        if I understood you correctly...
      • ijabz
        nikki:any idea when ?
      • nikki
        when an artist is credited differently to the main name they use
      • ijabz
      • nikki
      • ijabz
        so its a bit like an alias but specific to a release(group)
      • aCiD2
        warp: brian emailed me yesterday saying he'll be afk for 24 hours ish
      • warp
        Cycles`: yesterday is 24 hours ago! ;)
      • ijabz
        nikki, ruaok: In the release group example at http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Next_Generation_Sch... why does the first name-credit have a name element , but the second element tonly has one inside the artist element, is this right ?
      • nikki
        no idea, I don't deal with the xml
      • ruaok
        that is not a good example, but technically correct.
      • ijabz
        hehe, its the only example I have
      • ruaok
        the name element there is for cases where the credit on the liner notes is different from the commonly recognized name.
      • in this case, imagine the credit having "Jethro Toe" and it should have "Jetho Tull".
      • this was one of the cases that we kept pounding on in the schema summit.
      • it will be used very infrequently
      • ijabz
        I see , so it shouldnt be shown if both name and artist are the same
      • ruaok
      • ijabz
        Ok, also the join phrase seems to be shown against the second term ( & Massive Attack), but in db its held against the first term (Portishead &) , be best if use same syntax (pre or post) in oth db and xml
      • ruaok
        actually we already discussed this and luks shot it down.
      • I haven't looked that the nuances, but luks says that the way it is now matches the schema.