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      • ijabz joined the channel
      • ijabz
        alastairp acousticbrainz will take alot longer to submit data for some formats such as 24-bit 96khz lossless flac then others , right ?
      • is there anywhere to store redirected id in mmdschema, i.e the old releaseid of a merged releaseid ?
      • Gentlecat joined the channel
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      • alastairp
        ijabz: submit, or generate?
      • the extractor downsamples audio before it processes it, so other than the downsampling step, it shouldn't be any slower to generate the audio
      • unless the file is significantly longer (and therefore more data), it shouldn't take longer to actually submit/upload it
      • Freso
        But it will be slower at generating data for a 30 minute track than a 30 second one.
      • And the same for submitting (though this is pure text, so shouldn't be significant).
      • ijabz
        Generating, let me rephrase can the downloading step take a while
      • oops i meant downsampling
      • demonimin joined the channel
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      • Julior joined the channel
      • alastairp
        I'm not sure how quick the downsampling step is
      • you could test it by passing your file through ffmpeg to resample it, then testing the high-bitrate and low-bitrate tracks
      • ruaok
        ianmcorvidae: you awake? I wanted to remind you of the google call at 18h CET, 9am PST.
      • Freso joined the channel
      • reosarevok
        Think he's not
      • mentioned going to bed a couple hours ago or so I think
      • ruaok
        ok, that should put him on schedule for being awake for the call.
      • thx.
      • and how is geordi coming along?
      • are we ever going to sign a contract for you?
      • reosarevok
      • brb my silly cat broke a glass
      • Freso
        That's one way to avoid the subject... :p
      • reosarevok
      • I wish it was
      • Given he loves to eat all from the floor and the floor is full of glass, I needed to clean it quick
      • reosarevok goes double-check it's fine now
      • Meh. Guess that'll do. Same day I have a couchsurfer coming over, of course, because kittens.
      • Geordi is coming along... slowly. Unsurprisingly, given I haven't been ultramotivated and neither has my mentor :/ This month we both had to be mostly busy with fixing schema change related things
      • I'm still hoping it'll be on time though. Helps that I'm going to Spain for Christmas and will have quite a bit of "sorry I'd love to but I'm so busy with work" family avoiding to do :p
      • ruaok
      • to asturias?
      • reosarevok
      • ruaok
        we'll actually be celebrating here in bcn ourselves. first time in eons of me not going to san diego.
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      • ijabz
        luks hi, trying to use mbslave with new database, keeps failing on importing into track table http://pastebin.com/xAwyt4Ge
      • tried it twice, failsed same place each time, and its brand new db not db update
      • kepstin-laptop
        ijabz: probably something due to the schema change, i bet...
      • Freso
        Well, it's an SSL error that isn't happening for the other tables.
      • Maybe an SSL instruction or setting has snuck into the track... thing?
      • kepstin-laptop
        hmm. all that error means is that the db server has dropped the connection during the data load.
      • is there anything in your postgres logs?
      • chirlu`
        Is this a fresh import, using the full export from two days ago or so?
      • If so, that’s broken, I noticed yesterday.
      • (And the broken part is within the track table, so that would fit.)
      • ijabz: ^
      • JesseW joined the channel
      • ijabz
        chirlu it was latest data dump and latest mbslave
      • ah okay, is the previous dump ok
      • ruaok
        hmmm. lemme see if the source file is better.
      • chirlu`
        Yes, the previous dump was OK.
      • ijabz: ^
      • ijabz
        chirlu` thankyou, downloading now
      • ruaok
        yeah, we have the correct source file.
      • let me move it.
      • Freso
        What's the purpose of those "#line X" lines?
      • chirlu`
        Restoring the line numbering after comment blocks that were automatically stripped, I assume.
      • Freso
        But shouldn't that mean that the line numbers should be less than the actual line number? Currently they seem to all be more.
      • ruaok
        dump file fixed on data.mb.org
      • chirlu`
        Freso: No, if the original file has 100 lines and lines 21–70 are comments, then the stripped file will have a line 21 that originally was line 71.
      • ruaok is puzzled how we're making about 45k less money than last year, but have $80k more in the bank
      • ruaok shrugs and smiles
      • reosarevok
        Did you forget to pay yourself? :p
      • ruaok
        oh shit, that's it! :)
      • reosarevok
        Just remember that even if nobody in Spain is getting paid, you can still get your wage ;p
      • ruaok
        I wish I had forgotten to pay myself.
      • reosarevok
        (it's ok to say those things if I'm Spanish, right?)
      • ijabz
        thanks, (fyi previous dump imports fine)
      • Freso
        chirlu`: Ah.
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: :)
      • bitmap
        bitmap has changed the topic to: Cooldown week | Agenda: reviews, general discussion, osx signing key (alastair), lolo (bitmap)
      • chirlu`
        Which of the servers was that again?
      • bitmap
        it used to be one of our frontends but it's been turned off for a while
      • ruaok joined the channel
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      • chirlu`
        Template Toolkit …
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • Can I use musicbrainz_db_schema_change on rika for the sandbox?
      • bitmap
        yeah, but I'm not sure how current it is
      • I know it has event stuff since I was using it for testing, but not if a full upgrade was run on it
      • reosarevok
        I doubt it
      • I mean
      • Yes, to some degree
      • But probably not fully current
      • michaeljames joined the channel
      • chirlu`
        Well, it’s sufficient to illustrate my MBS-7916 pull request.
      • mb-chat-logger
      • chirlu`
        And I’ll keep in mind that any strange bugs may be due to the database.
      • LordSputnik joined the channel
      • ruaok
        right then.
      • time to see what was up last week.
      • besides stuffing ourselves with food. :)
      • bitmap
      • ruaok
        though carnitas was a damned good replacement for turkey.
      • good t-day, bitmap?
      • reosarevok googles for carnitas
      • reosarevok: come visit. I'll make some for ya.
      • bitmap
        yeah, went ok as far as family gatherings go
      • ruaok
        we had to translate mexican -> spanish and educate ourselves on cuts of pork as how they are pronounced in spain.
      • are those ever better than ok?
      • reosarevok
        Well, in mine I get money sometimes :p
      • ianmcorvidae
        heh. I usually enjoy them well enough, but I guess 'ok' might be the extent of it
      • chirlu`
        Surprisingly OK?
      • ruaok
      • lol
      • ianmcorvidae
      • yup
      • ruaok
        anything interesting happen last week?
      • ruaok has little to report
      • I took parts of wed and all of thu/friday off.
      • and the first half of the week was just treading water and trying to catch up a little.
      • anyone else for any updates?
      • bitmap
        I didn't do much except update some pull requests at the beginning of the week
      • then I was with family until the weekend was already over
      • ruaok nods
      • ruaok
        ianmcorvidae: are all the loose ends from the schema change tied up now?
      • ianmcorvidae
        yeah, about the same. there's some INSTALL.md stuff from chirlu` that I'll probably merge for this release, since, as pointed out, it doesn't need beta testing anyway
      • reosarevok
        I did some style thing and stuff, but not much more
      • ianmcorvidae
        not really :( I didn't look into it extensively and nikki found another
      • ruaok
      • whats left to be done?
      • ianmcorvidae
        so at present the CAA tables are missing some data and IDs in the link_type table will be off for new event-related rels
      • (on slaves)