

      • reosarevok joined the channel
      • tubbs_ joined the channel
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • zas_ joined the channel
      • outsidecontext joined the channel
      • Prophet5 joined the channel
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • LordSputnik joined the channel
      • MBJenkins
        Project musicbrainz-server_beta build #516: STILL FAILING in 8 min 49 sec: http://ci.musicbrainz.org/job/musicbrainz-serve...
      • * nikki: Remove unused variable
      • * Ian McEwen: Fix up a few broken spots with import (missing ha1 columns)
      • mjjc joined the channel
      • zag joined the channel
      • LordSputnik joined the channel
      • LordSputnik1 joined the channel
      • tubbs__ joined the channel
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • reosarevok joined the channel
      • Rockj joined the channel
      • ocharles
        Good morning
      • reosarevok
        hi ocharles!
      • Welcome to full-time MB!
      • (unless I'm mistaken :) )
      • ocharles
        reosarevok: You're not, but that was also last week :)
      • reosarevok
      • ruaok had said July 1st at some point
      • reosarevok shrugs :)
      • ruaok
        yeah, that was the plan I recalled too, but hey. more ocharles is good.
      • ocharles
        reosarevok: that's right, but the week before that was musicbrainz anyway
      • reosarevok
        As opposed to more ocharles are good, since they'd just get into an argument about ivory towerish stuff and never start working
      • reosarevok hides :)
      • ruaok groans
      • reosarevok finds a stupid ISE in area stuff :)
      • ocharles
        Bitbucket has a LGBT logo today
      • at least, I think that's what it represents
      • If you hover it says "type g then d" but that doesn't do anything for me
      • ruaok
        the government of barcelona hung a gay pride flag in the main square last week in response to the SCOTUS ruling. :)
      • reosarevok
        ocharles: huh. It took me to https://bitbucket.org/dashboard/pullrequests/re... but I doubt that's what they wanted :p
      • ocharles
        What is the SCOTUS ruling?
      • reosarevok
        Something something about forbidding gay marriage being unconstitutional IIRC
      • ruaok
        that a stupid law that said that marriage was between a man and a woman was overtuned.
      • reosarevok
        Only 10 years late or so :p
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: it wasn't that direct.
      • djce joined the channel
      • ocharles
        oh, that's good news!
      • ruaok
        they merely said that this one law is unconstitutional.
      • ocharles: way good news.
      • reosarevok is amazed that if a law is against the constitution, it takes almost 18 years to find out
      • and that it came the week before pride was awesome.
      • SF has been offf the hook the last week
      • Leftmost
        Basically, the SCOTUS decision requires the federal law to recognize same-sex marriages performed at the state level.
      • It doesn't require states to allow same-sex marriage, but it does mean that if someone gets married in California or Massachusetts or one of the other states that allow same-sex marriage, they get the usual federal benefits.
      • reosarevok
        Even if they then move to $crazy_christ_state?
      • Leftmost
        I'm not totally clear on that.
      • It might depend on residency, or it might just be that they lose state recognition.
      • reosarevok
        If yes, then I guess it's kinda the same as a full-country legalisation to most effects, except for poor people who can't get to any of those states :/
      • Leftmost
        Or it could be any one of a number of other options.
      • ocharles
        ruaok: is the plan to carry on with VM stuff today?
      • ruaok
        yes, though didn't we agreed to go separate paths?
      • you lolo, me search and release VM?
      • Leftmost
        I know that a couple of the states that allow gay marriage don't require the married couple to be a resident of the state in question, which could mean that just getting married is sufficient to gain federal recognition.
      • ocharles
        No, I need to give you stuff that assumes only one drive instead of two
      • ruaok
        didn't you check that in already?
      • Leftmost
        Now if Montana allowed gay marriage, it'd get rid of the travel problem: Montana allows double-proxy marriages. (Neither party need be present.)
      • ocharles
        ruaok: no, we decided to that ten minutes before I left work :)
      • ruaok
        woah, really? thats crazy.
      • ocharles
        to do that*
      • ruaok
        ok, np.
      • then lets carry on with that.
      • reosarevok
        Leftmost: do they need to agree? :p
      • Leftmost
        Yes. :-P
      • ruaok
        if I get not response from the vagrant people tomorrorw, I will just fork over $80
      • reosarevok
        That sounds like you could forge someone's letter and get married without them knowing :p
      • Leftmost
        I think the Montana government should recognize the potential goldmine awaiting them. "Are you in a same-sex relationship and want to get married? Do it from the comfort of your home!"
      • ruaok
      • nikki
        ocharles: can we just ship https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... I'm sick of seeing that ticket stuck in review submitted
      • reosarevok
        Leftmost: how much they charge? :p
      • Leftmost
        No idea, not married. :-P
      • reosarevok
        You did know they offered it though :p
      • Leftmost
        I live in Montana. It's my business to know how weird a state it really is.
      • reosarevok
        Oh! That explains it :)
      • Leftmost
        A few states allow proxy marriages, but Montana is the only one to allow double-proxy.
      • outsidecontext joined the channel
      • ocharles
        nikki: I don't know, in short. I don't like shipping the arbitrary scaling, due to my final comment. And in terms of fixing it properly, I need to spend more time understanding how the rank calculation is done
      • nikki
        the proper fix is to get rid of the direct search :P
      • ocharles
        nikki: so for me, if you don't want it in review submitted, I would have to reject the review
      • that would be my vote, anyway
      • and yes, I'd love to rather spend my time removing direct search
      • nikki
        and it's not arbitrary scaling, it's displaying all scores consistently
      • ocharles
        no, it's arbitrary, see my last comment
      • nikki
        it doesn't matter that the direct and lucene scores are not comparable, because two lucene scores are also not comparable
      • ocharles
        it doesn't mean what people think it means
      • basically, I don't think we understand how this score calculation works, so before shipping something I'd like to understand that
      • nikki
        what do people think it means?
      • ocharles
        well lucene tops out at 100
      • but this ranking doesn't have a maximum
      • nikki
        and the direct one at 10, afaik
      • ocharles
        no, that's just what we see. the ranking choice we use doesn't have a maximum
      • but I'd like to understand why we only see 10
      • Or more accurately, why the db only goes to 0.1
      • reosarevok shrugs
      • reosarevok
        Seems to be pretty consistent in going to 0.1
      • nikki
        that seems like a big waste of time
      • ocharles
        ruaok: oh, it seems like I may indeed have done the VM stuff
      • ruaok: so grab git pull && git submodule update, and see what happens
      • zag
        did the lucene search make it into the vm yet?
      • ocharles
        zag: no
      • ruaok
        ocharles: :-)
      • zag
        thx, i took a quick look but looked very complicated
      • ruaok
        zag: its really not that bad.
      • zag
        making search consistant around the whole site would be nice ;)
      • ruaok
        ocharles: I could use some help making the war and jar into .deb s
      • ok, time to head out and hit the office
      • bbiab
      • ocharles
        ruaok: how do I turn lolo on?
      • ruaok
        feh. we want to turn lolo on now?
      • ocharles
        ruaok: if poss
      • ruaok
        that means we'll get charged for it for the whole month.
      • oh well.
      • let me call them. thats the fastest.
      • should be coming up soon.
      • ocharles
      • ruaok
      • reosarevok
        Meh, if only our blog had as many real human readers as it has spammers saying how great it is :p
      • nikki
        what do you expect when it's so boring? :P
      • alastairp
      • it says " (Ahmed Aqrish) (clarinet) ( – ????) "
      • but click through, there's a year of death set
      • (but no birth)
      • nikki
        there isn't...
      • there's just the ended checkbox ticked, which is why it shows ????
      • alastairp
      • oh
      • nikki
        oh, you're talking about the artist
      • LordSputnik1 has left the channel
      • alastairp
      • I see
      • the ???? is for the length of the relationship
      • nikki
      • alastairp
        not details of the person
      • never mind then :)
      • nikki
        you might like to tell the person/people doing those edits that the sortname should be latin and then it doesn't need to go in the disambiguation comment :P
      • alastairp
      • if there is a sort name, should the non-sorted name also be as an alias?
      • nikki
      • alastairp
        name: احمد أقريش, sort name: Aqrish, Ahmed, alias: Ahmed Aqrish
      • or is the alias unneeded
      • nikki