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I have created a ui file in QtDesigner and need help in adding this new UI to the Options dialog in Picard.
dufferzafar1: Try and `git grep` for some of the other Options names in the code and see how they're set up?
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onto it.
blast_hardcheese joined the channel
So, I'm attempting to build the musicbrainz server in Docker
Unfortunately, when I attempt to use cpanm to install the deps, it fills up / with complete garbage
I suspect this is not expected or desired, especially since subsequent calls to the database tool don't work
What environment are you trying to install it in? Which directory are you running the cpanm in? As what user?
Docker (
http://docker.io/), Debian Jessie, the musicbrainz git repo that I've checked out, as root
Try to not do it as root?
seems kind of hacky, tbh. If it works, it should work, regardless of what user.
I'm running this: time cpanm --local-lib-contained /root/perl5/ --installdeps --notest .
There are lots of very hacky bits around the MB codebase, so I wouldn't be surprised. :)
This is hacky pertaining only to cpanm ;)
I don't know anything about cpanm, so I've no clue how hacky that is.
Anyway, ianmcorvidae: ping? Did you go to bed yet?
Is there a way I can disable *some* parts of the log output picard produces?
it gets pretty overwhelming,
dufferzafar1: Uncomment the relevant lines. Or look into whatever logger module Picard is using.
blast_hardcheese: If you can, stick around.
I should probably go to bed myself though, as tomorrow will probably be an eventful day.
ianmcorvidae or someone may come around and have an answer ready.
Freso: I can definitely idle, and I've got nick hilight on, so our paths will converge eventually
Exactly. :)
I can also be reached at blast [at hardchee.se] if someone prefers email.
But you're not in Sweden if it's midnight where you are!
I am more easily reached via email, even for a quick ping of "hey, I'm in #musicbrainz-devel if you want to troubleshoot the build process"
It is guaranteed that at the end of this / will be filled with some amount of garbage from the build process
but I recognize setting up docker just to test this would be unpleasant, so I'm available for iterations.
Take care all, thanks Freso.
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I can't easily test that myself since I don't have a working py2app Picard setup
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JonnyJD: I'll try that tomorrow
luks: that would be cool, thanks
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