ocharles, ianmcorvidae: time for timesheets & invoices!
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you're not my boss! you can't tell me what to do!
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warp, ruaok: hi, I'm writing the proposal, and I have this idea I'm not sure about
should we allow developers to create accounts for their users throught the WS?
mjjc: probably not. but if you're using the WS as the back-end for the website itself you can still implement it that way, we'll just only use it internally and not expose it to the internet.
warp: we actually have two features that doesn't fit the web service - creating accounts and managing the consumer websites (for OAuth).
we could move the oauth thing to a separate website accessible through api.domain.com
multiple domains for a single website is a lot of fuss (for hosting (ssl certificates!), for development, for testing).
should we move it to WS as well?
mjjc: both of those deal with authentication and authorization, I think it's ok to keep that somewhat seperate from the main site and service.
and keep it in the same domain. okay.
mjjc: how exactly we tie these user accounts to the musicbrainz.org user accounts and things like that seem like details we have to discuss at a later stage.
are we going to tie them in the first version?
probably not
the first version should be as simple as possible, if that means you don't do ANY kind of authentication and authorization, that is fine.
I'd probably start with mozilla persona for authentication, because that is very little work, and you can then atleast tie email addresses to the submitted data
but if you're using a framework which already has built-in authentication/authorization, that would be fine as well.
actually, it would be fairly easy to implement OpenId authentication I guess
but I will look into that later. I hope it's not a problem if I change few concepts after submiting the proposal
mjjc: if your proposal is accepted expect lots of things to change when you actually start working and we discuss things again with all developers :)
bitmap, luks: do you know if there's any other way to fix http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/PICARD-417 than defining a function for every signal that simply passes the new state through to the setEnabled methods?
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ruaok: one invoice sent!
ok, I'll order us some monies.
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how are you sending invoices now that you're in BCN?
warp was wondering that too.
it sounds potentially very complicated :)
well, both of you have templates set up. I normally just walk in, put in the amount, sign it and leave.
now I need to have them set up a template for me.
then, in theory, I should be able to have them send me the templates. fill them in, email a PDF to the bank.
they will need to call me to confirm, but they said calling spain is ok.
ok, should I plan for this month to possibly be a little slower than normal?
and quite frankly they need to actually do something for the $35 they charge us.
ocharles: in theory not. the bank hasn't even opened yet. we have until 20:00 my time to get it done.
ok, cool
ocharles shall sit tight
and I've first hand experienced how long it takes money to come across the pond.
a week for my first wire.
that sounds about right
really? a week? nothing at all happened for the first 24 hours.
stooopid fucking us banks.
it's not just us banks, international wires are always slower
though it's nice that within uk transfers happen in about 10 minutes now
in theory all of that is supposed to go faster for intra-EU wires soon.
ruaok: it's generally on my account before the 7th. things get complicated on weekends.
with IBANs becoming a mandated standard next year
warp: that sucks. :(
ocharles: wow, nice. it's still hours here --- especially outside working hours.
warp: FPS, the system behind it, is meant to do it within a few hours, but it does seem to be a few minutes for me :)
at least paying from my business bank to my personal bank
ocharles: so if I transfer something from my dutch rabobank account to alexandra's dutch account (different bank) after 18:00 dutch time (still during the day here), it may not arrive until 7:00am dutch time next day.
and ING is the old government postbank / girobank, which even today seems slower than regular banks.
(and and added to that that my debit cards barely work here in .ec has fueled a considerable hatred toward banks in just the past weeks :)
model ('ArtistCredit')->find () doesn't take a list, that code will die with an exception in Data::Artist if is executed.
but it's in production, so that probably means it just never gets executed.
(git blame shows I wrote most of this two years ago :)
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Yippie, build fixed!
Paul Taylor: SchemaChnages:More stuff for release and recordings
Mineo: changing it back to use the old-style signal syntax might fix it (I'm assuming that's what caused it, but I have no machine with an old PyQt to test with)