dns53: I'm still not sure what your question is...
nikki has left the channel
not really a question, just trying to think aloud
i'm waiting for the data dumps, i think there are better ways of storing the data
dns53: The current process is that people run one of the essentia extractors on their music which generates a JSON document. Then a submitter is used to send it off to ABz (currently abzsubmit or acousticbrainz-gui - I'm working on a Picard plug-in, maybe ijabz will make one for his tagger too) where it will be stored in a postgresql db.
nikki: hi
We use the json data type in pg
Dumps will come as a json document per mbid, which is the same as what the extractor returns
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Freso: dns53 found the json diff tool in the utils/tools folder of acousticbrainz and thought that was part of the actual workflow
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502s atm
ruaok joined the channel
ruaok joined the channel
many 502s
I’ve been kicking search servers.
should be better now.
zas joined the channel
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ianmcorvidae: ping
ruaok: pong
so, tomorrow.
shortly before 6pm at firefly car rental near SAN airport?