

      • pronik` joined the channel
      • warp realizes he should get a new NGS dump.
      • alastairp
      • djce joined the channel
      • warp pokes djce
      • djce
      • warp
        is there anything you can do about musicbrainz.org being down?
      • djce
      • just got phone call from acid2 to the same effect
      • djce hopes he remembers irc <-> meatspace mappings correctly
      • warp
        yes, you did.
      • aCiD2
      • yep
      • djce
        hmmm. working now.
      • Not sure what the problem was; I restarted apache-perl on the app server.
      • (tails).
      • Haven't really got time to keep an eye on it (I have an employer, meh) ;-)
      • aCiD2
      • djce
        so please ping me again if you see any problems.
      • aCiD2
        do me or warp have access to do that?
      • or would it be best leaving you to do that?
      • warp
        djce: thanks!
      • djce
        you currently don't have access.
      • I'm happy to keep doing that for now.
      • aCiD2
        ok :)
      • djce
        hmmm... doesn't look too happy again
      • djce suspects a remote freedb server was down
      • I've disabled one of the freedb servers.
      • Let's see if that helps.
      • aCiD2, warp: might be nice if you chaps can take care of a couple of tasks from this:
      • (a) see if freedb imports are still working
      • (b) post something to the blog explaining roughly what happened, and any effects (e.g. slower / broken freedb imports).
      • and while you're at it, raise a jira ticket for the fact that an external service's behaviour can take down mb_server :-(
      • aCiD2
        yea, that's nasty :/
      • i'll try and write something up in a moment
      • djce
        thanks :-)
      • Muz joined the channel
      • warp
        aCiD2: ayt? how do I use the constants in MusicBrainz::Server::Types ?
      • warp is doing something wrong:
      • Undefined subroutine &main::BOT_FLAG called at admin/cleanup/EmptyArtists.pl line 181.
      • ah, $ instead fo & apparantly.
      • aCiD2
        Yea, they are proper variables now, not subroutines
      • warp
        hm, pm_to_blib is new.
      • meh, the exceptions in DBD::Pg.pm and lib/Sql.pm are strings.
      • djce joined the channel
      • pronik`` joined the channel
      • luks joined the channel
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • pronik``
      • aCiD2
        hey pronik`` :)
      • ruaok
      • pronik``
        nickname while banned on channel"
      • can you fix that?
      • aCiD2
      • I don't have ops atm, ruaok, howdigeddem?
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • pronik
        and how the hell do I get banned?
      • aCiD2
        no idea
      • it's still +r
      • pronik
        ah, probably the "fallback" unregged nicks
      • aCiD2
        even though I keep taking it off
      • warp
        aCiD2: really? I don't see the +R here.
      • ijabz
      • ruaok
      • aCiD2
        warp: hrm, well I dunno then :(
      • ruaok
        Welcome to the meeting everyone!
      • and welcome on board, warp!
      • warp
        thanks :)
      • aCiD2 blows a party streamer
      • ruaok
        how was your first day at work on the new job?
      • warp
        I spent all morning waiting for a more recent NGS dump to import
      • which was a bit silly, should've started that yesterday.
      • pronik
        welcome warp!
      • ruaok
        that skill to start long running things early took me a while to learn. :)
      • aCiD2 still ends up wasting time doing that :(
      • warp
        especially on this hardware, it takes about 3 or 4 hours or something.
      • ruaok
        oh noes.
      • that's a really long time.
      • warp
        this is really crappy hardware :)
      • murdos joined the channel
      • aCiD2
        one time task at least :)
      • pronik
        ruaok: time to buy your employee new HW ;)
      • warp
        anyway, after that I managed to get some things done.
      • ruaok
        pronik: actually, that is his own task the way we're organized.
      • but I hope warp will have the means to.
      • right-o. lets get started with review for the week.
      • acid2, you go first.
      • aCiD2
        Really not much from me I'm afraid, I had a fail week :(
      • ruaok
        did you and warp at least get time to start talking bugs/tasks?
      • aCiD2
        I spent a few hours here and there doing odd jobs... but really nothing significant to report, I didn't meet my goal last week to fix those breaking bugs either
      • We had a brief talk, but warp said it'll be easier as he gets deeper into the code
      • which makes sense to me, I've already given him a few tasks to keep him busy, so we should be good for at least a few days
      • ruaok
        ok, very good.
      • I'm going to start looking at the tasks, but I want to finish my WS code at the same time.
      • expect some task juggling from me for a couple of days.
      • how is your week this week?
      • aCiD2
        I spent a while triaging bugs after the beta 1 launch, so I think the current milestone is fairly accurate atm
      • Better, still some hefty uni coursework, but at least it's only 1 subject at a time now
      • ruaok
      • aCiD2
        I should certainly have time to sit down and hack for a few hours
      • ruaok
        well, for my week...
      • I a day and I half getting foundation shit to settle for 2009.
      • and I made great strides, but still haven't written the year end report.
      • I've made a lot more progress on WS -- only about four inc args on two resources to finish.
      • and I got replication on NGS to work.
      • aCiD2
        nice! that snuck in under the radar :)
      • ruaok
        which was pleasantly easy.
      • my repliication stream to my dev box is still working great after the weekend.
      • nikki: is yours?
      • this week for me: Finish WS patch, and start being a project manager! :)
      • warp
      • nikki
      • ruaok wonders if warp has anything else to add for last week
      • ruaok
      • pronik
        (no real agenda today?)
      • ruaok
        ruaok has changed the topic to: agenda: no real agenda
      • aCiD2
      • pronik
      • warp
        I did nothing until today, I'm hoping to get back to some mb-style work now that I most insurance/taxes stuff has been taken care off, and I don't work at my old job anymore :)
      • ruaok
      • ruaok is jazzed.
      • ijabz: how about you?
      • ijabz
        nope , nothing
      • ruaok
        was my query on test correct?
      • or does it still need tweaking?
      • (for artist searches)
      • ijabz
        results are wrong, could look at tonight if u like
      • ruaok
        lets do this after the meeting.
      • ijabz
      • pronik
        ruaok: want me to check out the queen again? ;)
      • ruaok
        pronik: after ijabz and I finish up.
      • ruaok moves on then
      • pronik
        alrighty :)
      • pronik raises his hand
      • ruaok
        go pronik
      • pronik
        soo, long time no report from me
      • ruaok nods
      • basically, I've got two point
      • 1. Translations
      • I've got our own instance of Transifex running on my server
      • which I would like to a) replace lauchpad
      • b) get a bit of alpha testing
      • this in your hosts file should do it
      • ruaok
        if you want us to put that into the DNS, we can.
      • pronik
        one problem I have with this setup is committing translations
      • ruaok: please do
      • right now, I've settled for a github mirror and a translations branch
      • transifex commits directly to that branch, which can be pulled by e.g. aCiD2
      • aCiD2
        Speaking of transifex... I kinda want t raise the Git issue
      • ruaok schedules that task for after the meeting