

      • ruaok
        it means your database was created, but the tables weren't even created.
      • navap
        ruaok: I haven't touched the database so that's probably not it. I think it's more a case of me not understanding the perl I'm typing :(
      • I created a new controller, which went fine, but then I tried to run a sql query from it and ran into problems. So I created a new MB::S::Data file to run the query from and ran into that error.
      • navap should stick to templating
      • ruaok
        its probably how the context is being setup then.
      • compare the setup of the controller to another known good controller that does DB access.
      • warp
      • ruaok
        tod warp!
      • ruaok continues to pack
      • you ready to take the helm, warp? :)
      • warp
        yes, sir
      • ruaok
      • You're going to make me sleep better at night.
      • warp
        thanks for the review. now I can start fixing things based on your comments and ijabz bugs.
      • ruaok
      • even that took nearly 3 hours.
      • warp isn't surprised.
      • my modus operandi was to understand the structure.
      • because the structure is repeated over and over in the code.
      • warp
        it's not all that different from what it used to be.
      • ruaok nods
      • ERROR: relation "dbmirror_pending" does not exist
      • ruaok
        who says that?
      • warp
        who :)
      • script/create_test_db.sh
      • ruaok
        rerun the generatesql script
      • warp
        ah, that's better.
      • ruaok
        ok, good. :)
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • nikki yawns
      • nikki
        ruaok: I'm aware now :P
      • well, awakeish
      • ruaok
      • nikki
        moin moin
      • ruaok
        I was wondering if we should have a way to designate an artist alias to be their "common" name.
      • Ligabue would be the common name for Luciano Ligabue
      • nikki
        would we display the current name or the common name then?
      • anyway, at some point I was thinking it would be cool for aliases to have a type as well as a language, so they could have things like japanese sortname, chinese official name, birth name, married name, search hint, common name, whatever
      • if it's something like that, then I'd approve of it :P
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      • Leftmost
        Mmm, fine-grained.
      • nikki
        and actually useful for once :P
      • Leftmost
        I always want my data to be incredibly fine-grained. I have a problem.
      • nikki
        the only thing you can do with the current ones is use them all as search hints, since the valid ones are mixed up with all the typos and other search hints
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      • fatih joined the channel
      • fatih
        /label/ is not disallowed in test server's robots.txt. Is that intentional?
      • also /recording, /tag, /puid, /isrc
      • navap
        robots.txt hasn't been updated since it was added in Jan 2009. /label was missing from the original robots.txt at one point so that's probably why it's still missing.
      • nikki joined the channel
      • fatih
        /release-group is missing too
      • from both original and test