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12:08 PM
aCiD2: do you ever look at the tickets without fix versions set?
12:08 PM
Right now, no, because I thought we already checked them when we did the last bug triage
12:09 PM
people are still adding new tickets :P
12:09 PM
I know, but we're struggling enough to get what we've done in for b3
12:11 PM
but if you don't check them, how do you know if there's something important? :/
12:11 PM
i'm not saying they aren't important
12:12 PM
I'll have a look when I finish this edit linking code, and maybe move some less important ones out
12:12 PM
(of beta 3)
12:47 PM
hmm... will adding types of packaging be handled by the style list?
12:51 PM
i would imagine so
13:57 PM
String::CamelCase is missing from Makefile.PL
14:00 PM
thanks, I'll add that in
14:01 PM
ok, done
14:01 PM
14:01 PM
14:02 PM
it works fine here
14:03 PM
yep, same here
14:41 PM
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15:14 PM
nikki wonders where leading/trailing whitespace gets removed now
15:29 PM
it doesn't
15:29 PM
we have a ticket for it
15:34 PM
it does
15:34 PM
it's the multiple whitespace that doesn't
15:35 PM
which is why I was wondering, it seems like it'd be trivial to add another line to remove multiple whitespace characters, if only I could find where it was removing the spaces at the beginning and end >_<
16:21 PM
That may well be done my HTML::FormHandler, not us
16:21 PM
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