

      • dinog joined the channel
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • ruaok waves from croissant central
      • warp
        bonjour ruaok
      • ruaok
        bonjour warp.
      • how are things doing in MB land?
      • I met with the lead of VLC yesterday. that was quite interesting.
      • MBChatLogger
        Ponies and sunshine and myspace and glitter!!
      • ruaok
        He called gracenote to get a quote how much it would cost to get acoustic fingerprinting from them.
      • warp
        wow, good. that sounds useful :)
      • heh, what dit gc say?
      • ruaok
        €100k setup fee. €500k annually.
      • vlc's budget is $10k annually.
      • lol
      • we had a really good laugh at that.
      • warp
      • ruaok
        I've learned a ton of other things this week too.
      • I also met with some archos engineers who are considering using MB.
      • warp
      • ruaok
        their new tablet product line looks amazing.
      • I want a 10.1i tablet. very nice.
      • and I had a very nice dinner/drinks with panda. he's still an awesome guy.
      • djce joined the channel
      • warp
        ruaok: when are you flying back/
      • ?
      • ruaok
        tomorrow morning.
      • but, only to DC.
      • I'll be home late afternoon on wed.
      • is there something you need in the meantime?
      • warp
        no, just being curious :)
      • ruaok
        ah, ok.
      • I'm ready to be home.
      • yesterday I was going to the bathroom in the lebanese restaurant.
      • and as I walk walking, I totally lost track of where I was.
      • warp
      • ruaok
        I was talking to apache people from all over europe, so I was totally confused.
      • I had to stop and listen to people to realize I was in paris.
      • very very odd.
      • a sign that its time to stop traveling. :)
      • but there are two people here who travel much much more than I.
      • warp
        yep, that sounds like being away from home just a bit too long
      • ruaok
      • and i'm thinking, I need a vacation... but that would be... travel.
      • and I can't do staycations. that doesn't work.
      • warp
        for me, a vacation is just being home coding on stuff _I_ want to code.
      • ruaok nods
      • ruaok
        I think I want to go hiking in some mountains somewhere.
      • warp
      • ruaok
        excercise, mother nature.
      • yeah.
      • ijabz
        Hi ruaok, just travel far enough that you have to sta over
      • ruaok
        hi ijabz
      • warp
        makes sense. I can see why people would want to do that. I'm not ready for it :)
      • ijabz
        was meant to camping this weekend, but its pissing down
      • ruaok
        ijabz: :(
      • my friend has a cabin in the sierra nevadas.
      • Maybe go there for a week and hope for snow.
      • read books.
      • ijabz
        That sounds nice, I need friends like tthat
      • ruaok
      • the network is getting bogged down again as sessions are starting up again.
      • I'll have to look at that bug later.
      • ijabz
        its something we discussed before, that I think needs doing
      • ruaok
      • ijabz
        Im gonna try and clear my musicbrainz bugs next week
      • ruaok
        I'm going to be talking about MB between 15h-16h. if you care, I think the open world forum sessions are being webcast.
      • ok, I'm off!
      • ijabz
        one minute there, one minute gone I guess he means http://www.openworldforum.org/
      • warp
      • don't see any webcasts though
      • ijabz
        no, i couldnt see them either
      • right , gonna do some Musicbrainz testing, see if I can find some work for Oliie
      • warp
      • brianfreud misses Whicken
      • brianfreud
        I have ~50k files for his old team to work with :D
      • hawke_ joined the channel
      • luks
        brianfreud: just curious, how many MBID-tagged files do you have?
      • ijabz_ joined the channel
      • hawke_
        Hey…is the documentation at http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Release_Script going to be updated to reflect the new release scripts when NGS comes out?
      • nikki
      • hawke_
        Hmm, I guess just updated, period.
      • nikki
        it hasn't been changed
      • hawke_
        The script data comes from ISO 15924, with the exception that the code Hkrt, "(alias for Hiragana + Katakana)" has been renamed to "Kanji & Kana" as Japanese is often a mix of kanji, hiragana and katakana and there's no single script code to cover this.
      • That’s not correct, is it?
      • nikki
        hm. that was changed ages ago
      • hawke_
        Since code “Jpan” does exist to cover it.
      • I’ve updated the wiki page now, but the doc page is obviously still wrong.
      • (Sorry, thought it was a NGS change, didn’t notice that “Kanji & Kana” didn’t exist any more in the old schema either)
      • nikki
        heh, it's been like that nearly 2 years and you're the first person I've seen to point it out
      • hawke_
      • Shows how much people read our documentation.
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • hawke_ joined the channel
      • brianfreud
        luks: Roughly 465k
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • Muz joined the channel
      • jdamcd joined the channel
      • hawke_
        Why is there direct search distinct from normal search?
      • And is there some reason that direct search doesn’t ignore spaces, while normal search does?
      • alastairp
        direct search goes directly to the database, which is completely up to date
      • normal search has an index to speed up search times, but it's only updated periodicly (once a day?)
      • so you won't get newly entered stuff
      • navap
        It's much more frequent than that. Every 6 hours I think.
      • alastairp
        that makes more sense
      • hawke_
        So, no way to make direct search ignore spaces like the indexed search does?
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • nikki
        what are you searching for?
      • hawke_
        Nothing, just seems strange/unfortunate that it’s necessary to add a bunch of aliases to deal with japanese names.
      • nikki
        ijabz: does the search server have special handling for cjk stuff?
      • brianfreud
        Anyone have any idea in a gnome regexp how to negate the pattern correctly? ie, to negate .*ogg|.*flac|.*mp3 ?
      • nikki
        what's a gnome regex?
      • brianfreud
        Anything gnome, but in this case, a regexp filter w/in gnome-search-tool
      • trying to clean out my dump dir, and looking for anything that isn't one of those file types
      • navap
        Why not move everything that does match that regex into a separate folder and then do away with everything that's left?
      • brianfreud
        messier :P
      • nikki would just use find
      • I'm trying to see what all even is there that may be true junk, rather than image/pdf/rdf/doc/etc associated with those music files
      • nikki
        find somedir/ -type f -not -iregex '.*\.\(ogg\|flac\|mp3\)' or something
      • ijabz
        nikki:yes it does , but Im not too au fait what this handling is