

July 1st 2011

      • Batsy
        warp and/or ocharles if you're around: data::utils::query_to_list_limited is used by data::release::find_by_artist and it returns results in ascending order by date, so when I limit it to three I get the three oldest releases. I want the three most recent releases without querying the database more than once (in order to calculate the offset).
      • any suggestions for a more efficient way to either calculate the offset I'd need or to have it spit out releases in descending order?
      • kl;nk
      • (and that's why you don't leave the laptop open on the floor when you let the dogs in)
      • bitmap
        nikki: when you have time, I'd appreciate if you could look at http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/User:Bitmap/Multipl...
      • just to sanity check things :)
      • nikki
        luks: I already tried google's dns servers in resolv.conf :( I think it's a problem with vmware since I don't have any problems in osx itself, only in the vm
      • bitmap: I'd probably say "if the recording artists vary, enter each one separated by " / " in the artist credit"
      • the page wrapped it after the dash and confused me at first
      • oh... with the order bit included I guess
      • bitmap
        nikki: thanks, that reads a bit better
      • "if the recording artists vary, enter each one separated by " / " in the artist credit (in the order their songs appear)."
      • nikki
        yeah, I like that more
      • bitmap
        I doubt anyone would have a reason to enter them out of order, but you never know...
      • nikki
        someone somewhere would probably try and put them alphabetically :P
      • and everyone else would be like "what? why? ;_;"
      • bitmap
        lol, I wouldn't be surprised
      • ruaok
        anyone awake?
      • nikki
      • ruaok
        "I officially support Robert's suggestion for cover-art via the Internet
      • Archive." Cory
      • nikki
      • ruaok
        that is the last director chiming in.
      • now I need to hold an official vote, bute we know how that will go.
      • please share the news with folks.
      • (unofficially, of course)
      • nikki
        ok :)
      • bitmap
        that's awesome news!
      • now I *really* need to buy a scanner
      • ruaok
        ruaok has changed the topic to: How does one design a cover art archive where the images never pass through MusicBrainz? How would you do it without running *any* services at the archive?
      • bitmap: scanning not needed.
      • we're allowed to submit any images from anywhere.
      • bitmap
        ruaok: I'd like to scan my own stuff too though :)
      • ruaok
        oh, ok.
      • that's allowed. :) but not required.
      • bitmap
        mainly for old vinyl releases that don't have scans on Discogs/etc.
      • nikki has a scanner and just needs to work out how to use it :P
      • hehe
      • nikki
        I have lots of saved scans from various sites though
      • bitmap
        I have a giant folder of images I stole from ebay
      • nikki
      • I have a gigantic folder too, but it's a complete mess since I just dump everything in there
      • and I'm always saving stuff that looks interesting
      • bitmap
        I doubt it's less organized than mine :P the image names are still like $(KGrXqMOKjUr2zMhJN-WBN2w24V+-w~~_12.JPG and there are hardly any sub folders
      • I really need to clean it up...
      • nikki
      • ruaok
        ok, I should go.
      • long drive to get to the desert tomorrow.
      • dus awaits!
      • dust!
      • awaft!
      • nikki
        have fun!
      • bah
      • warp
      • ocharles
        warp: I could really do with smoke emails still
      • we're at 57%!
      • warp
        oh, right. that still doesn't work.
      • nikki
        ocharles: I don't suppose you can find out whether this cover art script is actually running, can you?
      • ocharles
        nikki: I'll look into it later today
      • nikki
        'cause it's been over 6 weeks and I haven't seen any evidence of it working :/
      • warp
        ocharles: I've changed something and am now running the master tests. perhaps it will work.
      • ocharles
      • warp
        ocharles: no, it's not working.
      • ocharles: Smolder uses "MIME::Lite" to send mail to an SMTPHost, and I don't know how to correctly specify the envelope sender.
      • my $data = clone($self->value);
      • data => clone($data),
      • heh, that seems a bit overzealous.
      • ocharles
      • warp
        ocharles: btw, if you want to have a look at the smolder stuff yourself:
      • /home/smolder/.smolder/smolder.log contains the error message / exception
      • ocharles
      • warp
        and you can do a "git diff" in /home/smolder/opt/Smolder to see my attempt to fix it
      • ocharles
        will have a look at it next week
      • warp
      • ocharles
        warp, ijabz: do you know how I can add an attribute in the relaxng schema that uses the data type in def_incomplete-date?
      • warp
      • ocharles
      • warp doesn't do much schema writing :)
      • hrm, I'll just copy pasta the data section into it
      • ah, <ref>
      • warp
        yay, git checkout has an --interactive equivalent.
      • ocharles
        nice, I didn't know that
      • warp
        git checkout --patch
      • ocharles
        ah, same as git add -p
      • (--patch)
      • warp
        oh right.
      • I should probably use that instead of '--interactive' then
      • ocharles
        interactive is nice for remembering to add new files too
      • MBChatLogger
      • ocharles
        bitmap: first-release-date stuff is on test.mb.org now, if you can have a look at it and see if it what's you want
      • bitmap
        ocharles: cool, thanks!
      • ocharles: yes, that works perfectly.
      • wonderful, I have to figure out how to appease a bunch of mb-style people
      • warp
        oh noez
      • nikki
      • bitmap
        people have developed a very strong aversion to the word "track" it seems...
      • warp
        well, you're talking about a relationship, right? a relationship in musicbrainz can no longer link to a track, it links to the recording.
      • bitmap
        warp: understood, but I think it makes sense as a synonym in certain places
      • warp
        bitmap: in some places, yes. but in most places it would probably be confusing, because we do have both in the database and they're distinct things.
      • bitmap: I haven't looked at your proposal, so I haven't seen how you're using it :)
      • bitmap
        e.g. "multiple recordings are joined on a single recording" doesn't read as well as "multiple recordings are joined on a single track" IMO
      • warp
        I would probably use "song" if I am not referring to a specific database entity.
      • nikki
        it mostly refers to a track on a cd (which then needs a corresponding recording)
      • warp
        "multiple songs are joined on a single recording" <-- I know song refers to something outside of musicbrainz, recording is our data type thingy.
      • reosarevok
        warp: "song" is a type of work :p
      • warp
        reosarevok: nooo
      • reosarevok has no idea of what it's supposed to mean, but is in the list
      • warp did not know that.
      • reosarevok
        "several recordings are joined into a single one"?
      • bitmap still likes track better :P
      • bitmap
        and for "multiple songs are joined on a single recording" someone might confuse for a medley
      • which is a different relationship
      • reosarevok
        Then maybe it needs more than one sentence ;)
      • bitmap
        maybe ;) although I'm not a fan of wordy guidelines
      • warp agrees to that.
      • reosarevok doesn't like wordy guidelines, but it will need to state how it is different from medley in a clear way
      • reosarevok
        Once that's done, make it as short as you want :)
      • nikki
        "on a single recording (but have not been otherwise altered)"?
      • warp
        ocharles: any idea if/how I can do split(",", $foo)[0] ? (other than assigning it first)
      • bitmap
        how about "multiple unaltered recordings are joined on a single track"
      • reosarevok
        "multiple unaltered recordings are joined on a single thingy"
      • "on a single thingy, which is not an album, but other smaller thingy"
      • adhawkins has been in far too many meetings that sounds just like this.
      • adhawkins suggests using 'entity'
      • nikki
        we already use entity too
      • bitmap
      • I dunno how else to improve things
      • adhawkins laughs
      • maybe just "multiple unaltered recordings are joined together" but I think track is fine
      • adhawkins
        Sorry, bit of an in joke at work.
      • Entity is always suggested when someone is looking for another word for 'thingy'
      • ocharles
        warp: (split ",", $foo)[0]
      • or []->[0]
      • warp
        ocharles: ah, thanks
      • bitmap
        ocharles: btw, for the first-release-date feature, does it only ever give the year, or does it just not sort the same way as release groups?