that sentence seems to be missing a couple of words
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warp: :) ... Ur right... I found a module that "use MusicBrainz::Server::EditSearch::Predicate::Entity" but couldn't find the corresponding package er::EditSearch::Predicate::Entity ...
hm, the file exists at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/EditSearch/Predicate/
but indeed doesn't contain a package called MusicBrainz::Server::EditSearch::Predicate::Entity
Oh.. I didn't even thought of looking for the package name.. but now that you point that out that file does look "unconventional"
I mean the server still seems to start fine... I just found it odd because my package manager pointed it out as a depsolv failure...
afaik all of this works, so apparantly this is not a problem for perl.
I was just curious.
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