

November 1st 2011

      • CatCat
        re: types of coverart, would it be prudent to make some simple images ilustrating wich part of the cd/vinyl etc each "type" is supposed to be? eg spine, [image of a jewelcase with cd goes here, but the part that is the inner is redoutline/solid some colour] ?
      • erh spine/iner or iner/spine as apropriate
      • nikki
        CatCat: once we've figured out what they actually mean :)
      • CatCat
      • natta
      • bitmap impatiently wrote a patch for http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-3708 despite not understanding perl and having no idea what he's doing :P http://pastebin.com/FPnZx50J
      • ruaok
        that doesn't look like someone who doesn't know what he's doing.
      • you should submit that to codereview.musicbrainz.org
      • bitmap
        nah, it's the first time I've used perl, so I was really just copying+pasting random things until they worked ;)
      • but I'll add it to code review
      • Leftmost
        Don't worry, bitmap. That's how people who know what they're doing in Perl do it.
      • bitmap
      • reosarevok
        warp, I don't know how much work this would be: http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-3604
      • But if it is a short fix, please try to fit it in your next CI somehow
      • Newbies get *VERY* confused
      • ocharles, your last comment in http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-2079 makes sense to me
      • I mean, not the most obvious UI ever, but definitely better than what we have and probably the option that offers more customisation possibilities
      • reosarevok wonders what nikki thinks of it
      • nikki blinks
      • nikki
        whatever works
      • just implement *something* :P
      • reosarevok
        I mean, "would this be a too obscure interface"
      • reosarevok thinks it wouldn't as long as we document it decently
      • But...
      • nikki
        obscure interfaces are something people can at least learn to use
      • missing interfaces are unusable on account of them being missing :P
      • reosarevok
      • ocharles, go implement that! ;)
      • (pretty please)
      • Hi voiceinsideyou!
      • What do you think of the idea ocharles presented on hist last comment at http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-2079 ? :)
      • nikki said "obscure interfaces are something people can at least learn to use, missing interfaces are unusable on account of them being missing :P" and I tend to agree
      • reosarevok goes try to convince the local uni to give me an erasmus for next year
      • Back later!
      • voiceinsideyou
        reosarevok: I'm not really sure. I'd tend to agree with nikki; assuming it's obscure, rather than buggy - to put it bluntly :)
      • nikki
        well right now people ask how to do it and we have to say you can't
      • reosarevok
        Well, that depends on how it is implemented, the question is whether we want it to be like that
      • voiceinsideyou
      • reosarevok
        Obviously whatever we do, we won't want it to be buggy
      • nikki
        whereas if we have a way to do it that's not obvious, we can write an explanation and point people to it when they ask
      • reosarevok
      • (it worked though)
      • voiceinsideyou
        Well the current situation is that the release editor is so ridden with bugs and 502s that I'm not personally willing to push for any features at all :)
      • nikki
        well ollie would be doing the relationships stuff, kuno does the release editor
      • reosarevok
        voiceinsideyou, this would be outside the RE as far as I understood
      • Oh, you mean because you want that to be fixed
      • Yeah, that's warp vs ocharles
      • TSK
      • More 502
      • nikki
      • reosarevok
        What is going on?
      • voiceinsideyou
        Indeed. Who does what is of course a decision for the team; but I guess I personally see this specialization as a bit arbitrary (although obviously some people are better than others at JS) when we have this burning fire of an RE
      • nikki wonders if we get more 502s around 10 minutes past the hour, or if that's just her
      • reosarevok goes for real now
      • :)
      • i just got a 502 on reo's link too; it was a "quick 502" which IIRC ruaok indicated the other day was probably due to something wrong with nginx or that layer, rather than the server
      • (as opposed to RE 502s, which are generally slow ones - server failed to respond quickly enough, etc)
      • nikki
        and another...
      • voiceinsideyou
        me too same time
      • nikki
        and a bunch more...
      • voiceinsideyou
      • nikki
        it's just random pages for me
      • voiceinsideyou
        yeah, me too; just putting URIs down for the record in case anyone decides to go back through logs :)
      • nikki
      • <3 the release editor
      • (with much sarcasm)
      • voiceinsideyou: does http://pastebin.com/Hzq7S3Jg look familiar to you?
      • ocharles
      • 502s gallore still?
      • nikki
        on and off
      • voiceinsideyou
        nikki: looks like a session timeout of some description?
      • nikki
        how nice of it
      • I got about 6 tracks in and decided to go to the next tab to stop it from timing out, only for it to crash on me and lose my stuff anyway
      • voiceinsideyou
        however, given the frequency of timeouts (and people logging tickets recently), I have grown suspicious that there is something else going on
      • nikki
        ocharles: btw you said last week that you would post on the style list about inheritance yesterday :P
      • ocharles
        i said I'd do it on my monday? I thought I just said it was on my todo list :P
      • ocharles just got a 504 from jira
      • still haven't got a 200, curse you blasted bug tracker!
      • warp
      • warp is late for work.
      • ocharles
      • warp
        ocharles: I'd like your opinion on HTTP status codes again.
      • ocharles
      • warp
        ocharles: "202 Accepted" seems a suitable response to a PUT request to change an entity
      • ocharles
        And returning a pointer to the edit?
      • warp
        (asynchronous processing, location is supposed to point something informational about the processing taking place)
      • ocharles: yes.
      • ocharles nods
      • ocharles
        sounds fine to me
      • warp
        ocharles: but what should the status be if a NoChanges exception is thrown server side?
      • "304 Not Modified" seems to map well, but is only supposed to be used at the HTTP level, with "If-Modified-Since" headers and such.
      • in a sense it is an error (4xx), because the edit wasn't created. but it's also success (2xx), because the entity has already been changed in the way the PUT was trying to change it.
      • ocharles
      • I don't think it's right to use 304
      • so that only seems to leave 409?
      • warp
        I was leaning towards 409 for error yes.
      • but I was also thinking of 204 or 205 to indicate, look dude, it's already like this, success!
      • ocharles
        Well, currently in the form when you try and submit with no changes, you don't leave the page
      • warp
        ok, 409 is closer to that.
      • ocharles
        But where are you going to display a message saying it hasn't changed?
      • warp
        yes, a 409 response probably can have a body.
      • so $serializer->output_error ("bla bla no changes blah")
      • ocharles
        sure, but we said it should have the body you gave the request with information on each attribute with information on what's wrong
      • warp
        oh, right, I haven't done that at all yet.
      • ocharles
        In TreeValidator, cross-validation errors are put at the deepest node that contains all nodes that failed cross-validation
      • which in this case would mean an "errors" node under the root node (<label>)
      • I'd be ok with that
      • warp
      • and any kind of error (including nochanges) should be a 409?
      • ocharles
        well, we couldn't find any other appropriate codes last time we discussed this, iirc :)
      • warp
        er, any kind of validation error I mean. a parse error still is just a 400 or something.
      • yes, ok.
      • ocharles
      • warp
        ocharles: where should validation go in our architecture?. it's obviously not going to be in the MusicBrainz::Server::Form::* anymore.
      • should that be part of the models, the entities, or have a seperate set of validator objects?
      • ocharles
        I'd prefer a separate set of objcets
      • warp
      • ocharles
        Effectively moving towards a factory pattern
      • "LabelFactory->create_label( %label_info_here)" yielding either a Label object, with certain attributes transformed (trim, whatever), or a set of errors
      • then you can create edits from that Label object
      • warp
        right, so the edits would also change (eventually) to just take old and new objects.
      • ocharles
        well, could, they don't need to