

      • lfranchi joined the channel
      • nikki wonders if anyone is around...
      • nikki
        I've never used this local lib thing before, but apparently it's magic and I should so I'm wondering what I need to do to install the mbserver dependencies with it
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • djce joined the channel
      • kepstin-laptop joined the channel
      • reosarevok joined the channel
      • djce
        Anyone know if a weekly meeting is planned for tomorrow?
      • reosarevok certainly hopes so
      • reosarevok
        But as far as knowing... not really
      • djce
        Just wondering. It's a public holiday tomorrow in .uk, and maybe other territories too.
      • And additionally, I won't be available tomorrow evening (for an entirely separate reason)
      • reosarevok
        Oh, I didn't know it was a holiday
      • Maybe it will be moved to Tue?
      • No idea
      • We definitely need to talk though, be it Mon or Tue
      • Being as we are 10 days away from a schema change release and all that
      • djce
      • reosarevok
        ocharles, are you going to be here tomorrow night or should we do Tue?
      • djce posts to the list
      • djce, how much you have to say about the server issues?
      • reosarevok is wondering if a meeting specifically about server issues would make sense, seeing there seems to be several issues with it all
      • (+ we got the new servers now and it might tie into it)
      • djce
        How much? <shrug> a couple of minutes. If we're meeting tomorrow then I could just post my thoughts to the list.
      • reosarevok
        Oh, ok
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • Mineo joined the channel
      • Leftmost joined the channel
      • wpl joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou1 joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • kepstin joined the channel
      • entil joined the channel
      • entil
        hope this is the proper channel to ask, but I'm wondering about http://musicbrainz.org/release/55f6b7ae-029f-4e... and how python-musicbrainz2 doesn't understand the discs there.. release.getDiscs() returns []
      • reosarevok
        python-musicbrainz-2 doesn't understand NGS
      • entil
        but as it seems the web, the release on the web there, knows it's got two discs, there's probably something in the api?
      • that's what I was afraid of it being...
      • is the next version usable yet?
      • reosarevok
      • I am not sure how complete it is, but you should probably check it and see if it works for you
      • entil
        otherwise I've been very happy thus far, but not being able to rip discs into separate directories by disc number is obviously an issue ;)
      • ianmcorvidae
        python-musicbrainz-ngs is fairly usable at the moment; not sure if alastairp merged my change for custom UA handling
      • which you'll want to have :)
      • reosarevok
        ianmcorvidae: you're listed in the credits so probably yes
      • ianmcorvidae
        ah, okay then :)
      • ianmcorvidae looks
      • alastairp
        yup, I just did it yesterday
      • ianmcorvidae
        yay :)
      • entil
      • I'm just going to rip my one-disc releases for now, it's getting kinda late for code
      • https://github.com/mjtorn/ripwhine gotta advertise the software I wrote to do all this ,;)
      • djce joined the channel
      • nikki
        entil: unmaintained :P
      • iirc it was the first attempt at a version for ngs but it was never even finished
      • entil
        hehe, looks so
      • alastairp
        nikki: s/finished/started/
      • :)
      • nikki
        well it was *started*, it just never went anywhere :P
      • entil
        anyway, gotta say it's really cool to have something like musicbrainz around, I even registered to submit data on a disc
      • and even more cool that -ngs seems to allow updating data, if I ever get around to implementing that in ripwhine
      • bad gateway :o
      • just trying to do this over the web
      • nikki
        try refreshing the page
      • entil
      • just mentioning it here in case it's something developers care about
      • nikki
        it's a known issue :/
      • entil
        also had severe problems attaching a toc to the release when searching for an artist, I just couldn't figure that out and was probably going to do something very stupid
      • nikki
        because of the radio buttons?
      • djce
        sorry people, rebooting astro to try to fix a server issue. docs and reports will be unavailable.
      • entil
        nikki: no, it's because the web looks like you can either select the radio button or click the link to make it happen - or at least that's how I read it
      • and when you open the link you kinda gravitate towards adding a duplicate of the release
      • fortunately I did not do this but just added the toc and now I'm ripping the disc ;P
      • nikki
        there used to just be a button to click next to the release
      • I wonder if that would have been less confusing
      • ocharles
        pretty sure there's a ticket for just that
      • entil
        I dunno, because once you get to the release list it's clear enough, at least to me
      • nikki
        ocharles: I know there is for what I mentioned because I reported it :P
      • entil
        but the link next to the radio button? confusing as hell
      • if you had only the artist name, it'd be obvious
      • nikki
        ohh, the list of artists
      • entil
        because it opens the artist page
      • takes you off the track of what you're trying to do
      • nikki
        ocharles: do you know of a perl module for unescaping characters in html?
      • nikki is clearly not searching for the right word in cpan :/
      • ocharles
        unescaping in what sense?
      • &lt; to <?
      • nikki
      • ocharles
      • the_metalgamer joined the channel
      • nikki
      • thanks!
      • nikki crosses one bug off her list at last
      • entil
        more weirdness, this time release.getId() returns None which upsets query.getReleaseById(release.getId(), release_includes)
      • iirc that separate thing was needed for extra data
      • there's no disc id for it in http://musicbrainz.org/release/b290c856-7a74-42... but that's the disc .. guess I'll just look at submitting it as well, but just saying in case you want to know :)
      • cd stub?
      • nikki
        cd stubs let people submit a tracklist and disc id without being logged in (basically freedb with more accurate disc ids :P), they're not stored in the main part of the database though so they don't have links to artists or anything
      • and people who are logged in and import them so that they're entered properly
      • er, who are logged in *can* import them
      • entil
        I was given the choice of importing the stub or attaching the id, I attached the id
      • nikki
        that was probably the right thing to do
      • entil
        finnish semi-underground black metal seems exactly the stuff to test with because it's not popular enough to have been peer-reviewed a million times by the community ;)
      • reosarevok
      • That sounds interesting
      • Feel free to give some recommendations while you're at it :p
      • entil
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • ruaok
      • I'm wondering if we should do the dev meeting tomorrow or tuesday.
      • I guess ocharles may not be able to make it on tuesday.
      • ruaok still has guests in the house through tommorrow
      • nikki
        you haven't seen mb-devel then
      • and hi!
      • FoolMoon joined the channel
      • the_metalgamer joined the channel
      • ocharles
        ruaok: I can probably make 8pm tuesday
      • but yea, could be tight
      • bbliss_ joined the channel
      • ocharles pops into bed to recover from last night
      • cya in the morning!
      • DavidR joined the channel
      • Guest46653
        I'm new to MusicBrainz and had a (hopefully) quick quesion about importing the database dump. Is this the right place to ask?
      • I'm new to MusicBrainz and had a (hopefully) quick quesion about importing the database dump. Is this the right place to ask?
      • reosarevok
      • Should be
      • Guest46653
        Cool, thanks. I'm a lamp developer and do dev work on windows. I've got Postgres and pgAdmin III installed on my Windows laptop and I downloaded mbdump.tar.bz2 and extracted the mbdump folder therein. I'm just unclear how to import the mbdump folder. The README says "To import them, you need a compatible version of the MusicBrainz server software." Does that mean I can't just import the data into Postgres without insta
      • reosarevok doesn't know himself but some people here probably will
      • reosarevok
        Of course, that's if someone else is awake and not in bed with a NYE hangover :p
      • Guest46653
        Thanks and happy ny!
      • nikki
        Guest46653: the dumps are just tab separated files
      • so if you get a copy of the db schema and create the tables, you can use copy to import them, for example
      • Guest46653
        That makes sense, but I guess I'm used to windows/mysql (where I just run SQL that creates schema and loads data). This seems different. I thought I'd be able to use pgAdmin to import the tar but that didn't work. Do you know where I get the schema and how to import it?
      • nikki
        the server code including the sql to create the tables is in git - http://git.musicbrainz.org/gitweb/?p=musicbrain...
      • not really sure how to actually import the data though, I've never tried with windows or pgadmin
      • Guest46653
        Nikke: thanks so much! When you say COPY, are you referring to a file copy or a postgres command?
      • nikki
        postgres command
      • Guest46653
        Nikke: thanks again!