

      • navap
        Is Y2K over?
      • Can we turn the computers on now?
      • ruaok
      • Leftmost
      • Leftmost joined the channel
      • ianmcorvidae
        warp: looks like you were the last one to edit the annotation for http://beta.musicbrainz.org/release/e62d6ccd-25..., which describes the cover art -- do you have the cover art itself? (I'd like to remove the Jamendo cover art link if possible, especially since that's not a Digital Media release)
      • warp: er, looks like you did, actually -- what should be done about the front cover, though?
      • flamingspinach joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • Leftmost` joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • warp
        ianmcorvidae: I still need to scan the art from the physical release
      • plaintext joined the channel
      • Mineo joined the channel
      • ocharles
        warp: you guys could have used fabric to script those time problesm :)
      • warp
        ocharles: that would've been more work though.
      • ocharles: but, now that you're here!
      • ocharles: are you working? I think I'm completely misunderstanding what you mean on http://codereview.musicbrainz.org/r/1997/
      • either that, or you are misunderstanding my problem :)
      • the_metalgamer joined the channel
      • reosarevok joined the channel
      • ocharles
        warp: more initial effort, less overall effort I would have thought
      • I mean it's literally just "fab
      • erm
      • "fab -h astro,asterix,pingu,etc -- command to run on all machines"
      • warp: oh, I see what you're saying on that review now
      • warp
        ocharles: yes, but it requires me to either check if I can run that on hobbes or set up the vpn AND learn fabric.
      • ocharles
        you will need to do the latter at some point anyway
      • but I agree, when you're trying to stop servers exploding, that's not the right time
      • reosarevok
        ocharles / warp: are the servers bent on exploding or you have some time?
      • ocharles
        i don't have any time for musicbrainz work today unless servers are exploding
      • warp
        reosarevok: the the crisis was averted and the issue has passed.
      • reosarevok
        I'm not going to ask you to work :)
      • ocharles
        oh, ok :)
      • reosarevok
        I am just wondering if there would be a big opposition from you for a "series" and a "catalog" entity before I ask the community if they want them
      • (mostly want to avoid asking them, they saying yes and devs saying "noooo" later)
      • warp
        what does catalog do?
      • ocharles
        series seems to make sense, i'm less clear on catalog
      • reosarevok
        Catalogs classical/folk works, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bach-Werke-Verzeic... etc
      • warp
        reosarevok: I know what those BWV numbers are and such, what does the entity in MB do?
      • reosarevok
        Links all the works in a specific catalog, whether they're by the same composer or not and without requiring us to have all the different catalog listings on the work titles
      • (also moves the "was catalogued by" relationship from the artist to the catalog I guess)
      • Putting stuff on the title half-works for people with one main catalog but it gets silly very soon
      • (Scarlatti has 3 different ones for example)
      • Basically, it's pretty much like series in that it's just an ordered list
      • (well, I guess series is sometimes unordered?)
      • Anyway, plenty of time until Oct so I can start by discussing Series I guess? :)
      • ocharles
        go ahead :)
      • warp
        reosarevok: plenty? :)
      • reosarevok
        warp: compared with last schema change and "adopt tickets NOW it's LATE", yes :p
      • warp
        if you want to get Series and/or Catalog implemented by then, .. well I don't think there is all that much time, so don't take too long in discusssing it :D
      • reosarevok: I wonder how podcasts can fit into Series.
      • reosarevok
        Well, "series" in my current concept is pretty much "ordered list of things", really
      • warp
        I wish standalone recordings had a release date. then we could allow them in Series and that'd be more or less what you'd want from a podcast.
      • s/from/for/
      • reosarevok
        (mainly because I want them to also be able to fit recordings, for video series like http://vimeo.com/album/1656956 - dunno if that will fly with the community though)
      • warp: there are some problems with using release date only anyway
      • warp
        reosarevok: hm?
      • reosarevok seems to remember discussion about ordered series running in a different order than they were actually released
      • reosarevok
        (say, #3 got delayed and put out after #4)
      • warp
        oh certainly, I just mean that that's an important bit of information I would want to have on podcast episodes. which means that currently each podcast episode should be a release itself, which is too much hassle.
      • reosarevok
        Oh, sure
      • I see what you mean there
      • Although dates for podcasts can be in the titles or disambiguation comments, really
      • Like with live bootlegs and recordings
      • (for now at least)
      • warp
        I think it would make sense to allow a release date on a standalone recording.
      • though I guess that would be a seperate proposal :)
      • reosarevok
      • (to both)
      • warp
        reosarevok: would ocremix stuff be considered a series?
      • reosarevok
        That's for the community to say, really - I have little experience with it so I don't know
      • warp
        (i guess technically all those recordings are individual releases, as they have a release date and a catalog number)
      • reosarevok: ocremix is often a nice edge case :)
      • reosarevok
        Sure, but in this case it seems like an edge case for series *style* more than the thing itself I'd say?
      • warp
        I guess you could see ocremix as a record label. it catalogs and publishes releases on behalf of the artists signed up to it.
      • reosarevok
        Yeah, I was thinking that too
      • warp
        the only problem is that each release is a single recording.
      • reosarevok
        Not anymore, really
      • They have been issuing "albums" for a while too
      • warp
        which is very cumbersome to edit, but not otherwise a problem with representing it accurately.
      • oh, yes. but still they release lots of standalone recordings
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • reosarevok
        I would argue if releases represent them correctly and the only problem is that they're a pain to edit, we just should fix that and not try to make them into something else :)
      • "just", I know
      • warp
        yeah, you're righte.
      • s/e.$/./
      • reosarevok
        Man, doing stuff without a down arrow is annoying
      • I guess they would have to work a bit like a tracklist
      • In that they're related to recordings in a way that is not an AR
      • warp: when you have time, could you look at the mail in style and see if that seems doable and if it you think it'd work? (as a potential developer and user of the feature)
      • :)
      • warp
        sure, I will have a look later today.
      • (I definitely want series)
      • plaintext joined the channel
      • the_metalgamer joined the channel
      • reosarevok
        ocharles: "i don't have any time for musicbrainz work today unless servers are exploding"
      • well, we're mass 502-ing now
      • Does that count?
      • warp
      • reosarevok
        Seems it works again
      • But it'd be good if someone could look into what happened
      • Hmm, or maybe I just hit the right server
      • another 502
      • warp
        I saw the 502s as well, but I don't see anything obviously wrong.
      • currently the pages load again without me touching anything
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • the_metalgamer joined the channel
      • reosarevok
        Still some random instant-502s once in a while :/
      • bitmap joined the channel
      • warp
        tickets.musicbrainz.org was having some trouble as well.
      • kepstin joined the channel
      • kepstin joined the channel
      • kepstin joined the channel
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • ruaok
        so, did the archive make it through the night?
      • reosarevok
        It worked a while ago
      • Some people hit temporary problems I think
      • Dunno at 00 UTC, though
      • We've had a few episodes of loads of 502s ourselves :/
      • But warp looked and didn't see anything clearly wrong
      • ruaok
        I wasn't worried about the UTC thing.
      • more about SlowDown
      • reosarevok
      • That worked when I went to bed, and worked when I returned
      • No idea about the 10 h in between though
      • reosarevok looks at the stats
      • Seems OK
      • Almost no 503 in the last 36h if http://archive.org/stats/s3.php is to be believed
      • Mineo joined the channel
      • warp
        ruaok: I couldn't start ntpd on perry and lingling.
      • ruaok
        k, I can do that.
      • warp
        great, thanks.
      • also, hello! :)
      • ruaok
      • lingling started. perry started.
      • can you log into perry?
      • sudo?
      • warp tries.
      • warp
        I cannot login.
      • ruaok
        try again
      • warp
        ok, done. password changed.
      • oh and lingling.mb doesn't resolve.
      • is that some external thing again?
      • ruaok
      • but lingling is not critical.
      • I should just turn it off.
      • warp
      • warp nods
      • djce joined the channel