

February 1st 2013

      • nikki
      • ianmcorvidae
        cool, google actually sent me my tax form this year!
      • ruaok
      • yeah, quite a few less.
      • a
      • n
      • d co
      • u
      • ple
      • ruaok sighs
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ruaok
        speaking of dumb questions.
      • h
      • at
      • re
      • s
      • reosarevok
      • ruaok
        me of a time in the programming contenst
      • reosarevok
        Someone gift ruaok new IRC software please
      • ruaok
        we were in San diego, working on unix machines. each team of 3 had one terminal.
      • some universities had switched to M$ and thus some students has never seen a unix box.
      • tough for them.
      • reosarevok
      • ianmcorvidae ponders installing irssi on lenny or something :P
      • ruaok
        we all had a test run session to get used to things and test the compilers.
      • we got up in running in a few minutes, were all set.
      • then the Q&A session started.
      • this was for questions about the environment.
      • one student asked: What does segmentation fault mean?
      • EVERYONE but those three students were dying of laughter.
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ruaok
        must've felt shitty to be them. welcome to being a M$ university
      • reosarevok
        Our C courses in uni were on Windows' CLI, but we were on Physics... are there CS majors out there using only Windows really?
      • ianmcorvidae
        I think the only correct answer there is "it means you're in the wrong room. no, building."
      • reosarevok
        I mean, windows felt painful enough to me for that simple shit...
      • ianmcorvidae
        there are shockingly large numbers of people who still write software for windows, for some reason :P
      • (the reason is money)
      • reosarevok
      • ianmcorvidae
        (but it's still silly to me :P)
      • reosarevok
        I obviously understand *that*
      • But *only teaching Windows*?
      • ianmcorvidae
        well, most CS programs choose a language
      • some of them chose C#
      • which, seeing as Mono seems to only occasionally barely work, pretty much means windows :P
      • (I'm being a bit harder on Mono than it deserves. but still)
      • reosarevok
        Poor them
      • (also, "only occasionally barely work" applies to a fair bit of Windows too :p)
      • ianmcorvidae
        well, sure
      • reosarevok
        But yeah, I assume C# is still much more prevalent on win
      • (I think I've barely met anyone who usually wrote C# - or who admitted it at least)
      • ianmcorvidae
      • well, there are several things written in it for linux, even
      • (banshee, for example)
      • but yeah, it's not super well-liked outside of MS shops
      • (even there, heh)
      • trazzz
        can anoyne confirm i can install musicbrianz on 64bit linux server versus 32bit?
      • centos or ubuntu ?
      • ianmcorvidae
        you can install it on any linux, 64 vs. 32 shouldn't matter
      • our production servers are ubuntu, so you might have better luck with that, but I know someone was doing an install on centos at one point -- it should be possible, at least
      • trazzz
        much memory and disk shold give them
      • warp
      • ocharles
        ianmcorvidae: you are being a bit too hard I think, seeing as 7digital run half there business on mono :p
      • but I agree, it's still pretty shitty
      • warp
        warp has changed the topic to: toasty | http://musicbrainz.org/#devel | agenda: reviews, MBS-5800 (reotab/nikki), MBS-5677 (ian), move to bitbucket instead (Freso), triage (warp) | to ask rob: ws meeting
      • Freso
        Oh, there's a meeting tonight, yes?
      • Freso makes sure to have soup ready
      • warp
        Freso: schema change call for participation meeting
      • Freso
        warp: Yes yes. I was just checking that I didn't remember the date wrong. :)
      • ocharles
        what, a meeting tonight?
      • :/
      • when was that decided?
      • warp
        ocharles: around the time of the previous schema change release.
      • ocharles
        we decided all the way back then to have a meeting on friday?
      • bleh
      • warp
      • we decided all the way back then to have a meeting on february 1st. (without looking at which week day it was :)
      • ocharles
      • well, i won't be there for it
      • at least, i doubt i will :)
      • warp
        ocharles: it's only the call for participation. so it's only to announce that everyone should make sure their favourite schema change tickets are actionable
      • ocharles: I probably won't be there for it either. I will have just checked-in to the hotel for FOSDEM probably.
      • ocharles
        ooo, fun!
      • Leftmost
        Hmm. Can I get debug output out of ProcessSubscriptions in any way? I'm running it and nothing is happening, but I'm not sure if there's just no error and I'm missing groundwork, or if it's complaining for some reason and I'm not seeing it.
      • luks
        isn't there a --verbose option?
      • Leftmost
        Doesn't appear to be doing anything. In fact, throwing printf statements into ProcessSubscriptions is getting me nothing.
      • warp
        Leftmost: how about warn?
      • I don't know if those scripts are affected by the LOGGER_ARGUMENTS settings in DBDefs
      • Leftmost
        No output from warn either.
      • Even sticking a die in the first line gets me nothing.
      • warp
        then something is going wrong :)
      • Leftmost
        Clearly. I'm running it with `carton exec -- ./admin/ProcessSubscriptions' just as it's done in daily.sh.
      • warp
      • Leftmost
        Did exactly that and nothing. I'm not familiar enough with carton to know what could be going wrong. Any ideas?
      • warp
        hm, no, not really.
      • other musicbrainz stuff does run?
      • Leftmost
        Yep. Server is up and running.
      • warp
      • Leftmost: you can run carton exec -- /bin/bash to get a shell with carton's variables. that way you can inspect the environment to see if anything looks wrong there.
      • Leftmost: but if the musicbrainz server is running fine, that seems to be correct.
      • Leftmost
        Odd. If I run it with an option it doesn't actually have it gives me usage output, but I have no clue where that comes from.
      • warp
        Leftmost: that is done automatically by MooseX::Getopt (used in lib/MusicBrainz/Script/SubscriptionEmails.pm)
      • Leftmost
        How the hell can it get there but not die if I tell it to die?
      • warp
        are you editing the right file? :)
      • (I have two or three musicbrainz-server checkouts and sometimes get it wrong ;)
      • Leftmost
      • Ahem.
      • I'm not at my best at this hour.
      • Thanks for, uhh... debugging my problem. :-P
      • warp
      • Leftmost
        There, output as expected, and even output I wanted to see.
      • Now hopefully the email will arrive or I'll have to poke ianmcorvidae into telling me why it didn't. :-P
      • ocharles
        Good morning
      • warp
        ocharles: "We need to know how many operations this script will incur, and whether or not that will affect replication packets." what should I do to determine that?
      • ocharles
        warp: setting up replication locally, running the script, and then poking the replication tables and maybe producing a replication packet and checking the resulting size
      • warp
        ooph, ok.
      • ocharles
        it's not much work, don't worry :)
      • you just need to install dbmirror (from our github account) and then some SQL in admin, and that's about it
      • you will need a full, representative, dump to run the script against though too
      • so if you're ran it locally once and nuked your data, you'll need to reimport
      • Leftmost
        Morning, ocharles.
      • warp
        ocharles: oh with setting up replication locally you mean generating the replication packets. I was thinking of setting up replication as in a client of the replication packets.
      • ocharles
        oh, no - you don't need to go that far
      • if the packet you produce is around the same order of magnitude, I'd say :ship: it
      • warp
        but I am currently nuking my data, so I still have to do a fresh import.
      • (which won't be done before I have to get ready for fosdem)