

      • zas__ joined the channel
      • ruaok
        ok, give it a shot!
      • if you have spare bandwidth, please leave it running
      • ianmcorvidae
        403 forbidden
      • ruaok
        on the torrent file?
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ruaok
        try again
      • ianmcorvidae
        got it
      • ianmcorvidae starts torrent running, anyway
      • I guess I could download it side-channel and just be a seed
      • er, wait, no, it's not on ftp yet
      • lol
      • ruaok
        its going to take the most of the night to copy it to the US.
      • I've asked osl for direct access, so I can skip DWNI
      • ruaok sees no one connected to his bittorrent
      • ianmcorvidae
        it seems to be uninterested in connecting to you, yes
      • I see a seeder and myself listed as a leecher
      • but apparently that doesn't involve actually connecting :P
      • reosarevok
        I would try, but 10GB is all the space I have left in my disc so better not :p
      • ianmcorvidae
        hm, now the seed has disappeared :P
      • ruaok
        do I need to open a port on my firewall?
      • ianmcorvidae
        what client are you using?
      • ruaok
      • ianmcorvidae
        you may need to
      • if you can check what port is configured, e.g. I have 35984 forwarded to my desktop
      • there should be some sort of NAT holepunching going on, but
      • eh, well, I can get it from FTP once it's there
      • it's not like I actually *need* a VM, I was just hoping to help seed :)
      • ruaok
        I appreciate that. :)
      • the post is closed, transmission confirmed.
      • and I have no energy left to deal with movistar's router config gateway BS.
      • I need to divorce my router from that shit.
      • ianmcorvidae
      • fair enough, anyway
      • ruaok
        waoh. that wasn't complicated.
      • not sure if it worked, but...
      • try again, please?
      • wait.
      • ianmcorvidae
        nothing yet, I'm just leaving it open and forcing tracker refreshes
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • ruaok
        well, router rebooted.
      • Ttransmission still doesn't think the port is open.
      • well, fukkit for now.
      • nn everyone
      • kepstin_ joined the channel
      • JonnyJD_ joined the channel
      • OverlordQ joined the channel
      • OverlordQ
        I folloed the guide to setup a MB mirror and imported the dumps, when accessing something like /ws/2/release-group/ada981ac-5687-4526-b94d-daeeaef863cd on MB.org it returns a result, however against my install I get a 404 not found and a link about usage, did I miss a setting somewhere?
      • http://pastebin.com/QRnFiA05 is what shows up in the console
      • nikki
        OverlordQ: did the data import successfully?
      • and have you checked that that mbid is actually in your database? (select * from release_group where gid = 'ada981ac-5687-4526-b94d-daeeaef863cd'; in postgresql should tell you whether it thinks that exists or not, if not, then something went wrong with importing the data
      • )
      • OverlordQ
        Ah balls, ye, yea guess the import died somewhere, had it running in a screen but lost the screen but was done well after it should have finished
      • Is there a way to reimport without having to drop/reimport again?
      • nikki
        not really
      • Mr_Queue
        Off the wall question, but related to music....
      • OverlordQ
        Meh, k, i"ll try again
      • nikki
        if it dies after loading all the data (e.g. on the indexes step or something), it's possible to run the commands by hand, but if it dies while loading the data it's easier to just start again
      • Mr_Queue
        I've built a bad ass cooler stero to rock down the river.. Anyone know of a mp3 player which uses a remote? I want to wear the remote in a dry bag around my neck.
      • OverlordQ
        I dl'ed dump, dump-derived and dump-editor, is there an additional one I need?
      • nikki
        I think that might be enough, but I'm not sure. I generally just download all of them except the huge edits one since the others aren't that big anyway
      • jesus2099 joined the channel
      • OverlordQ
        nikki: is the searchpath automagically setup?
      • nikki
        probably not
      • OverlordQ
        ah nm, the default is "$user",public and everything gets shoved into the musicbrainz schema
      • nikki
        oh, you mean for postgres
      • OverlordQ
        Ye, sorry
      • jesus2099 joined the channel
      • jesus2099 joined the channel
      • warp
      • nikki
      • HankCorto joined the channel
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • HankCorto has left the channel
      • warp: did you forget to mark that guess case ticket as in review?
      • warp
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • Mineo joined the channel
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • ijabz
        just started downloading the new VM torrent (very slowly) , anyone manage dto get the whole thing yet ?
      • ianmcorvidae
        ijabz: via torrent, I guess? I don't think it's on ftp yet
      • ijabz: so we're limited to rob's connection
      • ijabz
        yes I mean using torrent, whihc I think is quite a nice way to go
      • but there is only one peer and no seeds at the moment
      • ianmcorvidae
      • it's just you, me, and rob
      • nikki wonders how good IA's torrents are
      • ijabz
        u using libtorrent ?
      • ianmcorvidae
        mine is at 5%
      • rtorrent
      • rob's on transmission
      • mine might appear as libtorrent, I guess
      • anyway rob's the seed, I'm the other peer XD
      • ianmcorvidae unthrottles my download rate since I know rob's asleep anyway
      • which brings me up to a mere 16 hours until downloaded :P
      • nikki
      • that's a new error
      • ijabz
        do u actually see rob as a seed now then, because i dont
      • ianmcorvidae
        I seem to actually be downloading from him, yeah
      • ijabz
      • ianmcorvidae
        not sure why it suddenly started working, but I'm getting 500kbps or so now
      • ijabz
        Im just getting form u 15kbs
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ianmcorvidae ups my upload throttle a bit to see if that helps, but it may not
      • hm, seems to help a bit
      • ijabz
        thx, but main issue is I cant the seed
      • ianmcorvidae
        yeah, certainly
      • rob seemed to be having some sort of firewall issues
      • unsure why mine is working, even, but :/
      • warp
        oh, torrent.
      • warp joins the fun.
      • ianmcorvidae
        heh, I see someone else connected
      • from frob.mobi, wonder who that is :P
      • seems you're connecting to rob fine, so that's good
      • warp has a bunch of frobs.
      • (er, or maybe you're connecting to ijabz. unsure)
      • warp
        no, I should be open. afaik UPnP works fine here.
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • ianmcorvidae
        well, I think it's not been on my/ijabz' end that things have been semi-failing
      • warp
        ianmcorvidae: I see rob and presumably you at 6.9%
      • ianmcorvidae
        moin ruaok, seems your torrent started actually seeding at some point
      • warp: yeah, I'm ~6
      • convenient how we're all using different clients thus far :P
      • ruaok
        oh hey, looky, its going. :)
      • ianmcorvidae
      • slowly, since I think I'm the most complete one other than you and I'm across an ocean and had it throttled to 40kbps for a while, but :P
      • ruaok
        I just uppped the limit to 1MB/s
      • warp
        that's a nice connection.
      • ruaok
        I think I am mostly limited by my wifi.
      • not by actual outbound. :)
      • nikki
      • ianmcorvidae wonders if I can convince my client to prefer poorly-distributed chunks
      • that's why I use ethernet cables even though we have wifi :P
      • warp changes his upstream limit to 256 kbyte/s.
      • ianmcorvidae
        have we published a link to this torrent file anywhere other than in-channel, btw?
      • the more the merrier, etc. :)
      • ruaok
        now that its working, we might as well.
      • ianmcorvidae
        at some point we might update it to include web seeds as well
      • (once it's actually there :P)
      • ruaok
        blog entry posted
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ruaok
        I believe that IA has torrents available.
      • I should shove the VM there and have them do it.
      • ianmcorvidae
        they have their own tracker, I think, so we'd have to amend the torrent to make it multi-tracker or such
      • ruaok
        I believe I can add a new tracker to this torrent.
      • but lets just give this a spin and see how it works.
      • I have no clue of the VM even works.
      • ianmcorvidae
        fair enough XD